#Visualization of Real Time Geo-Tagged Data with Amazon Kinesis
This repoistory contains code that supports the AWS Big Data Blog article Visualization of Real Time Geo-Tagged Data with Amazon Kinesis.
There are three projects in this repository, TwitterProducer and KinesisApplication are Java projects that can be built with Apache Maven. Globe is a node.js application.
The code for TwitterProducer can be built with the following Maven command:
mvn package
To run the jar file, use the following command
java -jar target/TwitterProducer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar AwsUserData.properties
AwsUserData.properties is a java properties file that contains the following information:
Property | Contents |
aws.streamName | Name of Your Amazon Kinesis Stream |
aws.regionName | Name of your region (eg us-west-1) |
twitter.consumerKey | Twitter Consumer Key |
twitter.consumerSecret | Twitter Consumer Secret Key |
twitter.token | Twitter Access Token |
twitter.secret | Twitter Access Token Secret |
twitter.hashtags | Leave empty |
The code for KinesisApplication can be built with the following Maven command:
mvn package
To run the jar file, use the following command
java -jar target/KinesisClient-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar KinesisClient.properties
KinesisClient.properties is is java properties file that contains the following information:
Property | Contents |
appName | Name of the application (eg DataVizAnalyzer) |
kinesisEndpoint | Name of your region (eg us-west-1) |
redisEndpoint | The endpoint of a Redis cluster |
redisPort | The port used by a Redis cluster |
kinesisStreamName | Name of Your Amazon Kinesis Stream |
Globe is a node.js application that can be run in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. Zip the contents of the Globe folder into an archive (ie server.js
should be at the root level of the archive). This archive can be used when creating the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk application with no further changes. Supply the endpoint of the Redis cluster as PARAM1 global variable to the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk application.