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Docker - Essential Commands
The below are the list of essential commands we are in need
docker ps
List all running containers
docker ps -a
List all containers stopped, running
docker stop container-id
Stop the container which is running
docker start container-id
Start the container which is stopped
docker restart container-id
Restart the container which is running
docker port container-id
List port mappings of a specific container
docker rm container-id or name
Remove the stopped container
docker rm -f container-id or name
Remove the running container forcefully
docker pull image-info
Pull the image from docker hub repository
docker pull stacksimplify/springboot-helloworld-rest-api:2.0.0-RELEASE
Pull the image from docker hub repository
docker exec -it container-name /bin/sh
Connect to linux container and execute commands in container
docker rmi image-id
Remove the docker image
docker logout
Logout from docker hub
docker login -u username -p password
Login to docker hub
docker stats
Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
docker top container-id or name
Display the running processes of a container
docker version
Show the Docker version information
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