视频地址 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc2rvfiptPSR3iwFp1VHVJFK4yAMo0wuF
Lecture1. Get Start
Lecture2. 第一个神经网络
Lecture3&4. 可视化
Lecture5. CNN for cifar10
Lecture6. Kaggle and colab
Lecture7. Dropout and BatchNormaliztion
Lecture8. 预训练模型
Lecture9. CNN for 手写数字识别
Lecture10. CNN for 乳腺癌诊断
Lecture11. CNN for 银行客户满意度调查
Lecture13. 多标签分类
Lecture16. RNN, LSTM Google股票预测
Lecture20. depthwise and pointwise cnn review | mobile net research paper review