| 1 | +/// Weaker smite, not outright gibbing your target, but a lot more bloody, and Sanguine school, so doesn't get affected by splattercasting. |
| 2 | +/datum/action/cooldown/spell/touch/testicular_torsion |
| 3 | + name = "Testicular Torsion" |
| 4 | + desc = "This wicked spell inflicts many severe wounds on your target, causing them to \ |
| 5 | + likely bleed to death unless they receive immediate medical attention." |
| 6 | + button_icon_state = "gib" |
| 7 | + sound = "massmeta/sounds/magic/testicular_torsion.ogg" |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | + school = SCHOOL_SANGUINE |
| 10 | + invocation_type = INVOCATION_SHOUT |
| 11 | + cooldown_time = 35 SECONDS |
| 12 | + cooldown_reduction_per_rank = 6 SECONDS |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | + invocation = "T'STICULA' TOR'SION!!" |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | + hand_path = /obj/item/melee/touch_attack/testicular_torsion |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +/datum/action/cooldown/spell/touch/testicular_torsion/on_antimagic_triggered(obj/item/melee/touch_attack/hand, mob/living/victim, mob/living/carbon/caster) |
| 19 | + caster.visible_message( |
| 20 | + span_warning("The feedback mutilates [caster]'s arm!"), |
| 21 | + span_userdanger("The spell bounces from [victim]'s skin back into your arm!"), |
| 22 | + ) |
| 23 | + var/obj/item/bodypart/to_wound = caster.get_holding_bodypart_of_item(hand) |
| 24 | + caster.cause_wound_of_type_and_severity(WOUND_SLASH, to_wound, WOUND_SEVERITY_MODERATE, WOUND_SEVERITY_CRITICAL) |
| 25 | + |
| 26 | +/datum/action/cooldown/spell/touch/testicular_torsion/cast_on_hand_hit(obj/item/melee/touch_attack/hand, mob/living/victim, mob/living/carbon/caster) |
| 27 | + if(!ishuman(victim)) |
| 28 | + return |
| 29 | + var/mob/living/carbon/human/human_victim = victim |
| 30 | + human_victim.apply_damage(rand(25, 40), BRUTE, BODY_ZONE_L_LEG, wound_bonus = rand(50,75), forced = TRUE) |
| 31 | + human_victim.apply_damage(rand(25, 40), BRUTE, BODY_ZONE_R_LEG, wound_bonus = rand(50,75), forced = TRUE) |
| 32 | + return TRUE |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +/obj/item/melee/touch_attack/testicular_torsion |
| 35 | + name = "\improper bloody touch" |
| 36 | + desc = "Guaranteed to make your victims scream, or your money back!" |
| 37 | + icon = 'icons/obj/weapons/hand.dmi' |
| 38 | + icon_state = "disintegrate" |
| 39 | + inhand_icon_state = "disintegrate" |
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