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ERC721 代币转移 —— 两步场景
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test/CryptoZombies.js test/helpers/utils.js
const CryptoZombies = artifacts.require("CryptoZombies"); const utils = require("./helpers/utils"); const zombieNames = ["Zombie 1", "Zombie 2"]; contract("CryptoZombies", (accounts) => { let [alice, bob] = accounts; let contractInstance; beforeEach(async () => { contractInstance = await; }); it("should be able to create a new zombie", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true); assert.equal(result.logs[0],zombieNames[0]); }) it("should not allow two zombies", async () => { await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); await utils.shouldThrow(contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[1], {from: alice})); }) context("with the single-step transfer scenario", async () => { it("should transfer a zombie", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber(); await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice}); const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId); assert.equal(newOwner, bob); }) }) xcontext("with the two-step transfer scenario", async () => { it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the approved address calls transferForm", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber(); // start here await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice}); const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId); assert.equal(newOwner,bob); }) it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the owner calls transferForm", async () => { // TODO: Test the two-step scenario. The owner calls transferFrom }) }) })
async function shouldThrow(promise) { try { await promise; assert(true); } catch (err) { return; } assert(false, "The contract did not throw."); } module.exports = { shouldThrow, };
const CryptoZombies = artifacts.require("CryptoZombies"); const utils = require("./helpers/utils"); const zombieNames = ["Zombie 1", "Zombie 2"]; contract("CryptoZombies", (accounts) => { let [alice, bob] = accounts; let contractInstance; beforeEach(async () => { contractInstance = await; }); it("should be able to create a new zombie", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true); assert.equal(result.logs[0],zombieNames[0]); }) it("should not allow two zombies", async () => { await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); await utils.shouldThrow(contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[1], {from: alice})); }) context("with the single-step transfer scenario", async () => { it("should transfer a zombie", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber(); await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice}); const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId); assert.equal(newOwner, bob); }) }) context("with the two-step transfer scenario", async () => { it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the approved address calls transferForm", async () => { const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice}); const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber(); await contractInstance.approve(bob, zombieId, {from: alice}); await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: bob}); const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId); assert.equal(newOwner,bob); }) xit("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the owner calls transferForm", async () => { // TODO: Test the two-step scenario. The owner calls transferFrom }) }) })

approve 后面跟着 transferFrom 的方式来转移代币可没那么简单,不过别担心,我会帮你的。


  • Alice 批准 Bob 拿走 ERC721 代币。然后,Bob(批准的地址)调用 transferFrom

  • Alice 批准 Bob 拿走 ERC721 代币。接下来,Alice 转移 ERC721 代币。

这两种场景的区别在于 来调用实际的转移,是 Alice 还是 Bob。



Bob 调用 transferFrom


  • Alice 创建一个新僵尸,然后调用 approve
  • 接下来,Bob 运行 transferFrom,这会让他成为该 EC721 代币的主人。
  • 最后,我们得以 newOwnerbob 作为参数调用 assert.equal


  1. 测试前两行代码与之前测试类似。我们已经帮你把它们复制粘贴好了。

  2. 接下来,为了批准 Bob 拿走该 ERC721 代币,调用 approve()。该函数以 bobzombieId 为参数。另外,确保 Alice 调用该方法(毕竟要转移可是她的 ERC721 代币)。

  3. 最后三行代码与之前的测试非常相似。我们再一次帮你把它们复制粘贴好了。来更新下 transferFrom() 函数调用,以便发送方是 Bob。

  4. 最后,“不跳过”这个场景并“跳过”最后一个测试用例,即我们仍需要编写的测试用例。

可以运行 truffle test 了,看看我们的测试是否能通过:

Contract: CryptoZombies
    ✓ should be able to create a new zombie (218ms)
    ✓ should not allow two zombies (175ms)
    with the single-step transfer scenario
      ✓ should transfer a zombie (334ms)
    with the two-step transfer scenario
      ✓ should approve and then transfer a zombie when the owner calls transferForm (360ms)
      - should approve and then transfer a zombie when the approved address calls transferForm

  4 passing (2s)
  1 pending
