This changelog references any relevant changes introduced in 1.0 minor versions.
1.0.7 (2020-01-27)
Misc. Changes:
- .htaccess mode rewrite condition changes.
- Web Installer design changes.
- Dependent packages updates.
Issue #238: Showing older version in web-installer
1.0.6 (2020-01-06)
- Misc. Changes:
- Web Installer design changes.
- Misc. Changes:
1.0.5 (2019-11-15)
- Issue #226: Missing icon for internal server error page
- Misc. Changes:
- Installation wizard (web & cli) now allows users to automaticatlly create a database if it doesn't exist
1.0.4 (2019-10-31)
- Issue #137: Dockerize application for easy installation
- Feature: Easily dockerize your helpdesk project to deploy it from within a container
- Misc. Changes:
- Updated and included instructions to deploying the project from within a docker conatiner
1.0.3 (2019-10-23)
- Misc. Changes:
- Updated web installer for better error reporting
- Updated with link to the official gitter chat for the community project
- Misc. Changes:
1.0.1 (2019-10-15)
- Issue #209: User's session out will redirect to 404 error page
- Misc. Changes:
- Updated dependent packages to latest stable release
1.0.0 (Released on 2019-10-09)
- Issue #163: Swift mailer and Email settings configuration for outlook not working (raised by alexanderoitx)
- Issue #135: MAMP not working as but works as localhost (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #205: Wizard check-requirements rendering errors (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #171: Welcome ticket must be there on ticket panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #154: Multiple error message (raised by avneesh-webkul)
- Issue #94: Agent unable to view ticket which are assigned to the group (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #97: All the errors user get are in developer mode so please convert them in production mode (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #175: Stuck at step 4/5 while configuration (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #134: Request Feature : hit on setup page without accessing project's public folder on browser (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #193: Unable to run via Composer: (raised by alexsdesign)
- Issue #196: resetting password for super user update credentials link redirection to home page (raised by smallBiz)
- Issue #201: Redis server went away when installing (raised by KlaasT)
- Issue #206: No show Page Navigation (raised by sbonzanni)
- Issue #203: Production Environment Http Error pages (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #183: Installer updated. (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #145: Permission denied error while Configuration (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #207: Translation Added (raised by anmol107)
- Issue #122: MIME type guessers issue while adding attachments for WAMP stack (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #187: Reset database configuration issue from web installer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #200: Created issue templates (raised by prashant-webkul)
- Issue #197: Installation Wizard not proceeding further configuration-database step, after pressing the cancel button. (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #123: Memory size issue occur while create project using composer command (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #96: Session out error shows instead of redirect to user at login panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #164: Feature to set default timezone (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #167: can't clone repo due to memory issue (raised by tzak902)
- Issue #168: can't set password for agent (raised by tzak902)
- Issue #169: Forgot password will reset the old password immediately (raised by tzak902)
- Issue #190: An error occured while loading the web debug tool bar (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #192: .htaccess mod_rewrite "No input file specified." (raised by VahanPWNS)
- Issue #149: Cannot save article (raised by kzsfluxus)
- Issue #101: Show meaningful warning messages with all of the mandatory input fields (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #182: Added a redirection route post Installation (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #181: some changes for files (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #136: Design Issue while resizing menu icon present at dashboard (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #176: Call to a member function getPartialDetails() on null when create ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #180: 0.1 (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #146: Case sensitive route found for site_URL (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #179: UVdesk banner logo link redirects to 404 page in prod mode (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #172: Ticket type description data fetch in drop down list instead code (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #178: entity compatibility related update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #177: Configuration Failed at 4/5 step (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #104: Search bar is hidden back to left menu bar (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #165: Collaborator unable to view ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #174: maker bundle update (raised by piyushwebkul)
- Issue #162: Mailbox refresh issue (raised by rakesh10933)
- Issue #155: Server Requirements (raised by kvnsmn)
- Issue #170: ticket view issue (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #166: Profiler Added (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #150: Permission error when add attachment (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #157: No Route found exception (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #159: Link is not clickable for missing extension (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #138: Update file by adding mailbox component bundle (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #148: Transport needed for smtp server (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #141: If already setup uvdesk , it again redirect us to web installer when open /public directory (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #158: community-skeleton issue-154 (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #152: Update (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #160: Error : Mailbox-refresh command not execute on CentOS 7 (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #161: Community Edition Installation Issue (raised by alexanderoitx)
- Issue #151: ERROR: There are extensions that haven't been installed or are currently disabled (raised by faraimupfuti)
- Issue #153: Is the public folder required after uvdesk install ? (raised by iGitnow)
- Issue #156: UVdesk Admin Panel Login issue. (raised by rakesh10933)
- Issue #144: Signature is not getting updated on the ticket (raised by Himaniwebkul)
- Issue #133: Open wizard when project root is accessed & installer icons update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #116: Redirecting route from installer to knowledgebase panel (disable web-installer) (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #143: Error on install (raised by eyedocs)
- Issue #142: Rewrite rule with ISS (raised by mills217)
- Issue #139: tttttuuuuu (raised by deadmaster566)
- Issue #91: Incorrect ticket status count's at agent panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #107: Broadcast Message timer UI has Inconsistent style (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #111: Attachment issue when customer is sending attachment in reply (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #129: Request Feature: Pre Installation extension description on web installer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #132: Website prefix value set for member/customer panel are same using command line (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #128: Check Design of web installer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #131: Website prefix default value not set on command line (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #127: Extension list in web installer and resolved issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #126: Request Feature : to add website prefix functionality using command (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #118: Zip file for all version of php not updated with current live code (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #125: Issue during installation of project using composer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #48: Vulnerability found in all email type input fields (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #110: Zip 7.2 is not getting migrated with the database after [Step 5/5] (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #102: UI issue when window resolution is minimize (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #124: Remove non unique select type element from the swiftmailer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #121: Code refactoring (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #119: No Route found from web installer to agent and knowledgebase panel for zip file (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #120: Back button for navigation purpose to the previous step in web installer (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #112: Attachment issue when agent is attaching image in reply (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #113: No check box for account status active part in Agent creation panel (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #114: No check box to choose group in Agent creation part (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #115: No check box in permission - in agent creation section (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #117: Installer version update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #109: issue of redirection to member login and knowledgebase (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #59: Email template :- Placeholder should be update according to selected templated, also design issue is there in placeholder (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #108: URL change in wizards.js (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #75: For the document (.pdf, .doc, .xls) attach with ticket reply icon is missing (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #105: All type of files will open to select while User profile image insert (support only PNG/JPG) format (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #27: Check the message body which contain unnecessary description attach with reply in ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #68: Company logo is not showing on email which was set in email template (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #82: Customer reply to ticket by adding text effects like (Bold,Italic) then changes not get reflect (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #98: Design end issue for every view when adjust resolution in window (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #77: Sorting based on (ticket id,customer name etc) to ticket list not sorting ticket list as selected option (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #79: When save super admin credentials their must be a option of first name and last name field as mandatory (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #63: Tickets which are assign to particular label ,when open that label :- not contain actual no of tickets (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #49: Unable to view customer and agent list at admin panel due to Full Group Join By Clause (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #88: Filter tickets by saved replies showing wrong ticket status (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #99: Only for single ticket pagination shows at agent panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #100: web installer next step by just hitting enter (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #76: If don't have required PHP extension still Web installer working for further steps (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #93: At agent panel, option available in ticket list mass action should show by assigned permission to that agent (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #80: Customer reply to ticket by email then thread content mismatch (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #85: Provided admin panel and knowledgebase link at setup page should open with new tab (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #62: If customer has more than one ticket ,still with ticket detail it's showing that customer has only 0 more ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #58: When customer reply to their previous ticket using mail then ticket isn't open at admin panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #66: Need to remove footer from email templates (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #84: Unable to unassigned team/group from the ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #55: No document/image found when customer create ticket by attaching documents via mail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #90: Attachment issue (raised by Himaniwebkul)
- Issue #22: Search bar for article given at customer panel not response (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #69: User unable to open ticket link attached with body of email template on their mail id (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #56: New customer not receive account activation mail when customer created (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #54: Set default image shown at knowledgebase front (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #92: Unable to remove assigned collaborator to ticket from the customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #95: Fixed issues and prefixes update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #78: Admin name is missing when select forward a ticket to - > agent (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #24: Need warning message while Configure a database if any detail found invalid (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #60: At branding, there is color picker window missing to select colors (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #81: In workflow if select condition as "agent is equal to" ,unable to fetch agent list (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #83: Agent list missing from workflow when select option as transfer ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #87: Spell error at warning message shown with naming field of email template (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #89: Agent Reset password page don't have validations (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #21: Back window is visible when success notification popup comes at customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #36: email address and password fields show warning before written anything while save super admin credentials (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #43: Validation not apply correctly on database configuration page (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #46: Mails are not received by customer by any reply is added to their ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #52: Reply to ticket from admin panel by attaching zip file, then files not get found (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #50: Mails aren't fetch as ticket at admin end after configure a mailbox (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #45: Saved Replies message body is saved blank (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #37: At the part of Website Configuration, add some restrictions when add Prefix value for member/customer panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #72: Agent/Customer Forget Password mail not received When user forget password (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #74: Workflow :- When apply action as "mail to agent" then option to select agent are missing (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #25: When save super admin account, specify the minimum password length (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #7: Show warning if configure database with non-exist Database, or username/password (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #8: Check Image Validation at agent/customer profile (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #73: Ticket Generate Success Mail For Customer not Received (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #65: Customer not receive any attachment on their mail id when agent reply from admin panel by attaching documents (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #61: Tickets which are deleted not move into trashed (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #86: Unable to unassign team from the ticket in which specific team was already assigned (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #71: web installer events update (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #70: Notice Template for option in predefined email templates which are need to be selected by default (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #67: Need to disable Kudos from the custome panel (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #51: Attached task option need to be removed from ticket list (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #53: When ticket is created by attaching single zip file-- no single zip found with ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #57: Website configuration details get saved without installing database tables (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #64: web installer bug fixes (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #15: All the ticket's detail can be view by agent(even that ticket not assigned to related agent) (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #16: User get put in CC/BCC mail not added to the ticket reply (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #26: File directory not found ,when get to download zip files attached with ticket reply (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #30: At customer panel some of the icon image are missing (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #47: When click to add new email template get error (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #44: Code standard updations (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #33: XSS script running while update customer name with ticket list detail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #41: vulnerability issue at tags fields (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #38: Dashboard search bar option when search by starting letter's ' T ' (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #39: While searching for categories by dashboard search bar, and click on that category , it will redirect to wrong page (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #42: How will member login to their panel, if they are at knowledgebase?? (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #40: Resolved Git issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #34: Website prefixes (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #10: Check by click on ticket thread id which shows with ticket detail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #18: Check ticket list view when click checkbox to get select all the tickets (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #20: Update notification message when edit ticket type (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #11: Customer Information aren't get update by viewing ticket detail (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #6: Super admin credentials saved blank while setup DB (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #19: No warning shows when create duplicate ticket type (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #9: Prepared Response section missing while applying to ticket (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #28: Ticket list link is not working (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #29: While creating a project, Getting Exception as Class 'Composer\EventDispatcher\ScriptExecutionException' not found (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #31: Getting error while add saved replies (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #32: Unable to delete saved replies (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #35: Update (raised by UVvidu)
- Issue #17: Website-Configuration (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #13: Found Error while create ticket,edit workflow, update admin profile (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #23: Unable to run my newly created project and get authentication error (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #12: some of the links not work in file (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #14: Setup design (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #5: Website-Configuration and Generator (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #4: webpack setup (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #3: Loader, Slider, Mailbox (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #2: Misc. fixes in branch 0.2 (raised by akshaywebkul)
- Issue #1: Web Installer Support (raised by akshaywebkul)
- Feature: Add/Remove/Create third party packages for further functionalities (bundled with uvdesk/extension-framework)
- Feature: Easily configure and manage your support panel for customer convenience (bundled with uvdesk/support-center-bundle)
- Feature: Automate responses to events with workflows and prepared responses (bundled with uvdesk/automation-bundle)
- Feature: Pipe your emails from different sources into your helpdesk as tickets (bundled with uvdesk/mailbox-component)
- Feature: Easily configure and manage your users (agents & customers), tickets, and helpdesk settings (bundled with uvdesk/core-framework)
- Feature: Automate bundle configurations during installation via composer using the uvdesk/composer-plugin
- Feature: Setup your helpdesk project from the browser using the Web Installer Wizard
- Feature: Setup your helpdesk project from CLI using the Console Wizard