javascript |
test/CryptoZombies.js |
test/helpers/utils.js |
const CryptoZombies = artifacts.require("CryptoZombies");
const utils = require("./helpers/utils");
const zombieNames = ["Zombie 1", "Zombie 2"];
contract("CryptoZombies", (accounts) => {
let [alice, bob] = accounts;
let contractInstance;
beforeEach(async () => {
contractInstance = await;
it("should be able to create a new zombie", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true);
it("should not allow two zombies", async () => {
await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
await utils.shouldThrow(contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[1], {from: alice}));
context("with the single-step transfer scenario", async () => {
it("should transfer a zombie", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber();
await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice});
const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId);
assert.equal(newOwner, bob);
xcontext("with the two-step transfer scenario", async () => {
it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the approved address calls transferForm", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber();
// start here
await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice});
const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId);
it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the owner calls transferForm", async () => {
// TODO: Test the two-step scenario. The owner calls transferFrom
async function shouldThrow(promise) {
try {
await promise;
catch (err) {
assert(false, "The contract did not throw.");
module.exports = {
const CryptoZombies = artifacts.require("CryptoZombies");
const utils = require("./helpers/utils");
const zombieNames = ["Zombie 1", "Zombie 2"];
contract("CryptoZombies", (accounts) => {
let [alice, bob] = accounts;
let contractInstance;
beforeEach(async () => {
contractInstance = await;
it("should be able to create a new zombie", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true);
it("should not allow two zombies", async () => {
await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
await utils.shouldThrow(contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[1], {from: alice}));
context("with the single-step transfer scenario", async () => {
it("should transfer a zombie", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber();
await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: alice});
const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId);
assert.equal(newOwner, bob);
context("with the two-step transfer scenario", async () => {
it("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the approved address calls transferForm", async () => {
const result = await contractInstance.createRandomZombie(zombieNames[0], {from: alice});
const zombieId = result.logs[0].args.zombieId.toNumber();
await contractInstance.approve(bob, zombieId, {from: alice});
await contractInstance.transferFrom(alice, bob, zombieId, {from: bob});
const newOwner = await contractInstance.ownerOf(zombieId);
xit("should approve and then transfer a zombie when the owner calls transferForm", async () => {
// TODO: Test the two-step scenario. The owner calls transferFrom