Kyndryl Stocktrader Cash Account Microservice prototype made using Spring. This service is to manage an account for a portfolio. This service uses a Postgres database using JDBC to keep track of accounts and a Redis cache for storing currency rates.
The following operations are available:
GET /cash-account/{owner}
- gets account data from a specific ownerGET /cash-account/currency/{owner}
- gets the currency rate from USD to specified owner's currencyPOST /cash-account
- creates an accountPUT /cash-account/{owner}
- updates the account of a specific ownerPUT /cash-account/debit/{owner}/{debitAmount}
- subtracts money (USD) from a specific owner's accountPUT /cash-account/credit/{owner}/{creditAmount}
- adds money (USD) from a specific owner's accountDELETE /cash-account/{owner}
- deletes the account of a specific owner
This project is developed by Celina Chen with the help of the Kyndryl Cloud Journey Optimization team!