This folder contains sanitized JSON templates for the following Azure Resource Manager deployments used in this lab:
Template Name | Parameters File | Function |
azuredeploy.json | azuredeploy.parameters.json | Deploy ISE 3.2 Virtual Machine from the Marketplace with a nic, private ip and public ip |
azure_lng.json | azure_lng.parameters.json | Create a Local Network Gateway |
azure_vpn.json | azure_vpn.parameters.json | Create a VPN connection from the Virtual Network Gateway to the Local Network Gateway |
azure_existing_rg.json | azure_existing_rg.parameters.json | Deploy ISE 3.2 Virtual Machine from Marketplace to an existing RG with an existing storage account |
The first three rows in the table are used in the 02-azure_deploy.yaml
playbook, while the last row is used in the 03-azure_existing_rg_deploy.yaml
playbook. The template files are just as they would be downloaded from Azure, the parameters files will need to be updated with your information. I have removed the subscription id, ssh key, and user data entries from all parameters files.
These templates are used due to the fact that
- There is no Ansible module that allows for the User Data to be collected and used for the ISE deployment, which is required
- There is no Ansible module to create a Local Network Gateway or a VPN connection
While I am grateful that Azure allows for the templates as a workaround to these shortcomings, I would hope that they add modules to their collection that address them. The templates add a LOT of unnecessary steps to the process.
If you would like to create the ISE deployment from the first row of the table, but do not want a public IP address, delete the following lines in the parameters file and the corresponding lines in the template file. The lines to delete are marked with //
in the text below.
// "publicIpAddressName": {
// "value": "ise32-d4s-ip"
// },
// "publicIpAddressType": {
// "value": "Static"
// },
// "publicIpAddressSku": {
// "value": "Standard"
// },
// "pipDeleteOption": {
// "value": "Delete"
// },
Also delete the following lines in the template file (The lines to delete are marked with //
in the text below.):
"resources": [
"name": "[parameters('networkInterfaceName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"apiVersion": "2021-03-01",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
// "dependsOn": [
// "[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses/', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
// ],
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "ipconfig1",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[variables('subnetRef')]"
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Static",
"privateIPAddress": "[parameters('privateIp')]",
// "publicIpAddress": {
// "id": "[resourceId(resourceGroup().name, 'Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]",
// "properties": {
// "deleteOption": "[parameters('pipDeleteOption')]"
// }
// }
// {
// "name": "[parameters('publicIpAddressName')]",
// "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses",
// "apiVersion": "2020-08-01",
// "location": "[parameters('location')]",
// "properties": {
// "publicIpAllocationMethod": "[parameters('publicIpAddressType')]"
// },
// "sku": {
// "name": "[parameters('publicIpAddressSku')]"
// }
// },
Charlie Moreton,