一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework
可定制化阴影的万能阴影布局ShadowLayout 3.0 震撼上线。效果赶超CardView。阴影支持x,y轴偏移,支持阴影扩散程度,支持阴影圆角,支持单边或多边不显示阴影;控件支持动态设置shape和selector(项目里再也不用画shape了);支持随意更改颜色值,支持随意更改颜色值,支持随意更改颜色值。重要的事情说三遍
Barcode scanner library for Android, based on the ZXing decoder
proguard resource for Android by wechat team
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤️阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。
A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.
android 图片压缩,通过编译libjpeg-turbo来压缩图片,抛弃了原生的bitmap方法,达到了与微信、qq的效果(已编写了一个基于此库的图片压缩框架)
A framework can automatically generate OnSaveInstanceState code, support kotlin.自动生成内存恢复的框架,支持kotlin的使用
A framework for directly generating shape through Tags, no need to write shape.xml again(通过标签直接生成shape,无需再写shape.xml)
This library generate an Mp4 movie using Android MediaCodec API and apply filter, scale, trim, transcode, crop, timeScale, mute and rotate Mp4.
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image, video and audio files
🔥 A low-cost Android screen adaptation solution (今日头条屏幕适配方案终极版,一个极低成本的 Android 屏幕适配方案).
🌁 Android 图片选择器。充分自由定制,极大程度简化使用,支持图库多选/图片预览/单选/照片裁剪/拍照/自定义图片加载方式/自定义色调/沉浸式状态栏