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AtomicDEX Mobile

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adex swap screenshot

Built by Komodo, AtomicDEX Mobile is a non-custodial wallet and decentralized exchange rolled into one app. Hold and trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies on your mobile phone or tablet.

NB (Forkers/contributors):

This repository is currently in the procesundergoing safety and Flutter version upgrade. Expect major merge conflicts in the near future for any files updated from this repository. Please note that this software is under active development and is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees. Use at your own risk, as the authors and maintainers shall not be held liable for any issues, damages, or losses resulting from its use.

Getting Started

Build requires up-to-date version of coins file from

Commit hash and sah256sum of coins file is specified in coins_ci.json. You may download one manually or use script on linux and macOS, fetch_coins.ps1 powershell script on Windows.

fetch_coins script depends on sha256sum and jq utils:

Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y coreutils jq

MacOS: brew install coreutils jq, Brew software

Windows: choco install jq, Choco software

Build and run

Run/Build with screenshot and video recording ON

flutter run --dart-define=screenshot=true

AtomicDEX API library (libmm2.a) version:

2.1.10108 adde21b26

Flutter version

Currently using flutter 2.8.1

Upgrading from 1.22.4

In your flutter directory:

git checkout 2.8.1
flutter doctor

In the project directory:

flutter clean
flutter pub get

beta Flutter

flutter version is inconsistent regarding the access to beta versions. Git tags can be used instead (that is, when we want to experiment with beta versions of Flutter):

FD=`which flutter`; FD=`dirname $FD`; FD=`dirname $FD`; echo $FD; cd $FD
git pull
git reset --hard
git checkout -f v1.14.3

Kotlin vs Flutter

In Android Studio (3.6.2) the latest Kotlin plugin (1.3.71) doesn't work with Flutter “1.12.13+hotfix.7”. To fix it - uninstall the latest Kotlin - then the Kotlin version 1.3.61, bundled with the Android Studio, will reappear.

Accessing the database

adb exec-out run-as com.komodoplatform.atomicdex cat /data/data/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/app_flutter/AtomicDEX.db > AtomicDEX.db
sqlite3 AtomicDEX.db


  1. Extract messages to .arb file:
flutter pub run intl_generator:extract_to_arb --output-dir=lib/l10n lib/localizations.dart
  1. Sync generated intl_messages.arb with existing locale intl_*.arb files:
dart run sync_arb_files.dart
  1. ARB files can be used for input to translation tools like Arbify, Localizely etc.
  2. The resulting translations can be used to generate a set of libraries:
flutter pub run intl_generator:generate_from_arb --output-dir=lib/l10n  lib/localizations.dart lib/l10n/intl_*.arb
  1. Manual editing of generated messages_*.dart files might be needed to delete nullable syntax (? symbol), since the app doesn't support it yet.

Generate latest coin config:

Clone the latest version of coins

Download and install the latest version of python3

Open the clonned repository and run the script below in the terminal in the repo folder

python3 utils/

Copy the generated coins_config.json file in Utils folder and paste inside assets/ folder in AtomicDEX-mobile project

Audio samples sources


1. Manual testing

Manual testing plan:

2. Integration testing

Guide and coverage

3. Unit/Widget testing

Not supported


This Software is released under the MIT License.