The database is the central point for all other parts of the ctf system. An HTTP REST-style interface sits inbetween the actual database and the other components. This HTTP API allows all the other components to report on the state of the game or query the state of the game. The API documentation is contained in templates/homescreen.html.
ctf-database.conf: This file has the upstart script for the database API service
database.sql: A SQL file to start a blank DB (but still not ready for game-time).
- The HTTP REST-like API. It uses Flask. Has been used the past three iCTFs, so it could use a clean-up.
- A separate script to run the database API through tornado, which gives much better performance.
flaskext/ A tweak to the flaskext.mysql package to get hashes back from the DB instead of tuples.
gamebot.conf: Upstart script to run the gamebot.
- Responsible for progressing the game.
- The scripts which resets the database based on the number of teams and which services are included in this competition. Reads the service info from /opt/database/combined_info.json on the organization VM.
- Has the DB connection info.
templates/homescreen.html: The documentation for the database API.
The gamebot is responsible for progressing the game (each "round" of the game is known as a tick). Every tick the gamebot decides which scripts to run against which team and randomizes the order. This information is persisted directly into the database, then the gamebot sleeps until the next tick.