JavaScript client for parsing the hipo-drf-exceptions
This package is in still development, there may be minor changes.
import ExceptionTransformer from "hipo-exception-transformer";
// Create an `ExceptionTransformer` instance while your app is bootstrapping
const exceptionTransformer = new ExceptionTransformer();
// Use the instance to generate an ExceptionMap
// It's basically what you get from API
// You can use in anywhere you want
const signupExceptionMap = exceptionTransformer.generateExceptionMap(
// Now you've got an ExceptionMap, you can show up in the UI
<InputField name={"email"}
error={signupExceptionMap.get("email")} />
import ExceptionTransformer, {
} from "hipo-exception-transformer";
// Define your application's custom exception transformers
const customExceptionTransformers: CustomTransformers = {
ProfileCredentialError: (exception: Exception): ExceptionMap => {
const map = new Map();
if ( {
// You can set a custom `fallback_message`
// instead of using `exception.fallback_message`
map.set("fallback_message", "Something went wrong. Please try again later.");
return map;
// Create an `ExceptionTransformer` instance with `customExceptionTransformers` param
const exceptionTransformer = new ExceptionTransformer(customExceptionTransformers);
// Use the instance to generate an ExceptionMap
// It's basically what you get from API
// You can use in anywhere you want
const signupExceptionMap = exceptionTransformer.generateExceptionMap(
// Now you've got an ExceptionMap, you can show up in the UI
<GenericError message={signupExceptionMap.get("fallback_message")} />
<InputField name={"email"}
error={signupExceptionMap.get("email")} />
After cloning the repo, you can start doing development. Make sure you've tsc
library installed globally. npm install -g tsc
To compile TypeScript run the npm run build
To fix the ESLint errors run the npm run lint:fix