A multi platform watch companion app for Pebble/RebbleOS devices
- Install flutter on your machine
- Setup flutter in the IDE of your choice
- Pull this repo and open it in the IDE set up in step 2
To build all the mappings in this project (such as entity <> map mapping for SQL), you have to run the following command:
flutter pub run build_runner build
Type safe communication between Flutter and native code is performed using Pigeon. To add new communication interfaces, edit pigeons/pigeons.dart file and then re-compile interface with the following command:
flutter pub run pigeon \
--input pigeons/pigeons.dart \
--dart_out lib/infrastructure/pigeons/pigeons.dart \
--java_out ./android/app/src/main/java/io/rebble/cobble/pigeons/Pigeons.java \
--java_package "io.rebble.cobble.pigeons"