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Video Editing

'Set as Project Folder' in contextual menu

What does it do

When launched:

  • Copy the content of a template folder into a selected folder
  • Rename some of the content to the name of the selected folder
  • Move the folder to external volume if mounted



  • Unzip the file
  • Move the Template folder somewhere "safe"
  • You may need to substitute the Template Final Cut Pro X library file with one generated from your copy of FCPX to match the version (if this is the case, rename it to Template)
  • Create a new Action in FiScript
  • Open the file with TextEdit
  • Insert the template folder path and your external storage path
  • Select all, copy, & paste into the Script textbox
  • Enable only the Use on directories and Get notification when execution has finished toggle
  • Add icon, name and description if you want

You can modify the script to do whatever you want pretty much. Do NOT modify the script using FiScript, please use any other text editor and then copy/paste (here is why). The script was tested in bash. Note that it would not run outside FiScirpt, since it uses the $PATH variable provided by FiScript (change that to allow terminal execution). If you modify the template, you may also need to modify the script.

If you want, you can customise the default icons of the folders found in the Resources directory of the Template with the Folder Icons provided (at a glance recognition)

FCPX Video Editing mode

What does it do

When launched:

When FCPX is in use:

  • Disable TrueTone and Night Shift now using Shifty
  • Adds a button to the TouchBar. If pressed it quits Final Cut Pro and the macro support



  • Remove USB Overdrive and CommandPost from login items
  • Unzip the Video file and move its content to the Application folder. You can edit this app using Automator
  • Unzip the Quit Video file and move its content to any folder of your choice. You can edit this workflow using Automator
  • Open BetterTouchTool
  • Import the FCPX.bttpreset file into BTT
  • Select Final Cut Pro in the Select Application sidebar
  • Select Quit Video Editing in the Touchbar section
  • Open its Predefined Action
  • Select the Quit Video Editing file

Launch FCPX Video Editing mode when drive is connected

What does it do

  • Open a dialog box when your editing drive is connected. Clicking on Continue will launch FCPX Video Editing mode



  • Import the Editing Drive Alert.kmmacros file into Keyboard Maestro
  • Modify the macro to match your external dirve exact name

'Start FCPX Video Editing mode' in contextual menu

What does it do

  • launch FCPX Video Editing mode from any Final Cut Pro X library file



  • Create a new Action in FiScript
  • Open the file with TextEdit
  • Copy/Paste its content into the Script textbox
  • Set Accepted file types to .fcpbundle
  • Enable only the Use on files and Use on directories toggle
  • Add icon, name and description if you want

You can modify the script to do whatever you want pretty much. Do NOT modify the script using FiScript, please use any other text editor and then copy/paste (here is why). The script was tested in bash. Note that FiScript doesn't work in external drives, so this functionality is not 100% compatible with Start FCPX Video Editing mode when editing drive is connected