Golomb lib/golomb
is a bcoin module intended to be used as a Golomb Coded Set
for creating Compact Block Filters as specified in BIP 158. It is used to
create block filters which can be used to quickly scan blocks for a given set
of transaction outputs.
Block filters are stored as an index using the blockstore. To enable indexing
filters, the config option index-filter
should be enabled. For mainnet, the
indexing requires several hours on average and occupies ~4GB of disk space as
of block #595225.
Block filters can be accessed using the RPC:
getblockfilter <hash>
or the HTTP API:
GET /filter/<height|hash>
implements the Golomb Code Set used to create the block filter. It
takes the parameters N - size of the items to add to the filter and the
parameters M and P. The probability of a false positive is 1/M and M is
customarily set to 2^P. BIP 158 defines the value of P as 19, based on
results from real world block data.