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ASGARDEX(feeless) desktop wallet and decentralized exchange for THORChain, 100% open-source
bravenewpipe / NewPipe
Forked from TeamNewPipe/NewPipeA libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android.
Qortal / qortal
Forked from QORT/qortalQortal Project Core - decentralize the world - Data storage, communications, web hosting, decentralized trading, complete infrastructure for the future blockchain based Internet
blackout314 / fundonebot
Forked from wthueb/fundonebotbitmex market bot based primarily on funding rates
Bitcoin-ABC / ElectrumABC
Forked from PiRK/ElectrumABCMirror of
irwir / eMule
Forked from SomeSupport/eMuleContinuing development of eMule
Badger Mobile
vinarmani / MerchantRN
Forked from Bitcoin-com/MerchantRNMerchant app in React Native.
FreeTrade / memberdev
Forked from memberapp/memberapp.github.ioMember Blockchain Browser
dabura667 / coinbin
Forked from OutCast3k/coinbinJavascript Bitcoin Wallet. Supports Multisig, Stealth and HD Addresses!
Bitcoin-com / mint
Forked from amphetamarina/piticoNon-custodial web-based tool to manage your SLP tokens.
jonajosejg / bcash
Forked from bcoin-org/bcashImplementation of Bitcoin Cash protocol in node.js
Simple, non-custodial Bitcoin Cash BCH donation button generator with instant visual feedback on payments
mrpond / BlockTheSpot
Forked from master131/BlockTheSpotVideo, audio & banner adblock/skip for Spotify
emilews / CashX
Forked from bisq-network/bisqThe decentralized bitcoin cash exchange network
Boilerplate for a Gatsby site, ready to be served over IPFS
A community-curated list of sites/merchants that accept Bitcoin Cash, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Submit a pull request with your contribution to add! Read below for help.
friendica / friendica
Forked from duthied/Free-FriendikaFriendica Communications Platform
Electron-Cash / electrumx
Forked from kyuupichan/electrumxAlternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
Electron Cash for SLP Tokens
JoystreamClassic / bcoin
Forked from bcoin-org/bcoinJavascript bitcoin library for node.js and browsers
orrybaram / RaiBlocksJS
Forked from SergiySW/RaiBlocksJSIsomorphic library for RaiBlocks node/wallet management via RPC commands
Bitcoin Cash Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin Cash node, no centralized backend required.
A library for working with Bitcoin
woodywang / bitcoincashj
Forked from bitcoinj/bitcoinjA Java library for working with Bitcoin Cash