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PyNTLib Manual

pyntlib is an open sourse library for number theory written in Python, with compatibility in both 2.7 and 3.6 versions. The following is a manual for this library. Usage instructions and samples attached.

# some preparations :)
>>> from ntlib import *



  • prime(stop)

  • prime(start, end[, step])

      Returns an iterator type generating prime numbers in an array range with start, end and step.

    >>> prime(17, 89)
    <generator object primerange at 0x10fef7fc0>


  • primelist(upper[, lower])

      Returns list type containing prime numbers within integer upper and lower bound, if lower is given. When lower is omitted, all prime numbers less than (bound excluded) the upper bound.

    >>> primelist(17, 89)
    [17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83]


  • isdivisible(a, b)

      Returns bool type if integers a and b are divisible, i.o.w. whether $b \mid a$ or $b \nmid a$, when b is greater than a, and in other cases, vice versa.

    >>> isdivisible(983, 234)


  • isprime(N)

      Returns bool type if integer N is a prime number.

    >>> isprime(8563)


  • gcd(a, b)

      Returns int type of the greatest common divisor between integers a and b.

    >>> gcd(657, 292)


  • lcm(a, b)

      Returns int type of the least common multiplier between integers a and b.

    >>> lcm(146, 28)


  • coprime(a, b)

      Returns bool type if integers a and b are coprime, i.e. which greatest common divisor is $one$.

    >>> coprime(352, 76)


  • eealist(a, b)

      Returns list type containing quotients for integers $a \div b$ with extended Euclidean Algorithm.

    >>> eealist(23, 984)
    [0, 42, 1, 3, 1, 1]


  • bezout(a, b)

      Returns tuple type containing parameters for Bézout equition of integers a and b.

    # -20*-367 + -41*179 = (-367, 179)
    >>> bezout(-367, 179)
    (-20, -41)


  • factor(N[, wrap=False])

      Returns list type containing prime factors of integers N, if keyword wrap is False or omitted. Once set True, tuple type of two lists will be offered, which implies the factors and their exponents.

    # 72 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3
    >>> factor(72)
    [2, 2, 2, 3, 3]
    # -72 = -1 * 2^3 * 3^2
    >>> factor(-72, wrap=True)
    ([-1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2])


  • decomposit(N)

      Returns tuple type containing two(2) integers, which are the decoposition results of coposit number N, i.e. (a, b) where $N \mid a^2-b^2$ but $N \nmid a+b$ nor $N \nmid a-b$.

    # 1508^2 - 608^2 = 345 * 5520   // 345 | 1508^2 - 608^2
    # 1508 + 608 = 345 * 6 + 46     // 345 ∤ 1508 + 608
    # 1508 - 608 = 345 * 2 + 210    // 345 ∤ 1508 - 608
    >>> decomposit(345)
    (1508, 608)


  • binary(a, b, c)

      Returns tuple type containing special solutions for an indefinite binary equation, i.e. $ax + by = c$.

    # 7*x + b*24 = -3
    #   x = 6 + 24*t (t∈Z)
    #   y = -21 - 7*t (t∈Z)
    >>> binary(7,24,-3)
    (6, -21)


  • modulo(b, e, m)

      Returns int type for the result of $b^e \mod m$.

    # -765^264 = -291 (mod 597)
    >>> modulo(-765, 264, 597)


  • polydiv(dvdExp, dvdCoe, dvsExp, dvsCoe)

      Returns tuple type containing the lists of exponents and coefficients of quotient and remainder polynomials, which are the division results of dividend and divisor polynomials.

    # (x^34 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 - 2x) = (x^27 + x^21 + x^15 + x^9 +x^3)(x^7 - x) + (x^4 + 4x^3 + 3x^2 - 2x)
    >>> polydiv([1, 3, 2, 34], [-2, 4, 3, 1], [7,  1], [1, -1])
    ([27, 21, 15, 9, 3], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [4, 3, 2, 1], [1, 4, 3, -2])


  • simplify(cgcExp, cgcCoe, modulo)

      Returns tuple type containing the lists of exponents and coefficients of result congruence after congruence simplification.

    # 3x^14 + 4x^13 + 2x^11 + x^9 + x^6 + x^3 + 12x^2 + x ≡ 3x^3 + 16x^2 + 6x (mod 5)
    >>> simplify([14, 13, 11,  9,  6,  3,  2,  1], [ 3,  4,  2,  1,  1,  1, 12,  1], 5)
    ([3, 2, 1], [3, 16, 6])


  • crt((mod, [x1, x2, …]), …)

      Returns list type containing all solutions of a naïve congruence set.

    # x = ±1 (mod 3)
    # x = ±1 (mod 5)
    # x = ±2 (mod 7)
    #   x = 16, 19, 26, 44, 61, 79, 86, 89
    >>> crt(3, [1,-1]), (5, [1,-1]), (7, [2,-2])
    [16, 19, 26, 44, 61, 79, 86, 89]


  • congsolve(cgcExp, cgcCoe, modulo)

      Returns list type containing all solutions of an polynomial congruence.

    # x^2 - 46 ≡ 0 (mod 105)
    #   x = 16, 19, 26, 44, 61, 79, 86, 89
    >>> congsolve([2, 0], [1, -46], 105)
    [16, 19, 26, 44, 61, 79, 86, 89]


  • quadratic(p)

      Returns tuple type containing the solutions of a quadratic polynomial, i.e. $x^2 + y^2 = p$.

    # x^2 + y^2 = 2017
    #   x = ±9
    #   y = ±44
    >>> quadratic(2017)
    (9, 44)


  • ord(m, a)

      Returns int type for the order of an integer a modulo m, i.e. $ord_m(a)$.

    # ord_9(a) = 6
    >>> ord(9, 2)


  • euler(m)

      Returns int type for the Euler function result of an integer m, i.e. $\varphi (m)$.

    # φ(40) = 16
    >>> euler(40)


  • prc(m)

      Returns list type for the primitive residue class of an integerm.

    >>> prc(40)
    [1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39]


  • root(m)

      Returns list type for primitive roots of modulo m.

    >>> root(25)
    [2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 17, 22, 23]

  • legendre(a, p)

      Returns int type for the result of Legendre symbol $\left(\dfrac{a}{p}\right)$.

    # (3|17) = -1
    >>> legendre(3, 17)


  • jacobi(a, m)

      Returns int type for the result of Jacobi symbol $\left(\dfrac{a}{m}\right)$.

    # (286|563) = -1
    >>> jacobi(286, 563)


  • carmicheal(N)

      Returns bool type if an integer N is a Carmicheal number.

    >>> carmicheal(3499)


  • pseudo([mode='Fermat'][, byte=16][, para=10000][, flag=False])

      Returns int type for a pseudo prime number, which is byte long, using mode test with para times and (for Fermat test) Carmicheal number check set inflag.

    • mode can be set to the followings (Fermat in default)

      • Fermat —— using Fermat test for Fermat pseudo primes

      • Euler or Solovay-Stassen —— using Solovay-Stassen test for Euler pseudo primes

      • Strong or Miller-Rabin —— using Miller-Rabin test for strong pseudo primes

    • byte is the binary length of expected pseudo primes (16 in default)

    • para is the security parameter for repetition in tests (10000 in default)

    • flag is to decide if Carmicheal numbers will be checked in Fermat test (False in default)

    >>> pseudo(mode='Fermat')
    >>> pseudo(mode='Euler')
    >>> pseudo(mode='Strong')


  • fraction(n[, d])

      Returns list type representing the continued fraction form of $\frac a d$.

    # 7700/2145 = [3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1]
    >>> fraction(7700, 2145)
    [3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1]



  • Fraction

      An extended Fraction class with compability to continued fraction derived from system built-in class fractions.Fraction.

    • Fraction(numerator=0, denominator=1)

    • Fraction(other_fraction)

    • Fraction(float)

    • Fraction(decimal)

    • Fraction(string)

      Above are same with the constructors in fractions.Fraction.

    • Fraction(continued_fraction)

        Construction from list type representing a continued fraction.

      >>> Fraction(16, -10)
      Fraction(-8, 5)
      >>> Fraction(123)
      Fraction(123, 1)
      >>> Fraction()
      Fraction(0, 1)
      >>> Fraction('3/7')
      Fraction(3, 7)
      >>> Fraction(' -3/7 ')
      Fraction(-3, 7)
      >>> Fraction('1.414213 \t\n')
      Fraction(1414213, 1000000)
      >>> Fraction('-.125')
      Fraction(-1, 8)
      >>> Fraction('7e-6')
      Fraction(7, 1000000)
      >>> Fraction(2.25)
      Fraction(9, 4)
      >>> Fraction(1.1)
      Fraction(2476979795053773, 2251799813685248)
      >>> from decimal import Decimal
      >>> Fraction(Decimal('1.1'))
      Fraction(11, 10)
      >>> Fraction([-1, 1, 1, 3])
      Fraction(-3, 7)

    • Properties

      • numerator

          Numerator of the Fraction in lowest term.

      • denominator

          Denominator of the Fraction in lowest term.

      • fraction

          Continued fraction of the Fraction in list type.

      • convergent

          Convergents of the Fraction in list type, with elements (i.e. convergents) in fractions.Fraction type.

      • number

          Original fraction number of the Fraction in fractions.Fraction.

    • Data models

      • __getitem__(level)

          Returns the level of the Fraction in convergent. When level is overflowed, return number of the Fraction instead.

        # -3/7 --> [-1, 0, -1/2, -3/7]
        >>> Fraction(-3, 7)[2]
        Fraction(-1, 2)
      • __floor__()

          Returns the greatest integer <= self. This method can also be accessed through the math.floor() function:

        >>> from math import floor
        >>> floor(Fraction(355, 113))
      • __ceil__()

          Returns the least integer <= self. This method can also be accessed through the math.ceil() function.

      • __round__()

      • __round__(ndigits)

          The first version returns the nearest integer to self, rounding half to even. The second version rounds self to the nearest multiple of Fraction(1, 10**ndigits) (logically, if ndigits is negative), again rounding half toward even. This method can also be accessed through the round() function.


  • Index

      The Index class provides support for integer modulo index.

    • Index(int)

      >>> Index(41)

    • Properties

      • modulo

          Modulo of the Index.

      • root

          Primitive root of the Index.

      • phi

          Euler function of modulo in the Index.

      • index

          Indexes to modulo of the Index in list type.

      • table

          Formatted table of indexes to modulo in the Index in list type.

    • Data models

      • __call__([a, b, …])

          Returns the product of multiplication with integers a, b, ... after modulo of the Index. When omitted, returns None.

        # 105 * 276 ≡ 34 (mod 41)
        >>> Index(41)(105, 276)


  • Legendre

      The Legendre class implements Legendre symbol.

    • Legendre(int, int)

    • Legendre(other_legendre)

    • Legendre(string)

      >>> Legendre(2, 3)
      Legendre(2, 3)
      >>> Legendre('4|7')
      Legendre(4, 7)
      >>> Legendre(' -4|7 ')
      Legendre(-4, 7)
      >>> Legendre('47|11 \t\n')
      Legendre(47, 11)
      >>> Legendre(' 8/23 ')
      Legendre(8, 23)
      >>> Legendre('-8/23')
      Legendre(-8, 23)

    • Properties

      • numerator

          Numerator of the Legendre symbol in lowest term.

      • denominator

          Denominator of the Legendre symbol.

      • nickname

          Returns 'Legendre'.

    • Data models

      • __call__()

          Returns final result of the Legendre symbol, which equals to $1$, $-1$ or $0$.

    • Methods

      • eval()

          Returns final result of the Legendre symbol, which equals to $1$, $-1$ or $0$.

      • simplify()

          Returns simplication of the Legendre symbol in lowest term, in which numerator equals to $0$, $\pm 1$, or $\pm 2$ and denominator is prime.

      • reciprocate()

          Returns reciprocation of the Legendre symbol.

        >>> l = Legendre(47, 5)
        >>> l()
        >>> l.eval()
        >>> l.simplify()
        Legendre(2, 5)
        >>> l.reciprocate()
        Legendre(42, 47)
      • convert([kind])

          Converts the Legendre symbol to another kind. When given 'Jacobi', returns Jacobi symbol with same numerator and denominator. When omitted or given 'Legendre', returns itself.

      >>> l.convert()
      Legendre(47, 5)
      >>> l.convert('Legendre')
      Legendre(47, 5)
      >>> l.convert('Jacobi')
      Jacobi(47, 5)


  • Jacobi

      The Jacobi class implements Jacobi symbol.

    • Jacobi(int, int)

    • Jacobi(other_jacobi)

    • Jacobi(string)

      >>> Jacobi(2, 3)
      Jacobi(2, 3)
      >>> Jacobi('4|9')
      Jacobi(4, 9)
      >>> Jacobi(' -4|9 ')
      Jacobi(-4, 9)
      >>> Jacobi('47|18 \t\n')
      Jacobi(47, 18)
      >>> Jacobi(' 8/26 ')
      Jacobi(8, 26)
      >>> Jacobi('-8/26')
      Jacobi(-8, 26)

    • Properties

      • numerator

          Numerator of the Jacobie symbol in lowest term.

      • denominator

          Denominator of the Jacobi symbol.

      • nickname

          Returns 'Jacobi'.

    • Data models

      • __call__()

          Returns final result of the Jacobi symbol, which equals to $1$ or $-1$.

    • Methods

      • eval()

          Returns final result of the Jacobi symbol, which equals to $1$ or $-1$.

      • simplify()

          Returns simplication of the Jacobi symbol in lowest term, in which numerator equals to $0$, $\pm 1$, or $\pm 2$ and denominator is prime.

      • reciprocate()

          Returns reciprocation of the Jacobi symbol.

        >>> j = Jacobi(47, 6)
        >>> j()
        >>> j.eval()
        >>> j.simplify()
        Jacobi(1, 5)
        >>> j.reciprocate()
        Jacobi(41, 47)
      • convert([kind])

          Converts the Jacobi symbol to another kind. When given 'Legendre', returns Legendre symbol with same numerator and denominator (if the latter is prime). When omitted or given 'Jacobi', returns itself.

        >>> j.convert()
        Jacobi(47, 6)
        >>> j.convert('Jacobi')
        Jacobi(47, 6)
        >>> j.convert('Legendre')
        Legendre(47, 5)


  • Polynomial

      A fully-functioned Polynomial class with support for complex coefficients.

    • Polynomial(dfvar='x')

      • default([var])

          Default variable (used for common-number items) can be set when an instance is created. Also, it can be modified through default([var]) later.

    • Polynomial(number)

        As long as number is an instance of a class derived numbers.Number.

    • Polynomial(string)

      Default format of polynomial items:

      $\pm \ coeficient \ (\ast) \ variable \ (\hat{} \mid \ast \ast ) \ exponent$

    • Polynomial(tuple_0, [tuple_1, …])

      Default format of polynomial item tuples:

      $( 'variable',\ (exponent,\ coefficient),\ \dots )$

    • Polynomial(dict)

      Default format of polynomial "vec" dictionary:

      ${ 'variable':\ {exponent:\ coefficient,\ \dots },\ \dots }$

    • Polynomial(other_polynomial)

      >>> Polynomial(4.67, dfvar='var')
      >>> Polynomial(4+5j)
      >>> Polynomial(' a^34 + 4a^3+x + y^2 /t/n')
      Polynomial(a, x, y)
      >>> Polynomial(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)))
      >>> Polynomial(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)))
      Polynomial(x, y)
      >>> Polynomial({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}})
      Polynomial(x, y)

    • Properties

      • iscomplex

          If coefficients of the Polynomial are in complex field.

      • isinteger

          If coefficients of the Polynomial are in integer field.

      • ismultivar

          If there are multiple variables in the Polynomial.

      • var

          Name of variables in the Polynomial within list type.

      • vector

          Corespondence of variables, exponents and coefficeints in the Polynomial within dict type.

      • dfvar

          Default name of variables in the Polynomial.

      • nickname

          Returns poly.

    • Methods

      • eval(dict)

        Default format for dict definition:

        ${ 'variable':\ value,\ \dots }$

      • eval(number)

      • eval(tuple_0[, tuple_1, …])

        Default format for tuple definition:

        $( 'variable',\ value ),\ \dots$

          Evaluate the Polynomial with the given values.

        >>> p1 = Polynomial({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}})
        >>> p1.eval({'y': 2, 'x': 3})
        >>> p2 = Polynomial(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)))
        >>> p2.eval(5)
        >>> p3 = Polynomial(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)))
        >>> p3.eval(('x', 2), ('y', 3))
      • mod(dict, mod=None)

      • mod(number, mod=None)

      • mod(tuple_0[, tuple_1, …], mod=None)

          Evaluate the Polynomial with the given values after modulo. If mod omits or sets to None, returns eval().

        >>> p4 = Polynomial({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}})
        >>> p4.mod({'y': 2, 'x': 3}, mod=3)
        >>> p5 = Polynomial(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)))
        >>> p5.mod(5, mod=75)
        >>> p6 = Polynomial(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)))
        >>> p6.mod(('x', 2), ('y', 3), mod=5)

    • Data models

      • __reduce__()

      • __copy__()

      • __deepcopy__()

          Support for pickling, copy, and deepcopy.

    • Notes

      • Rich comparison is implemented.

      • Algebra calculation is implemented.

      • Slice and get, set, delete are also implemented.

        >>> p7 = Polynomial(((7,1), (1,-1)))
        >>> p8 = Polynomial(((6,1), (3,4), (2,2)))
        >>> p7 < p8
        >>> p9 = Polynomial(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)))
        >>> p10 = Polynomial(((2,-1), (0,1)))
        >>> p9 / p10
        4x^2 + 1
        >>> p11 = Polynomial(('a', (1,3), (3,4), (2,2), (34,complex(1,3))))
        >>> p11[1:3]
        2a^2 + 3a


  • Congruence

      The Congruence class, derived from Polynomial class, implements solution for mono-variable congruence in integer field.

    • Congruence(dfvar='x')

      • default([var])

          Default variable (used for common-number items) can be set when an instance is created. Also, it can be modified through default([var]) later.

    • Congruence(number)

        As long as number is an instance of a class derived numbers.Number.

    • Congruence(string)

    • Congruence(tuple_0, [tuple_1, …])

    • Congruence(dict)

    • Congruence(other_congruence)

      >>> Congruence(4.67, mod=7, dfvar='var')
      Congruence(var, mod=7)
      >>> Congruence(4+5j, mod=9)
      Congruence(x, mod=9)
      >>> Congruence(' a^34 + 4a^3+x + y^2 /t/n', mod=87)
      Congruence(a, x, y, mod=87)
      >>> Congruence(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)), mod=3)
      Congruence(x, mod=3)
      >>> Congruence(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)), mod=67)
      Congruence(x, y, mod=67)
      >>> Congruence({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}}, mod=90)
      Congruence(x, y, mod=90)

    • Properties

      • iscomplex

          If coefficients of the Congruence are in complex field.

      • isinteger

          If coefficients of the Congruence are in integer field.

      • ismultivar

          If there are multiple variables in the Congruence.

      • isprime

          If modulo is prime.

      • var

          Name of variables in the Congruence within list type.

      • vector

          Corespondence of variables, exponents and coefficeints in the Congruence within dict type.

      • dfvar

          Default name of variables in the Congruence.

      • modulo

          Modulo of the Congruence.

      • solution

          Solution of the Congruence.

      • nickname

          Returns cong.

    • Methods

      • simplify()

          Returns the Congruence after simplification.

      • solve()

          Returns the Solution of the Congruence.

          The Solution class implements solutions for the Congruence class.

        • variables —— Name of variables in the Solution within list type.
        • modulo —— Modulo of the Solution.
        • solutions —— Ascending solutions of the Solution in list type.

        The Solution is callable which returns solutions within. Length (len() method) of the Solutions returns number of solutions. Slice and item can also be accessed with subscripts.

        >>> c1 = Congruence(('z', (2014,2014), (8,8)), mod=7)
        >>> c1.simplify()
        2014z^4 + 8z^20 (mod 7)
        >>> c2 = Congruence(('z', (2,1), (0,-46)), mod=105)
        >>> c2.solve()
        z16, 19, 26, 44, 61, 79, 86, 89 (mod 105)
      • eval(dict)

      • eval(number)

      • eval(tuple_0[, tuple_1, …])

          Evaluate the Congruence with the given values.

        >>> c3 = Congruence({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}}, mod=3)
        >>> c3.eval({'y': 2, 'x': 3})
        >>> c4 = Congruence(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)), mod=75)
        >>> c4.eval(5)
        >>> c5 = Congruence(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)), mod=5)
        >>> c5.eval(('x', 2), ('y', 3))
      • calc(dict)

      • calc(number)

      • calc(tuple_0[, tuple_1, …])

          Evaluate the Congruence with the given values but without modulo.

        >>> c6 = Congruence({'y': {2: 1}, 'x': {1: 1}}, mod=3)
        >>> c6.calc({'y': 2, 'x': 3})
        >>> c7 = Congruence(((1,0), (4,-4), (2,3), (0,1)), mod=75)
        >>> c7.calc(5)
        >>> c8 = Congruence(('x', (1,1)), ('y', (1, 0), (2, 1)), mod=5)
        >>> c8.calc(('x', 2), ('y', 3))

    • Data models

      • __reduce__()

      • __copy__()

      • __deepcopy__()

          Support for pickling, copy, and deepcopy.


  • Quadratic

      The Quadratic class, derived from Polynomial class, implements solution for quadratic polynomials.

    • Quadratic(number)

    • Quadratic(string)

    • Quadratic(tuple_0, [tuple_1, …])

    • Quadraticl(dict)

    • Quadratic(other_quadratic)

      >>> Quadratic(4)
      Quadratic(x, y)
      >>> Quadratic(4, vars=('a', 'b'))
      Quadratic(a, b)
      >>> Quadratic(' p^2 +q^2- 9 /t/n')
      Quadratic(p, q)
      >>> Quadratic(('m', (2, 1)), ('n', (2, 1)))
      Quadratic(m, n)
      >>> Quadratic({'j': {2: 1}, 'k': {2: 1}})
      Quadratic(j, k)

    • Properties

      • var

          Name of variables in the Polynomial within list type.

      • constant

          Constant item in the Quadratic.

      • isprime

          If the constant is prime.

      • solution

          Solution of the Quadratic.

      • nickname

          Returns quad.

    • Methods

      • solve()

          Returns the Solution of the Quadratic.

          The Solution class implements solutions for the Quadratic class.

        • variables —— Name of variables in the Solution within list type.
        • modulo —— Modulo of the Solution.
        • solutions —— Ascending solutions of the Solution in list type.

        The Solution is callable which returns solutions within. Slice and item can also be accessed with subscripts.

        >>> Quadratic(8068, vars=('p', 'q')).solve()
        p = ±9  q = ±44
      • eval(dict)

      • eval(tuple_0, tuple_1)

          Evaluate the Quadratic with the given values.

        >>> q = Quadratic(4
        >>> q.eval({'y': 2, 'x': 3})
        >>> q.eval(('x', 3), ('y', 2))
      • mod(dict, mod=None)

      • mod(tuple_0[, tuple_1, …], mod=None)

          Evaluate the Quadratic with the given values after modulo. If mod omits or sets to None, returns eval().

        >>> q.mod({'y': 2, 'x': 3}, mod=3)
        >>> q.mod(('x', 2), ('y', 3), mod=3)

    • Data models

      • __reduce__()

      • __copy__()

      • __deepcopy__()

          Support for pickling, copy, and deepcopy.