A simple Mycroft wrapper for a small subset of Aircrack-ng.
A simple Mycroft wrapper for a small subset of Aircrack-ng. Basically, it can list networks and interfaces, bring interfaces up in monitor mode, deauth clients, and crack WPA2 passwords.
- "List interfaces."
- "Select interface number one."
- "List wireless networks."
- "Select network number three."
- "Start Monitor."
- "Disconnect Clients."
- "Crack Password."
- "Stop Monitor."
Jon Stratton (@JonStratton)
This tool is intended to test your own wireless networks, in a fun way, for bad wpa2 passwords.
Accessing wireless networks without permission is, and should be, a crime. As is cracking passwords. The user of this software is responsible for it’s use. Please don’t be a bad person.
This skill must be able to sudo some programs without password prompting. To set up, please visudo and grant the user access like the following:
Cmnd_Alias AIRCRACK = /usr/sbin/airmon-ng, /usr/sbin/airodump-ng, /usr/sbin/aireplay-ng, /sbin/iwlist
my_mycroft_user ALL = NOPASSWD: AIRCRACK
platform_picroft platform_plasmoid
#aircrack #aircrack-ng #wifi