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Motion planning and Navigation of AGV/AMR:ROS planner plugin implementation of A*, JPS, D*, LPA*, D* Lite, Theta*, RRT, RRT*, RRT-Connect, Informed RRT*, ACO, PSO, Voronoi, PID, LQR, MPC, DWA, APF,…
Modelo MIP "New Revised Shortest Path Problem" implementado en C++ usando API AMPL C++
Hunter2 Gazebo with GPS, IMU, Camera, Lidar (Ouster 64ch)
Probabilistic Road Map mixed Artificial Potential Field Path Planning for Non-Holonomic Robots
A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
Fast Incremental Euclidean Distance Fields for Online Motion Planning of Aerial Robots
A reinforced LiDAR inertial odometry system provides accurate and robust 6-DoF movement estimation under challenging perceptual conditions.
Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
MATLAB Tool for Multi-Objective Optimization
This repository ROS package is suit for scout 2 and scout mini
Sliding mode controller for tracking trajectory of an autonomous vehicle.
"Safety-Critical Model Predictive Control with Discrete-Time Control Barrier Function" by J. Zeng, B. Zhang and K. Sreenath
Hierarchical Optimization-Based Collision Avoidance - a path planner for autonomous parking
Trajectory Planner in Multi-Agent and Dynamic Environments
A General-Purpose Trajectory Optimizer for Multicopters
A simple Python implementation of the Reeds-Shepp curves formulas.
CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contained …
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
开源机器人集群项目KKSwarm,由易科机器人实验室和阿木实验室联合匠心打造。 KKSwarm项目旨在为研究人员搭建一个高效、易用的集群研究平台。结合ROS强大的开源生态,实现强化学习和群体智能在机器人集群中的工程落地。
Source codes of “Autonomous Driving on Curvy Roads without Reliance on Frenet Frame: A Cartesian-based Trajectory Planning Method” published in IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems