- This branch does not have complete documentation! 12/14/2016
- This branch is only for Hyperledger v0.7+
Hold on to your hats everyone, this application is going to demonstrate transferring marbles between two users leveraging IBM Blockchain. We are going to do this in Node.js and a bit of GoLang. The backend of this application will be the GoLang code running in our blockchain network. The chaincode itself will create a marble by storing it to the chaincode state. The chaincode itself is able to store data as a string in a key/value pair setup. Thus we will stringify JSON objects to store more complex structures.
Attributes of a marble:
1. name (unique string, will be used as key)
1. color (string, css color names)
1. size (int, size in mm)
1. user (string)
We are going to create a Web UI that can set these values and pass them to the chaincode.
Interacting with the chaincode is done with a HTTP REST call to a peer on the network.
The ibc-js SDK will abstract the details of the REST calls away.
This allow us to use dot notation to call our GoLang functions (such as chaincode.init_marble(args)
Start the tutorials below to have your own marbles blockchain demo!
- Looking for chaincode documentation? Check out the learn chaincode repo - start here!
- Tutorial for Marbles (coming soon)