The stats API is used to expose the stats, users, and team data from the stats database.
- .NET Core 2.1
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017
- Load StatsDownloadApi in VS
- Publish StatsDownloadApi.WebApi project
- Ensure connection string 'FoldingCoin' for the API is pointing to a StatsDownload database
- Configure additional application settings if needed
- WebApi
- This is an API meant to provide services to various web applications
Additional documentation on using the API
Options for running the unit tests:
- Use ReSharper's Test Runner from within Visual Studio
- Use the nunit console runner, using a command such as:
nunit-console {path-to-assembly}
- Load the database with a test dataset
- Run API pointing to previous database
- Run tests
- SDD 120GB+
- i5 Intel / Ryzen 5 AMD
- 16 GB