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482 lines (357 loc) · 12.3 KB

This plugin is ongoing development for my thesis project:

Extra deps

  • Syntax highlighting is done with a python script that uses pygments, make sure it is installed globally

Useful links

What is the plan?

  • An output that describes precisely what optimisation are done.
  • This can currently already be done, but the output is very cluttered and not intuitive.
  • Ideally the transformations applied at each pass can be derived and specified in such a way that they can be reproduced on the original source code.
  • This requires a well defined transformation for each change.
  • To confirm wether this possible a very simple toy language would be in order, allowing for a simple way to expriment how to be resilient to different kinds of noise introduced by artifacts

Useful findings

  • The build/foldr artifacts that appear in the core expressions are the result of the deforestation algorithm (i.e. fusion to prevent intermediate datastructures)

  • This plugin is related but is not up to date and not really easy to use, the pretty printer looks good though

Scratch Board

diff command:

<pre>diff --color=always -s src/HsComprehension.hs src/HsComprehension2.hs | ansi2html --partial &gt; output.html</pre>

I don't understand the different outputs from the compiler flag and this plugin. Check out this example:

oneMore :: Int -> Int
oneMore x = let y = x +1 in y * y

-ddump-ds-preopt gives.

-- RHS size: {terms: 17, types: 9, coercions: 0, joins: 0/4}
oneMore :: Int -> Int
  = \ (x_ayB :: Int) ->
      letrec {
        y_ayC :: Int
          = let {
              $dNum_aL9 :: Num Int
              $dNum_aL9 = GHC.Num.$fNumInt } in
            let {
              $dNum_aLU :: Num Int
              $dNum_aLU = $dNum_aL9 } in
            letrec {
              y_aLV :: Int
              y_aLV = + @Int $dNum_aL9 x_ayB (ghc-prim:GHC.Types.I# 1#); } in
            y_aLV; } in
      * @Int $dNum_aM0 y_ayC y_ayC

Why the chain of assignments of fNumInt and the letrec for y??

But my plugin shows (without type applications and typeclasses for readability):

Found a nonrec function named oneMore
λx -> 
    let y = + x (I# 1#)
         in * y y

Note the absence of the extra lets. The current oneMore is actually also not one more because without two use sites of y the let already gets inlined before my plugin is called with seemingly no option to disable these apparent invisible simplifier steps.

Annotation documentation at broken. I started a discussion in this issue:

PR Merged :)

More complicated flip functions do not get optimized:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Main where

import HsComprehension

data Palin a where
    Empty :: Palin '[]
    Single :: a -> Palin '[a]
    PCons :: a -> Palin xs -> a -> Palin (a ': xs)

palin = PCons @Int 1 (Single "boe") 2

type family ShowList xs where
    ShowList '[] = '[] ~ '[]
    ShowList (a ': as) = (Show a, ShowList as)

instance ShowList xs => Show (Palin xs) where
    show Empty = ""
    show (Single x) = show x
    show (PCons lhs tail rhs) = show lhs ++ show tail ++ show rhs

flipPalin :: Palin xs -> Palin xs
flipPalin Empty = Empty
flipPalin (Single x) = Single x
flipPalin (PCons lhs tail rhs) = PCons rhs tail lhs

then the following happens

{-# ANN joe2 CoreTrace #-}
joe2 = flipPalin . flipPalin

-- becomes: 

λxs -> 
    λx -> 
            Empty -> $WEmpty
            Single -> $WSingle (@a) x
            PCons -> $WPCons (@a) (@xs) lhs tail rhs

-- i.e. doesn't realize this is identity

But alternatively:

{-# ANN joe2 CoreTrace #-}
joe2 = flipPalin . flipPalin . flipPalin

-- does becomes: 


Fusion happens :)

joe :: [Int] -> [Int]
joe = map (+1) . map (+1)

Found annotated nonrec function named joe
(map (let v_B1 = + in
    let v_B3 = I# 1# in
        λv_B2 -> 
            v_B1 v_B2 v_B3
)) . (map (let v_B1 = + in
    let v_B3 = I# 1# in
        λv_B2 -> 
            v_B1 v_B2 v_B3

Found annotated nonrec function named joe
λx -> 
    build (λb1 -> 
        λc -> 
            λn -> 
                foldr (mapFB c (λx -> 
                    case x of
                        I# x -> I# (2# +# x)
                )) n x

What is this?? why unpack each cons application as a global binding?

  "mp/mp"    joe = joe2

{-# ANN joe CoreTrace #-}
{-# NOINLINE joe #-}
joe :: [Int]
joe =  map (+1) [1,2,3,4,5]

joe2 :: [Int]
joe2 = error "U got bamboozled"
Found annotated nonrec function named joe2
error (lvl_s7Ot) (unpackCString# lvl_s7Ou)

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7O7
I# 2#

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7O8
I# 3#

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7O9
I# 4#

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Oa
I# 5#

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Ob
I# 6#

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Oc
joe_s7Ob : []

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Od
joe_s7Oa : joe_s7Oc

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Oe
joe_s7O9 : joe_s7Od

Found annotated nonrec function named joe_s7Of
joe_s7O8 : joe_s7Oe

Found annotated nonrec function named joe
joe_s7O7 : joe_s7Of

This step introduces a variable ww_s7DD in the function oneMore which seems to reference a variable from the auxilary $woneMore function that is not in scope (see the list of global bindings as well). How is this a valid core expression?

Worker Wrapper binds
attempting to locate: ["oneMore"]
Found annotated function named $woneMore
λww -> 
    let w_s7Dw = I# ww in
        case let ds_d6W7 = w_s7Dw in
            case ds_d6W7 of
                I# ds_d6W8 -> case ds_d6W8 of
                    0# -> lvl_s7Dv
                    _ -> oneMore (I# (ds_X1F -# 2#))
            I# ww_s7DD -> ww_s7DD

Found annotated function named oneMore
λw_s7Dw -> 
    case case w_s7Dw of
        I# ww -> $woneMore ww
        _ -> I# ww_s7DD

-ddump-core2core gives some really extensive inlining information:

Considering inlining: $fNumInt_$c+
  arg infos [NonTrivArg, NonTrivArg]
  interesting continuation BoringCtxt
  some_benefit True
  is exp: True
  is work-free: True
  guidance ALWAYS_IF(arity=2,unsat_ok=True,boring_ok=False)
Inlining done: GHC.Num.$fNumInt_$c+
    Inlined fn:  \ (ds_a70R [Occ=Once1!] :: GHC.Types.Int)
                   (ds1_a70S [Occ=Once1!] :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
                   case ds_a70R of { GHC.Types.I# x_a70U [Occ=Once1] ->
                   case ds1_a70S of { GHC.Types.I# y_a70X [Occ=Once1] ->
                   GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# x_a70U y_a70X)
    Cont:   ApplyToVal nodup hole GHC.Types.Int
                                  -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
              (Main.oneMore (GHC.Types.I# 5#))
            ApplyToVal nodup hole GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
              (Main.oneMore (GHC.Types.I# 6#))
            Select nodup wild_a78t
            Stop[BoringCtxt] GHC.Base.String
Considering inlining: oneMore
  arg infos [ValueArg]
  interesting continuation BoringCtxt
  some_benefit True
  is exp: True
  is work-free: True
  guidance IF_ARGS [20] 51 20
  case depth = 0
  depth based penalty = 0
  discounted size = 11
Inlining done: Main.oneMore
    Inlined fn:  \ (ds_d70y [Occ=Once1!] :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
                   case ds_d70y of { GHC.Types.I# ds_d70z [Occ=Once1!] ->
                   case ds_d70z of ds_X1 [Occ=Once1] {
                     __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# ds_X1 1#);
                     0# -> GHC.Types.I# 1#
    Cont:   ApplyToVal nodup hole GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
              (GHC.Types.I# 5#)
            Select nodup wild_a70T
            Select nodup wild_a78t
            Stop[BoringCtxt] GHC.Base.String
Considering inlining: oneMore
  arg infos [ValueArg]
  interesting continuation BoringCtxt
  some_benefit True
  is exp: True
  is work-free: True
  guidance IF_ARGS [20] 51 20
  case depth = 0
  depth based penalty = 0
  discounted size = 11
Inlining done: Main.oneMore
    Inlined fn:  \ (ds_d70y [Occ=Once1!] :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
                   case ds_d70y of { GHC.Types.I# ds_d70z [Occ=Once1!] ->
                   case ds_d70z of ds_X1 [Occ=Once1] {
                     __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# ds_X1 1#);
                     0# -> GHC.Types.I# 1#
    Cont:   ApplyToVal nodup hole GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
              (GHC.Types.I# 6#)
            Select nodup wild1_a70W
            Select nodup wild_a78t
            Stop[BoringCtxt] GHC.Base.String

Findings from the output of the html dumps

Using the type palindrome example

data Palin xs where
    Nil :: Palin '[]
    Single :: a -> Palin '[a]
    Cons :: a -> Palin xs -> a -> Palin (a ': xs)

reversePalin :: Palin xs -> Palin xs
reversePalin Nil = Nil
reversePalin (Single x) = Single x
reversePalin (Cons lhs tl rhs) = Cons rhs (reversePalin tl) lhs

doubleRev = reversePalin . reversePalin

Ghc cannot derive doubleRev to be equivalent to id. We can add a rule for that:

{-# Rules
   "Reverse Palin" reversePalin . reversePalin = id

{-# NOINLINE reversePalin #-}

However, this rule never fires becuase the . is inlined first... But if we write the rule as:

{-# Rules
   "Reverse Palin2"      forall xs. reversePalin (reversePalin xs) = xs

Then the rule is fired (in round 1 of the simplifier), suggestion that rewrite rules should always be eta expanded??