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Getting Started

Once you have JIVE integrated with your project as shown in the README, you can get started writing code to create your first window with JIVE!

The Basics

The basic workflow when building GUIs with JIVE is as follows:

  • Describe your UI using a juce::ValueTree
  • Use jive::Interpreter to interpret your juce::ValueTree, producing a jive::GuiItem
  • Make changes to the juce::ValueTree to dynamically change the UI at runtime

Building a juce::ValueTree

First, we need to build a juce::ValueTree to describe our UI. Let's write a function to encapsulate this:

#include <juce_data_structures/juce_data_structures.h>

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String& greeting)
    return juce::ValueTree {
        "Window", // Change this to "Editor" for plugin projects
            { "width", 640 },
            { "height", 400 },
            juce::ValueTree {
                    { "text", greeting },

When the function is called, it will produce a juce::ValueTree describing a window of size 640x400 containing a text element with the given greeting text.

The "Window" type of the tree will mean the top-level component is a juce::DocumentWindow which will automatically be made visible and added to the desktop.

If you're writing a plugin project, you should change "Window" to "Editor" which will instead make the top-level component a juce::AudioProcessorEditor which can then be returned from juce::AudioProcessor::createEditor() (see below).

Interpreting the view

Now that we have a juce::ValueTree describing our UI, we can use jive::Interpreter to build it for us.

This can be done in a juce::JUCEApplication's initialise() method:

#include <jive_layouts/jive_layouts.h>

class App : public juce::JUCEApplication
    const juce::String getApplicationName() override { return ""; }
    const juce::String getApplicationVersion() override { return ""; }

    void initialise(const juce::String&) override
        auto view = topLevel("Hello, World!");
        window = viewInterpreter.interpret(view);

        if (window != nullptr)

    void shutdown() override
        window = nullptr;

    jive::Interpreter viewInterpreter;
    std::unique_ptr<jive::GuiItem> window;


If we run this, we'll get something like this:

Instead of an application project, we could also make a plugin editor. Change the top-level view's type from "Window" to "Editor", then write the createEditor() method like so:

#include <jive_layouts/jive_layouts.h>
#include <juce_audio_processors/juce_audio_processors.h>

class PluginProcessor : public juce::AudioProcessor
    // ...

    juce::AudioProcessorEditor* createEditor() override
        auto view = topLevel("Hello, World!");

        // interpret() needs a juce::AudioProcessor* when interpreting "Editor"
        // types in order to construct the juce::AudioProcessorEditor
        if (auto editor = viewInterpreter.interpret(view, this))
            // When interpreting an "Editor" type, the top-level item will be a
            // jive::GuiItem AND a juce::AudioProcessorEditor. So we can do a
            // dynamic-cast here to check that the editor was created successfully.
            if (dynamic_cast<juce::AudioProcessorEditor*>(editor.get()))

                // Release ownership to the caller.
                return dynamic_cast<juce::AudioProcessorEditor*>(editor.release());

        // Fallback in case the editor wasn't constructed for some reason
        return new juce::GenericAudioProcessorEditor{ *this };

        // If you're 100% sure your interpreted view is correct, you could just do:
        // return dynamic_cast<juce::AudioProcessorEditor*>(interpreter.interpret(view, this).release());

    jive::Interpreter viewInterpreter;

juce::AudioProcessor* createPluginFilter()
    return new PluginProcessor{};

Building this as a standalone app will look like this:

Dynamic changes

Now that we've created a window, we can still make changes to it by editing the juce::ValueTree it's referring to.

First, let's change our app to keep hold of the juce::ValueTree we're interpreting

class App : public juce::JUCEApplication
    // ...

    void initialise(const juce::String&) override
        // ...
        view = topLevel("Hello, World!");
        // ...

    // ...

    // ...
    juce::ValueTree view;

Next, we can add a button to our UI after it's already been built. Let's do that after a 2-second delay:

    void initialise(const juce::String&) override
        // ...

        // Append a button to our view after 2 seconds
        juce::Timer::callAfterDelay(2000, [this] {
                    juce::ValueTree {
                            { "text", "Click me!" },
        }, nullptr);

You can do anything you like to the juce::ValueTree and the changes will be picked up and interpreted by jive::Interpreter and the jive::GuiItems it produces.


Currently, after the 2-second delay, our app looks like this:

This isn't very exciting, so let's style it to look a little better.

Custom layouts

First, let's change the layout so the items are centred. All containers in JIVE use a FlexBox layout by default using a column direction (meaning items are added from top-to-bottom). We can apply a few properties to our view to centre the items:

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String &greeting) {
    return juce::ValueTree{
            // ...
            { "justify-content", "centre" }, // Centre on the main-axis (vertically)
            { "align-items", "centre" },     // Centre on the cross-axis (horizontally)
        // ...

The text is also a little close to the button, so let's give it a margin:

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String &greeting) {
    return juce::ValueTree{
            // ...
            juce::ValueTree {
                    // ...
                    { "margin", "0 0 20 0" }, // top, right, bottom, left - as in CSS

The layout is much better but our app still looks a little dull. To do graphical styling (colours, fonts, etc. as opposed to layouts/structural things) we should use jive_style_sheets.

Style Sheets

jive_style_sheets is a separate module from jive_layouts that deals only with graphical styling. Neither module depends on the other so you could use one without the other - although they work best together.

Add the jive_style_sheets module to your project (through CMake or the Projucer, as you did for jive_layouts) and set the JIVE_GUI_ITEMS_HAVE_STYLE_SHEETS flag to 1. This flag tells the jive_layouts module to automatically give jive::GuiItems a jive::StyleSheet so you don't have to manage the style sheets separately alongside the items.


Now we can begin applying style sheets to our app. Let's start by changing the background and foreground colours:

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String& greeting) {
    static constexpr auto style = [] {
        return new jive::Object{
            { "background", "#14181D" },
            { "foreground", "#CDD9E5" },

    return juce::ValueTree {
            // ...
            { "style", style() },
        // ...

Here, we've added a lambda function that returns a jive::Object containing properties describing the background and foreground colours to use (n.b. returning a raw-pointer to a jive::Object like this is safe because it's a juce::ReferenceCountedObject and is being assigned to a juce::var. The object will be automatically deleted when it's no longer being used. You could explicitly wrap it in a juce::var and return that if you prefer to be extra safe). We've then called that lambda to assign those properties to the window's style property.


Next, let's use some more interesting fonts. We'll use "Verdana" which should be available on all systems.

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String& greeting) {
    static constexpr auto style = [] {
        return new jive::Object{
            // ...
            { "font-family", "Verdana" },
            { "font-size", 15 },
                new jive::Object{
                    { "font-size", 25 },

    return juce::ValueTree{
            // ...
            juce::ValueTree {
                    { "id", "greeting" },
                    // ...

Here, we've set the font-family and font-size properties on the top-level item's style sheet, which will be applied to all children of the window.

We've also added a greeting ID to the greeting text and set it to use a larger font size than everything else using the #greeting selector in the window's style sheet.


Let's make that button look more like a button!

juce::ValueTree topLevel(const juce::String& greeting) {
    static constexpr auto style = [] {
        return new jive::Object{
            // ...
                new jive::Object{
                    {"background", "#255AB2"},
                    {"border-radius", 10},
                        new jive::Object{
                            {"background", "#316DCA"},

    // ...

// ...

juce::Timer::callAfterDelay(2000, [this]() mutable {
                { "padding", "7 20" },
                // ...

Using the "Button" selector we can make all <Button> elements have a blue background and rounded corners. The nested "hover" selector will give buttons a lighter colour when the mouse is over the button.

Adding a "padding" to the button gives a bit more space around the text, making the button a little larger.


Currently our app isn't functional - clicking the button does nothing.

The widget types in JIVE will add properties to their respective juce::ValueTrees to represent their current state. For example, <Slider> types will have a "value" property.

For buttons, we can either either observe the "toggled" property which will switch between true and false if the button's "toggleable" property is true. Otherwise, we can instead use jive::Event which is a special type of property that can receive callbacks when a certain event happens but the view's state hasn't necessarily changed (such as a button press).

First, we'll want to find the button we want to observe:

    juce::Timer::callAfterDelay(2000, [this]() mutable {
        // ...

        static constexpr auto isButton = [](const auto &tree) {
        return tree.getType().toString() == "Button";
        auto button = jive::find(view, isButton);

Here we're using the isButton predicate with jive::find() to find the <Button> node in our tree. We need to do this after the button has been added to the view (after the 2-second delay).

For a more complex view we'd want a more explicit predicate to check for the exact button, but we know we only have one button so this will be fine for now.

Next, we can use a jive::Event object to represent the button's "on-click" event:

class App : public juce::JUCEApplication
    // ...

    void initialise(const juce::String&) override
        juce::Timer::callAfterDelay(2000, [this]() mutable {
            // ...
            auto button = jive::find(view, isButton);
            onButtonClick = std::make_unique<jive::Event>(button, "on-click");
            jassert(onButtonClick != nullptr);
            onButtonClick->onTrigger = [button]() {
                button.getChildWithName("Text").setProperty("text", "Ouch!", nullptr);

    // ...

    // ...
    std::unique_ptr<jive::Event> onButtonClick;

We've added onButtonClick as a member of our app and initialised it after our button is added to the view. We then assign a callback to jive::Event's onTrigger member which will be called whenever the button is clicked, changing the button's text.


This was a very straightforward introduction to demonstrate the core functionality of JIVE. Some things to note about this guide:

  • At no point did we inherit from juce::Component or any of its derivatives
    • We had custom graphics but never wrote a paint() method, or interacted with juce::Graphics
    • We had a custom layout but never wrote a resized() method
  • We didn't need to write a custom LookAndFeel class
  • The full example is around 100 lines of code
    • Very little of this could be considered boilerplate
    • Majority of the code was simply assigning properties in juce::ValueTree and jive::Object constructors
    • Very little imperative code

Hopefully you found this guide useful and now have a good idea of how to use JIVE in your own projects. If that's not the case, then please get in touch so we can improve these guides! JIVE's #1 priority is Developer Experience.