By Zhi-Song, Li-Wen Wang and Chu-Tak Li
This repo only provides simple testing codes, pretrained models and the network strategy demo.
We propose a single image super-resolution using Hierarchical Back Projection Network (HBPN) to achieve good SR performance with low distortion.
• Enhanced back projection blocks.
• Adopt the HourGlass structure in back projection to gradually explore deeper and denser feature representation.
• Softmax based Weighted Reconstruction (WR) block to hierarchically minimize residues between SR and HR images.
Python 2.XXX<3.0
OpenCV liberary
Jupyter Notebook
MATLAB 6.0 and above
The complete architecture is shown as follows,
for NTIRE2019 testing dataset, download the model from the following link:
for 2x, 4x and 8x general testing dataset, download the model from the following link:
s2. Run HBPN_main.ipynb on Jupyter Notebook. Modify the directories of files based on your working environment.
Testing images on NTIRE2019 Real Super-Resolution Challenge can be downloaded from the following link:
General testing dataset (Set5, Set14, BSD100, Urban100 and Manga109) can be downloaded from:
Find data generation code in Matlab
and run patch_collection.m to generate training/testing HDF5 files and put them in Data
Find train.txt
and test.txt
in code
folder and change the directories of generated HDF5 files.
For user who already has installed Caffe, simply just run the following code:
$ caffe train -solver HBPN_solver.protxt -GPU=0,1 2>&1 | tee -a HBPN.log
You can also use docker to install Caffe to run the code:
$ docker pull bvlc/caffe:gpu
$ nvidia-docker run -it --name [container_name] -p 8888:8888 -v ~/Data:/Data [image_name]
For testing, to call Jupyter for running:
$ jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --allow-root &
All the testing results on Set5, Set14, BSD100, Urban100 and Manga109 can be downloaded from the following link:
Testing results on NITRE2019 RealSR can be downloaded from the following link: