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Common Task Sheet Data

The following data sets are used by multiple taskseets in the various geospatial and data visualization publications. They can be downloaded by clicking the acdording links below, or visiting the GitHub repository.

avoca_urban_trees.xlsx note file will download when link is clicked. Microsoft Excel file contains GPS data for a tree inventory. note file will download when link is clicked. Shapefile file containing GPS data for a tree inventory.

iowaCounties.geojson This file contains the long and short County name, FIPS, 2000 and 2010 population, Rural-Urban Continuum Code (RUCC) for 1983, 1974, 2003, 1993 and 2013 with text description. The file can be previewed on GitHub.

iowaCounties.json File is the same as the .geojson file, only the suffix has been changed to .json

iowaCounties_pop.xls note file will download when link is clicked. This file contains several of the past Census decennial (1840 - 2010) and annual (1969-2017) estimates total population values for all 99 counties. The file also includes County FIPS, and GEO.Display fields.

producerAddress.csv File contains comma delimited addresses for use in geocoding.

Four Year HS Graduation Rates.csv Original source Iowa Data web site.