made by Jonah Köllner, Maximilian Reidenbach
![Screenshot](Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 5.15.11 PM.png) # Overview ### - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) ### - [How to use the Raytracer](#how-to-use-the-raytracer) - [Start the Raytracer](#start-the-raytracer-) - [What are .rt files ?](#what-are-rt-files-) ### - [Testing](#test-files)
🍺 brew / homebrew:
bash user@pc:~$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
cmake :
bash user@pc:~$ brew install cmake
user@pc:~/miniRT$ git clone
user@pc:~/miniRT$ cd miniRT
user@pc:~/miniRT$ make
user@pc:~/miniRT$ ./miniRT <path_to_.rt_file>
[Spoiler] The file format is not and official format. It is a custom made one by us / the task given. [Spoiler]
For a raytacer to work we need to define, what the scene should look like.
- Format:
- doubles are seperated by only "."
- (x,y,z) can have no spaces, but can have doubles
- seperation of values / items can only contain spaces
- Objects:
- A = Ambient Light
- L = Light source;
- C = Camera;
- sp = Sphere;
- pl = Plane;
- cy = Cylinder;
- co = Cone;
- Values:
- p = position;
- i = intensity;
- d = direction;
- m = material;
- c = color;
- r = radius;
- fov = field of view (in degree)
- cm = colormap
- bm = bumpmap
- Restraints:
- Must have at least a Camera and Ambient Light
- Values are restrained to there sensible area
- color(x,y,z): 0-255,0-255,0-255
- Intensity: 0-1
- position/direction(x,y,z): -inf-inf,-inf-inf,-inf-inf
- radius: 0-inf;
- material type: lambertian, plastic, metal
<obj> <values...>
A i p
L d i p
C d p fov
sp p r c m //normal sphere with color
sp p r cm bm m
In case you dont want to create your own files and just test the Raytracer,
we have provided you with some test examples.
Our suggestions are:
- show_case_rt/book.rt (little longer)
- rt_files/Hall.rt (a lot longer)
- show_case_rt/ball_pyramind (fast)
or every other file
- rt_files/*.rt
- show_case_rt/*.rt
! Keep in mind some may take longer than others, due to the complexity of the scene and in rt_files are some that dont work (on purpose to show missconfigurations) !