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File metadata and controls

145 lines (108 loc) · 5.44 KB


This folder contains an example project using djinni. The application contains a multiline text view, and when the button "Sort" is hit, sorts the lines in that view. There is also a command-line version of the demo.

Interface Structure

Two interfaces are defined: SortItems and TextboxListener. SortItems is implemented in C++; its method sort() takes a list of strings (wrapped in a record), sorts it, and passes the sorted list to TextboxListener.update() . TextboxListener is implemented in Java / Objective-C, and will update the text area on the UI when update() is called. You can check the source tree for implemetation details.

Getting Started

Quick Start Android

cd djinni_root_dir;
make example_android

Quick Start iOS

cd djinni_root_dir;
make example_ios

Quick Start Command-line

cd djinni_root_dir;
make example_localhost

Details This example project utilizes gyp to generate project files for each platform. So, before running any of the example code the first time you will need to run make ios or make android depending on the platform you wish you run. Additionally, those commands will need to be run each time the djinni file has been changed. Gyp will automatically detect the new files and include them into each platform's build.

Android Version

The folder android/ contains an Android Studio project. The main handwritten logic is at com.dropbox.textsort.MainActivity and Use Android Studio / Gradle to build the project. More simply, just run:

cd djinni_root_dir/example/android;
./gradlew app:assembleDebug

iOS Version

The iOS project is in objc/ . Note that the interface layout is only tested under 4-inch iPhone. The main handwritten logic is at Please open TextSort.xcworkspace (not the xcodeproj file) This program can be built using the default settings in Xcode. Or more simply:

cd djinni_root_rit/example;
xcodebuild -workspace objc/TextSort.xcworkspace -scheme TextSort -configuration 'Debug' -sdk iphoneos

Command-line / Localhost Version

See the Localhost README

Making Changes to Djinni file

The Djinni file used in this example is example.djinni. After modifying this file, you can run either make android or make ios to generate the source code and new project files.


Android build fails — NDK not configured

If you're getting this error:

NDK is not configured. Make sure there is a file with an ndk.dir entry in the directory

then gradle can not find your NDK installation. First make sure that you've installed the NDK. On Mac OS X, you can install easily via homebrew: brew install android-ndk

After that, you have to tell gradle the location of the NDK. This can happen by either setting the ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable to the path where the NDK was installed, or by creating a file in the project directory.

This file must contain the ndk.dir=<path-to-ndk> setting. A file is included with this example. In order to use it, you have to rename it to and replace <path-to-ndk> with the real path to your NDK installation.

Android build fails — Ambiguous method overloading for method<init>.

If you're getting this error when running make example_android:

Ambiguous method overloading for method<init>.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String] due to overlapping prototypes between:
      [class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]
      [class, class java.lang.String]

Adding the ANDROID_HOME environment variable may fix this error, as mentioned in the following issue: dropbox#44

Try adding the following line to ~/.bash_profile (below is the homebrew SDK path, your path may be different):

export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/24.3.2

Android Studio project fails to load — Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

If you're getting this error when you open the Android project in Android Studio:

Error:(16, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard()'
Possible causes:
* The project 'android' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method. *Gradle settings*
* The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin. *Apply Gradle plugin*

Try replacing line 16 of djinni_root_dir/example/android/app/build.gradle with the following:

minifyEnabled false

More details in this SO answer:

Android Studio project fails to load — No such property: ndkFolder

If you're getting this error when you open the Android project in Android Studio:

Error:(36, 0) No such property: ndkFolder for

Try replacing line 36 of djinni_root_dir/example/android/app/build.gradle with the following:

File ndkDir = project.getPlugins().getPlugin('android').sdkHandler.getNdkFolder()

More details in this SO answer: