Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
The classic email sending library for PHP
Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support
Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
A spec compliant, secure by default PHP OAuth 2.0 Server
WordPress boilerplate with Composer, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
Official repository of the AWS SDK for PHP (@awsforphp)
The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.
This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL based websites. Works with most common CMSes.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Single file PHP script that adds a REST API to a SQL database
A more enjoyable local development experience for Mac.
Super-simple, minimum abstraction MailChimp API v3 wrapper, in PHP
A PHP library for communicating with the Twilio REST API and generating TwiML.
The Official Twilio SendGrid PHP API Library
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a …
PHP library for interacting with the Pusher Channels HTTP API
Template project for deploying WordPress to Heroku
Unirest in PHP: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
Mink extension (tight integration and configuration) for Behat
Websockets for event-driven laravel apps.
Create a JSON API/Feed for your elements in Craft.