Waymo Research
- jingweij.github.io
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[ECCV 2018] Official code for "Graph R-CNN for Scene Graph Generation"
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😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
EfficientDet (Scalable and Efficient Object Detection) implementation in Keras and Tensorflow
The code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection."
A new codebase for popular Scene Graph Generation methods (2020). Visualization & Scene Graph Extraction on custom images/datasets are provided. It's also a PyTorch implementation of paper “Unbiase…
An extension to original TIN, which combines partpair cues to improve the HOI detection result. The experiments are done for different ways of merging TIN's result with Partpair Network's result
As a part of the HAKE project, includes the reproduced SOTA models and the corresponding HAKE-enhanced versions (CVPR2020).
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
This is a pytorch repository of YOLOv4, attentive YOLOv4 and mobilenet YOLOv4 with PASCAL VOC and COCO
A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support
Code for paper "DeepEMD: Few-Shot Image Classification with Differentiable Earth Mover's Distance and Structured Classifiers", CVPR2020
End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
MeshODE: A Robust and Scalable Framework for Mesh Deformation
ManifoldPlus: A Robust and Scalable Watertight Manifold Surface Generation Method for Triangle Soups
The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.
Implementation of "Pose-aware Multi-level Feature Network for Human Object Interaction Detection"(ICCV 2019 Oral)
Code for ECCV2018 - Learning Human-Object Interactions by Graph Parsing Neural Networks.
Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
Code for Transferable Interactiveness Knowledge for Human-Object Interaction Detection. (CVPR'19, TPAMI'21)
Code for "PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-time Human-Object Interaction Detection".