A list of third party services, tools, and libraries that Google uses (or has used in the past) for themselves.
- Intellum - LMS that powers Google's "Academy for Ads" which itself is powered by Amazon. (Haha)
- AddThis - Social sharing tools
- Lithium - Message board that powered the "Google Advertiser Community" forums for a time. (Migrated away July 2019) Still powers LocalGuidesConnect.com
- LiquidCinema - VR Tools for DayDream VR
- Integral Ad Science
- eQuest - Applicant Tracking System for Hire by G-Suite.
- Comscore - Brand Safety Measurement Provider. Learn more
- Askia - Surprisingly Google used this (by Proxy of Hall & Partners) to collect feedback from Google Partner agencies. Which is weird considering Google owns Google Surveys
- cdn.js.delivr.net - A free, fast, and reliable Open Source CDN for npm and GitHub with the largest network and best performance among all CDNs. Serving more than 20 billion requests per month. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- Netlify - Hosting for the staging site of web.dev
- Orchestrate - Application management system used by "Google for Education".
- ProctorU - Secure online exam platform used by "Google for Education".
- Qwiklabs - A LMS that was originally intended for Amazon AWS training but was acquired by Google parent company Alphabet and repurposed for Google Cloud training materials.
- Salesforce Email Studio - Google uses Email Studio for powering the emails sent to users of the Google Product Experts program's message board.
- Zendesk - Used for CallJoy's support portal. CallJoy is a product of Google's Area 120 which is “Google’s workshop for experimental projects”
- Cropper.js - Javascript library for cropping images. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- Swiper - Mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- What Input? - A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch). Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- Momentjs - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- Picturefill - Enables support for the
element and associated features in browsers that do not yet support them. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site. - Lottie - Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web. Used on the Google I/O 2019 site.
- Sketch - SVG file creation.