FLAIR (Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA) for the correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads. FLAIR has primarily been used for nanopore cDNA, native RNA, and PacBio sequencing reads.
FLAIR can be run optionally with short-read data to help increase splice site accuracy of the long read splice junctions. FLAIR uses multiple alignment steps and splice site filters to increase confidence in the set of isoforms defined from noisy data. FLAIR was designed to be able to sense subtle splicing changes in nanopore data from Tang et al. (2018). Please read for more description of the methods.
It is recommended to combine all samples together prior to running flair-collapse for isoform assembly by concatenating corrected read psl
files together. Following the creation of an isoform reference from flair-collapse, consequent steps will assign reads from each sample individually to isoforms of the combined assembly for downstream analyses.
It is also good to note that bed12
and PSL
can be converted using kentUtils bedToPsl or pslToBed, or using bin/bed_to_psl.py
and bin/psl_to_bed.py
- python v2.7+ and python modules: intervaltree, kerneltree, tqdm, pybedtools, pysam v0.8.4+
- bedtools, samtools
- minimap2
is a wrapper script with modules for running various processing scripts located in bin/
. Modules are assumed to be run in order (align, correct, collapse), but the user can forgo the wrapper if a more custom build is desired.
Aligns reads to the genome using minimap2, and converts the aligned minimap2 sam
output to BED12 and optionally PSL. Aligned reads in psl
format can be visualized in IGV or the UCSC Genome browser. As for which human reference genome to use, Heng Li has written a blog post on this.
Alternatively, the user can align the reads themselves with their aligner of choice and convert sorted bam
output to bed12
using bin/bam2Bed12.py
to supply for flair-correct. This step smooths gaps in the alignment.
python flair.py align -g genome.fa -r <reads.fq>|<reads.fa> [options]
run with --help
for a description of optional arguments. Outputs (1) sam
of raw aligned reads and (2) smoothed bed12
file of aligned reads to be supplied to flair-correct.
Corrects misaligned splice sites using genome annotations and/or short-read splice junctions. Based on common user issues we have encountered, for flair-correct to run properly, please ensure/note that (1) the genome annotation and genome sequences are compatible, (2) gtf
is preferred over gff
for annotation and annotations that do not split single exons into multiple entries are ideal, (3) Bedtools is in your $PATH, and (4) kerneltree is properly installed (you may need to install Cython first). You may also want to refer to the installation requirements or using the conda environment for flair.
python flair.py correct -c chromsizes -q query.bed12 -g genome.fa [options]
run with --help
for description of optional arguments.
Outputs (1) bed12
of corrected reads, (2) bed12
of reads that weren't able to be corrected, (3) psl
of corrected reads to be supplied in flair-collapse.
To use short-read splice sites to aid with correction, one option is bin/junctions_from_sam.py
to extract splice junctions from short-read alignments. The -s
option accepts either sam
or bam
files, and if there are multiple sams/bams they can be provided in a comma-separated list.
python junctions_from_sam.py -s <shortreads.sam>|<shortreads.bam> -n outname
the file that can be supplied to flair-correct with -j
is in the output file outname_junctions.bed
. It is recommended that the user remove infrequently used junctions i.e. junctions with few supporting junction reads, which are in the 5th column of the junction bed file.
Alternatively, the -j
argument for flair-correct can also be generated using STAR. STAR 2-pass alignment of short reads produces a compatible splice junction file (SJ.out.tab
). We recommend filtering out junctions with few uniquely mapping reads (column 7).
Defines high-confidence isoforms from corrected reads. As FLAIR does not use annotations to collapse isoforms, FLAIR will pick the name of a read that shares the same splice junction chain as the isoform to be the isoform name. It is recommended to still provide an annotation with -f
, which is used to rename FLAIR isoforms that match isoforms in existing annotation according to their 'transcript_id's. Again, isoforms in psl
format can be visualized in IGV or the UCSC genome browser.
If there are multiple samples to be compared, the flair-corrected read psl
files should be concatenated prior to running flair-collapse. In addition, all raw reads should be concatenated into a single file or given as a comma-separated list for -r
python flair.py collapse -g genome.fa -r <reads.fq>|<reads.fa> -q query.psl [options]
run with --help
for description of optional arguments.
Outputs the high-confidence isoforms in several formats: (1) *isoforms.psl
, (2) *isoforms.gtf
, as well as (3) an *isoforms.fa
file of isoform sequences. Intermediate files are removed, but can be output for debugging purposes by supplying the argument --keep_intermediate
Convenience function to quantifying FLAIR isoform usage across samples using minimap2. If isoform quantification in TPM is desired, please use the --tpm
option. If the user prefers salmon to quantify transcripts using their nanopore reads, please specify a path to salmon using --salmon
. For all options run flair-quantify with --help
python flair.py quantify -r reads_manifest.tsv -i isoforms.fasta [options]
(1) reads_manifest.tsv
is a tab-delimited file containing sample_name, condition, batch*, and path to reads.fq/fa.
For exmaple:
sample1 conditionA batch1 ./sample1_reads.fq
sample2 conditionA batch1 ./sample2_reads.fq
sample3 conditionA batch2 ./sample3_reads.fq
sample4 conditionB batch1 ./sample4_reads.fq
sample5 conditionB batch1 ./sample5_reads.fq
sample6 conditionB batch2 ./sample6_reads.fq
* The batch descriptor is used in the downstream flair-diffExp analysis to model unintended variability due to secondary factors such as batch or sequencing replicate. If unsure about this option, leave this column defined as batch1
for all samples.
(2) isoforms.fasta
contains FLAIR collapsed isoforms produced by the flair-collapse
(1) count_matrix.tsv
which is a tab-delimited file containing isoform counts for each sample. For example:
ids samp1_conditionA_batch1 samp2_conditionA_batch1 samp3_conditionA_batch2 ...
0042c9e7-b993_ENSG00000131368.3 237.0 156.0 165.0 150.0 ...
0042d216-6b08_ENSG00000101940.13 32.0 14.0 25.0 ...
Performs differential isoform expression, differential gene expression, and differential isoform usage analyses between multiple samples with 3 or more replicates. For differential isoform usage analysis between samples without replicates, please use the diff_iso_usage.py standalone script. This module requires additional python modules and R packages which are described below:
python flair.py diffExp -q count_matrix.tsv -o output_directory [options]
(1) count_matrix.tsv
is a tab-delimited file generated by the flair-quantify
(1) Files contained in the output_directory
are tables and plots generated from the various R-packages used in this analysis, including raw deseq2/drimseq output tables with foldChange, isoform frequency and adjusted pvalues.
Calls alternative splicing events from isoforms. Currently we support the following AS events: intron retention, alternative 3' splicing, alternative 5' splicing, and cassette exons. Note: This module is still in beta testing.
python flair.py diffSplice -i <isoforms.bed>|<isoforms.psl> -q count_matrix.tsv [options]
(1) -i
is a tab-delimited bed or psl file generated by the flair-collapse
(2) -q
is a tab-delimited file generated by the flair-quantify
(1) Tab-delimited file for each AS event type. The output files can be input to the DRIMSeq statistical framework to identify the events that are significantly differentially used. If samples were sequenced without replicates, then the output files can be input to the diffsplice_fishers_exact.py script for statistical testing instead.
For a complex splicing example, please note the 2 alternative 3' SS, 3 intron retention, and 4 exon skipping events in the following set of isoforms that flair-diffSplice would call and the isoforms that are considered to include or exclude the each event:
a3ss_feature_id coordinate sample1 sample2 ... isoform_ids
inclusion_chr1:80 chr1:80-400_chr1:80-450 75.0 35.0 ... a,e
exclusion_chr1:80 chr1:80-400_chr1:80-450 3.0 13.0 ... c
inclusion_chr1:500 chr1:500-650_chr1:500-700 4.0 18.0 ... d
exclusion_chr1:500 chr1:500-650_chr1:500-700 70.0 17.0 ... e
ir_feature_id coordinate sample1 sample2 ... isoform_ids
inclusion_chr1:500-650 chr1:500-650 46.0 13.0 ... g
exclusion_chr1:500-650 chr1:500-650 4.0 18.0 ... d
inclusion_chr1:500-700 chr1:500-700 46.0 13.0 ... g
exclusion_chr1:500-700 chr1:500-700 70.0 17.0 ... e
inclusion_chr1:250-450 chr1:250-450 50.0 31.0 ... d,g
exclusion_chr1:250-450 chr1:250-450 80.0 17.0 ... b
es_feature_id coordinate sample1 sample2 ... isoform_ids
inclusion_chr1:450-500 chr1:450-500 83.0 30.0 ... b,c
exclusion_chr1:450-500 chr1:450-500 56.0 15.0 ... f
inclusion_chr1:200-250 chr1:200-250 80.0 17.0 ... b
exclusion_chr1:200-250 chr1:200-250 3.0 13.0 ... c
inclusion_chr1:200-500 chr1:200-500 4.0 18.0 ... d
exclusion_chr1:200-500 chr1:200-500 22.0 15.0 ... h
inclusion_chr1:400-500 chr1:400-500 75.0 35.0 ... e,a
exclusion_chr1:400-500 chr1:400-500 56.0 15.0 ... f
We have also provided standalone scripts for splicing and productivity analysis of quantified isoforms from flair-collapse output.
Annotated start codons from the annotation are used to identify the longest ORF for each isoform for predicting isoform productivity. Requires three arguments to classify isoforms according to productivity: (1) isoforms in psl
or bed
format, (2) gtf
genome annotation, (3) fasta
genome sequences. Bedtools must be in your $PATH for predictProductivity.py to run properly.
python predictProductivity.py -i <isoforms.bed>|<isoforms.psl> -g annotation.gtf -f genome.fa --longestORF > productivity.bed
Outputs a bed file with either the values PRO
(productive), PTC
(premature termination codon, i.e. unproductive), NGO
(no start codon), or NST
(has start codon but no stop codon) appended to the end of the isoform name. When isoforms are visualized in the UCSC genome browser or IGV, the isoforms will be colored accordingly and have thinner exons for the UTRs.
Requires three positional arguments to identify intron retentions in isoforms: (1) a psl
of isoforms, (2) psl
output filename, (3) txt
output filename for coordinates of introns found.
python mark_intron_retention.py <isoforms.psl>|<isoforms.bed> out_isoforms.psl out_coords.txt
Outputs (1) an extended psl
with an additional column containing either values 0 or 1 classifying the isoform as either spliced or intron-retaining, respectively; (2) txt
file of intron retentions with format isoform name
intron 5' coordinate
intron 3' coordinate
. Note: A psl or bed file with more additional columns will not be displayed in the genome browser, but can be displayed in IGV.
Requires four positional arguments to identify and calculate significance of alternative isoform usage between two samples using Fisher's exact tests: (1) count_matrix.tsv from flair-quantify, (2) the name of the column of the first sample, (3) the name of the column of the second sample, (4) txt
output filename containing the p-value associated with differential isoform usage for each isoform. The more differentially used the isoforms are between the first and second condition, the lower the p-value.
python diff_iso_usage.py count_matrix.tsv colname1 colname2 diff_isos.txt
Output file format columns are as follows:
gene name
isoform name
sample1 isoform count
sample2 isoform count
sample1 alternative isoforms for gene count
sample2 alternative isoforms for gene count
Visualization script for FLAIR isoform structures and the percent usage of each isoform in each sample for a given gene. If you supply the isoforms.bed file from running predictProductivity.py
, then isoforms will be filled according to the predicted productivity. The gene name should correspond to a gene name in your isoform file and counts file.
python plot_isoform_usage.py <isoforms.psl>|<isoforms.bed> count_matrix.tsv gene_name
Outputs (1) gene_name_isoforms.png of isoform structures and (2) gene_name_usage.png of isoform usage by sample.
For example:
Identifies and calculates the significance of alternative splicing events between two samples without replicates using Fisher's exact tests. Requires four positional arguments: (1) flair-diffSplice tsv
of alternative splicing calls for a splicing event type, (2) the name of the column of the first sample, (3) the name of the column of the second sample, and (4) tsv
output filename containing the p-values from Fisher's exact tests of each event.
python diffsplice_fishers_exact.py events.quant.tsv colname1 colname2 out.fishers.tsv
The output file contains the original columns with an additional column containing the p-values appended.
If the user wishes to run FLAIR using docker instead of cloning this repository, the following commands can be used:
docker pull quay.io/brookslab/flair
docker run -w /usr/data -v [your_path_to_data]:/usr/data -t -d [image_id]
docker exec [container_id] python3 /usr/local/flair/flair.py [your_command]
Users can run FLAIR within the conda environment provided in misc/flair_conda_env.yaml
. FLAIR should run smoothly in this environment. Refer to the conda docs for how to create an environment from an environment.yml file.
We have provided the following example files here:
, a file of splice junctions observed from short read sequencing of GM18278 that can be used in the correction step with-j
. Junctions with fewer than 3 uniquely mapping reads have been filtered outpromoter.gencode.v27.20.bed
, promoter regions determined from ENCODE promoter chromatin states for GM12878 and 20 bp around annotated TSS in GENCODE v27. Can be supplied to flair-collapse with-p
to build the initial firstpass set with only reads with start positions falling within these regions
Other downloads:
- Native RNA Pass reads Running these 10 million nanopore reads from
through flair align, correct, and collapse modules to assembled isoforms with 8 threads requires ~3.5 hours (includes ~2.5 hours of minimap2 alignment) - NanoSim_Wrapper.py, a wrapper script written for simulating nanopore transcriptome data using Nanosim
If you use or discuss FLAIR, please cite with the bioRxiv for now:
Tang, A. D. et al. Full-length transcript characterization of SF3B1 mutation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia reveals downregulation of retained introns. bioRxiv 410183 (2018). doi:10.1101/410183