[ECCV 2024] OvSW: Overcoming Silent Weights for Accurate Binary Neural Networks (Paper Link)
Jingyang Xiang, Zuohui Chen, Siqi Li, Qing Wu, Yong Liu
Pytorch implementation of OvSW in ECCV 2024.
Main code can be found in ./model/modules/ovsw.py
and ./trainers/ovsw.py
In this paper, we investigate the efficiency of weight sign updates in BNNs. We observe that, for vanilla BNNs,
over 50% of the weights remain their signs unchanged during training, and these weights are not only distributed
at the tails of the weight distribution but also universally present in the vicinity of zero. We refer to these
weights as silent weights
, which slow down convergence and lead to a significant accuracy degradation.
Theoretically, we reveal this is due to the independence of the BNNs gradient from the latent weight distribution.
To address the issue, we propose Overcome Silent Weights (OvSW)
. OvSW first
employs Adaptive Gradient Scaling (AGS)
establish a relationship between the gradient and the latent weight distribution, thereby improving the overall
efficiency of weight sign updates. Additionally, we design Silence Awareness Decaying (SAD)
to automatically
identify silent weights
by tracking weight flipping state, and apply an additional penalty to silent weights
to facilitate their flipping.
Create a data directory as a base for all datasets.
For example, if your base directory is ./dataset
then imagenet would be located at ./dataset/imagenet
You should place train data and val data in ./dataset/imagenet/train
and ./dataset/imagenet/val
All scripts can be obtained in resnet18_resnet34_imagenet.py
python resnet18_resnet34_imagenet.py
python main.py --config ./configs/largescale/w1a1-ovsw-resnet18-imagenet.yaml \
--forward-type xnor --name xnor_200_0.00002_0.01000 --epochs 200 --delta 0.01000 \
--seed 42 --enable_ags True \--enable_dampen True --dampen_weight 2e-05 --set ImageNet \
--scaling_factor False --batch-size 512 --warmup_length 5
python main.py --config ./configs/largescale/w1a1-ovsw-resnet34-imagenet.yaml \
--forward-type xnor --name xnor_200_0.00002_0.01000 --epochs 200 --delta 0.01000 \
--seed 42 --enable_ags True \--enable_dampen True --dampen_weight 2e-05 --set ImageNet \
--scaling_factor False --batch-size 512 --warmup_length 5
All models can be obtained in OpenI community. Many thanks to OpenI for the storage space!
name | Dataset | model |
ResNet18_1w1a | ImageNet | link |
ResNet34_1w1a | ImageNet | link |
cResNet18_1w1a | CIFAR10 | link |
cResNet20_1w1a | CIFAR10 | link |
VGGSmall_1w1a | CIFAR10 | link |
python main.py --config ./configs/largescale/w1a1-ovsw-resnet18-imagenet.yaml \
--forward-type xnor --name xnor_200_0.00002_0.01000 --epochs 200 --delta 0.01000 \
--seed 42 --enable_ags True \--enable_dampen True --dampen_weight 2e-05 --set ImageNet \
--scaling_factor False --batch-size 512 --warmup_length 5 --evaluate --pretrained [PRETRAINED]
python main.py --config ./configs/largescale/w1a1-ovsw-resnet34-imagenet.yaml \
--forward-type xnor --name xnor_200_0.00002_0.01000 --epochs 200 --delta 0.01000 \
--seed 42 --enable_ags True \--enable_dampen True --dampen_weight 2e-05 --set ImageNet \
--scaling_factor False --batch-size 512 --warmup_length 5 --evaluate --pretrained [PRETRAINED]
optional arguments:
# for model
--arch Choose model
default: resnet18
choice: ['ResNet18_1w1a', 'ResNet34_1w1a', 'VGGSmall_1w1a', 'cResNet18_1w1a', 'cResNet20_1w1a']
--conv-type conv type for network
default: OvSWConv2d
# for datatset
--data Path to dataset
--set Choose dataset
default: ImageNet
choice: ["ImageNet", "CIFAR10", "CIFAR100"]
# for pretrain, resume or evaluate
--evaluate Evaluate model on validation set
--pretrained Path to pretrained checkpoint
# For BNNs activation and weights.
--act-a Binary Func to activation.
--act-w Binary Func to weight.
# OvSW method
--trainers Trainers for OvSW Training
--delta Lower bound for gradient descent in ags.
--enable_ags Enable Adaptive Gradient Scaling.
--dampen_weight Weight decay for silent weights.
--enable_dampen Enable Adaptive Gradient Scaling
--track_momentum Momentum for SAD update.
--track_threshold Threshold for Silent weights.
- Python 3.9.16
- Pytorch 2.0.0
- Torchvision 0.15.1
- nvidia-dali-nightly-cuda110 1.27.0.dev20230531
- nvidia-dali-tf-plugin-nightly-cuda110 1.27.0.dev20230531
Special thanks to the authors and contributors of the following projects: