Gutenberg is a rich-text visual editor from WordPress, with the features of bulidng content with blocks. With Gutenberg, you can create truly unique content for your website by simply dragging and dropping blocks.
You can test it online here Gutenberg playground.
This plugin allows you to embed Gutenberg in the backend form of your own model by creating Polymorph relation .
Integration of Laraberg by VanOns\Laraberg for OctoberCMS. All credits goes to VanOns.
Working integrations:
Coming Soon integrations:
Available blocks:
- Code preview and all standard features such as: custom styles, block settings, reusable blocks.
- Common blocks
- Paragraph - (All text formatting also works).
- Image
- Heading
- Audio
- Gallery
- Cover
- File
- List
- Quote
- Video
- Formatting
- Code
- Preformatted
- Pull quote
- Classic
- Custom HTML
- Table
- Verse
- Layout elements
- Media & text
- Columns
- Button
- Separator
- Spacer
- Embeds
- All embeds
In work:
Mediauploader with native OctoberCMS MedialibraryDONE in 1.0.7 updateReusable blocks aren't workingDONE in 1.0.8 updateRemoving WP widgetsDONE in 1.0.9 updateRainLab.Blog integrationDONE in 1.1.0 updateLovata.GoodNews integrationDONE in 1.1.2 updateMigration to release version of LarabergDONE in 1.2.0 updateIndikator.News integrationDONE in 1.2.5 update- RainLab.StaticPages integration
Later work:
- Inline image incorrect behavior (Gutenberg.js bug, need updates from them)
- Multiple instances of Gutenberg on one page (Gutenberg.js bug, need updates from them)
I will be happy if you help me with any form of custom functions implementation.
Please sumbit your PR in plugin Github Repository.
As we now on Laraberg 1.0.0-rc.1, i will investigate more about creating multiple instances of Gutenberg on one page.
Install plugin by OctoberCMS plugin updater.
Go to Settings –> Updates&Plugins find Gutenberg in plugin search. Click on icon and install it.
or via Composer
composer require reazzon/gutenberg
This plugin works only by implementing Gutenberg behavior in your model.
It will create morphOne relation with Gutenberg\Content
Go to your model and add behavior in $implement array:
public $implement = ['ReaZzon.Gutenberg.Behaviors.Gutenbergable'];
After you need to add behavior to $implement array in your model controller.
public $implement = ['ReaZzon.Gutenberg.Behaviors.GutenbergController'];
Done. Your model now has morphOne with Gutenberg\Content
Model by content
field that renders only on created model page.
Rendering examples below.
{{ post.content.render }}
In order to correctly display Gutenberg styles. You must add laraberg public styles to your page:
<link href="/plugins/reazzon/gutenberg/assets/laraberg.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
If you want to add some features you can work with source files of Laraberg in /plugins/reazzon/gutenberg/formwidgets/gutenberg/assets/resources
, to set up all environment follow these steps:
- Clone Gutenberg rep.:
git clone gutenberg
- After cloning execute these commands:
cd gutenberg // go to Gutenberg folder npm i // install all dependencies npm run build // Build Gutenberg sudo npm link // Link it to your global node_modules cd .. // Go back to Laraberg root npm i // install all dependencies npm link gutenberg // Link Gutenberg package to Laraberg
- Now you set up.
Developed by
Russian OctoberCMS developer community