Windows, Mac, and Linux release.
- Rates up to 3x are available in Player Options - 0ff5102
- Don't disable Gameplay Sync controls when Autoplay is on - 8b9a92a
- Doubly verify a Score is obtained using Chord Cohesion off by counting the hit Taps - 2208f4e
- Fallback to basic old MusicWheel sorting for broken sorting methods - 1b78562
- Keep track of PBs, specifically PBs which are Chord Cohesion Off - 49c669f c7addfc
- NoteData must exist when writing SSC files for sync changes - 286645e
- Set the video troubleshooting URL to a real informational Stepmania video instead of - acd1ceb
- Deprecating GAME:CountNotesSeparately() in Lua in favor of GAMESTATE:CountNotesSeparately() - 7585ee8