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index 63a41df..b30a492 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ bin
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/.gradle/7.6/checksums/checksums.lock differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f76dd23
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gradle/buildOutputCleanup/cache.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#Fri Jan 13 21:06:59 CET 2023
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.gitignore
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+# Default ignored files
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index 9f58921..548a9e2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# JGaborator - High resolution spectral transforms from Java
-This library calculates fine grained constant-Q spectral representations of audio signals quickly from Java. The spectral transform can be visualized or further processed in a (Music Information Retrieval) processing chain.
+This library calculates fine-grained constant-Q spectral representations of audio signals quickly from Java. The spectral transform can be visualized or further processed in a (Music Information Retrieval) processing chain.
The calculation of a [Gabor transform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabor_transform) is done by a C++ library named [Gaborator](http://gaborator.com). A Java native interface (JNI) bridge to the C++ Gaborator is provided here. A combination of Gaborator and a fast FFT library (such as [pfft](https://bitbucket.org/jpommier/pffft)) allows fine grained constant-Q transforms at a rate of about 200 times real-time on moderate hardware.
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ For more information on the Gaborator C++ library by Andreas Gustafsson, please
While the gaborator allows reversible transforms, only a forward transform (from time domain to the spectral domain) is currently supported by JGaborator.
-A spectral visualization tool for sprectral information is part of this package. See below for a screenshot:
+A spectral visualization tool for spectral information is part of this package. See below for a screenshot:
-![JGaborator](build/jgaborator.png "A screenshot of JGaborator in action.")
+![JGaborator](media/jgaborator.png "A screenshot of JGaborator in action.")
## Using JGaborator
@@ -42,10 +42,9 @@ List coefficients = zsazsa.getCoefficents()
* `src` contains the java source files
* `gaborator` contains the C++ JNI bridge and a makefile
- * `gaborator\gaborator-1.2` The gaborator C++ library, licensed under AGPL
- * `gaborator\pfft` the pfft C++ library, licensed under a BSD type license
-* `build` ant build files
-* `lib` a Java dependency: the TarsosDSP audio processing library.
+ * `gaborator\gaborator-1.x` The gaborator C++ library, licensed under AGPL
+ * `gaborator\pffft` the pffft c-library, licensed under a BSD type license
+* `media`
## Compilation and development for JGaborator
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ The makefile contains similar instructions.
On macOS the Apple's vDSP library can be used by defining GABORATOR_USE_VDSP and linking with the Accelerate framework. The following should suffice:
-c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.2" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin" -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o libjgaborator.so jgaborator.cc -framework Accelerate
+c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.7" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin" -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o libjgaborator.so jgaborator.cc -framework Accelerate
The makefile contains similar instructions. To compile the mac version call `make mac` If the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set, run the following before calling `c++`:
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1434215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+plugins {
+ id 'java'
+ id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2'
+group 'be.ugent.jgaborator'
+version '0.7'
+repositories {
+ maven {
+ name = "TarsosDSP repository"
+ url = "https://mvn.0110.be/releases"
+ }
+dependencies {
+ implementation 'be.tarsos.dsp:core:2.5'
+ implementation 'be.tarsos.dsp:jvm:2.5'
+ testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.8.1'
+ testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.8.1'
+test {
+ useJUnitPlatform()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/precompiled/aarch64_libjgaborator.dylib b/build/precompiled/aarch64_libjgaborator.dylib
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b15d27..0000000
Binary files a/build/precompiled/aarch64_libjgaborator.dylib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/precompiled/libjgaborator.so b/build/precompiled/libjgaborator.so
deleted file mode 100755
index 569550e..0000000
Binary files a/build/precompiled/libjgaborator.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gaborator/Makefile b/gaborator/Makefile
index 46b0a86..4bd56f0 100644
--- a/gaborator/Makefile
+++ b/gaborator/Makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,35 @@
+JNI_INCLUDES=-I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win64"
# Performance can be significantly improved by using a faster FFT library.
# On macOS, you can use the FFT from Apple's vDSP library by defining GABORATOR_USE_VDSP and linking with the Accelerate framework
# On Linux and NetBSD, you can use the PFFFT (Pretty Fast FFT) library which is what is done below:
cc -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC pffft/pffft.c -o pffft/pffft.o
cc -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC -DFFTPACK_DOUBLE_PRECISION pffft/fftpack.c -o pffft/fftpack.o
- c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.2" -I"pffft" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" -fPIC -shared -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_PFFFT -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.so jgaborator.cc pffft/pffft.o pffft/fftpack.o
+ c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.7" -I"pffft" $(JNI_INCLUDES) -fPIC -shared -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_PFFFT -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.so jgaborator.cc pffft/pffft.o pffft/fftpack.o
- c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.2" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin" -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.dylib jgaborator.cc -framework Accelerate
+ c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.7" $(JNI_INCLUDES) -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.dylib jgaborator.cc -framework Accelerate
- c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.2" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin" -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.dylib jgaborator_dummy.cc -framework Accelerate
+ c++ -std=c++11 -I"gaborator-1.7" $(JNI_INCLUDES) -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP -o ../build/precompiled/libjgaborator.dylib jgaborator_dummy.cc -framework Accelerate
+ rm *.so *.class pfft/*o
+ echo $(JNI_INCLUDES)
+ zig cc -target x86_64-windows-gnu -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC pffft/pffft.c -o pffft/pffft.o
+ zig cc -target x86_64-windows-gnu -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC -DFFTPACK_DOUBLE_PRECISION pffft/fftpack.c -o pffft/fftpack.o
+ zig c++ -target x86_64-windows-gnu -I"pffft" -I"gaborator-1.7" $(JNI_INCLUDES) -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_PFFFT -o libjgaborator.dll jgaborator.cc pffft/pffft.o pffft/fftpack.o
+ zig cc -target $(ZIG_TARGET_PLATFORM) -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC pffft/pffft.c -o pffft/pffft.o
+ zig cc -target $(ZIG_TARGET_PLATFORM) -c -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC -DFFTPACK_DOUBLE_PRECISION pffft/fftpack.c -o pffft/fftpack.o
+ zig c++ -target $(ZIG_TARGET_PLATFORM) -I"pffft" -I"gaborator-1.7" $(JNI_INCLUDES) -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_PFFFT -o $(ZIG_OUTPUT_FILE) jgaborator.cc pffft/pffft.o pffft/fftpack.o
- rm *.so *.class
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/CHANGES b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/CHANGES
deleted file mode 100644
index 9173edf..0000000
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/CHANGES
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Add overview documentation.
-Add real-time FAQ.
-Actually include version.h in the release.
-Fix off-by-one error in defintion of analyzer constructor ff_min
-Fix incorrect return value of band_ff() for DC band.
-Add streaming example code.
-Add analyzer::analysis_support() and analyzer::synthesis_support().
-Document analyzer::band_ff().
-Improve signal to noise ratio at low numbers of bands per octave.
-Note the need for -mfpu=neon on ARM in render.html.
-Added CHANGES file.
-Added reference documentation.
-New include file gaborator/version.h.
-Initial release
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_anl_wob.png b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_anl_wob.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e8305..0000000
Binary files a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_anl_wob.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_syn_wob.png b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_syn_wob.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e995c42..0000000
Binary files a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/allkernels_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_syn_wob.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/grid_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_wob.png b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/grid_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_wob.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9984b43..0000000
Binary files a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/grid_bpo12_ffmin0.03_ffref0.5_wob.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/ref/gaborator_h.html b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/ref/gaborator_h.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b5545e7..0000000
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/ref/gaborator_h.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-Gaborator reference: gaborator.h
-Gaborator reference: gaborator.h
-class gaborator::parameters
-A parameters
object holds a set
-of spectrum analysis parameters.
-gaborator::parameters::parameters(unsigned int bands_per_octave,
- double ff_min,
- double ff_ref = 1.0)
- bands_per_octave
- The number of frequency bands per octave.
- Values from 6 to 192 (inclusive) are supported. Values outside
- this range may not work, or may cause degraded performance.
- ff_min
- The lower limit of the analysis frequency range, in units of the
- sample rate. The analysis filter bank will extend low enough in
- frequency that ff_min
falls between the two lowest
- frequency bandpass filters.
- Values from 0.001 to 0.13 are supported.
- ff_ref
- The reference frequency, in units of the sample rate.
- This allows fine-tuning of the analysis and synthesis filter
- banks such that the center frequency of one of the filters
- is aligned with ff_ref
. If ff_ref
- falls outside the frequency range of the filter bank, this
- works as if the range were extended to include
- ff_ref
. Must be positive. A typical value
- when analyzing music is 440.0 / fs
, where
- fs
is the sample rate in Hz.
-Comparison operators are provided for compatibility with
-standard container classes. The ordering is arbitrary but consistent.
-bool gaborator::parameters::operator<(const gaborator::parameters &rhs) const
-bool gaborator::parameters::operator==(const gaborator::parameters &rhs) const
-template<class T> class gaborator::coefs
-A coefs
object stores a set of spectrogram coefficients.
-It is a dynamic data structure and will be automatically grown to
-accommodate new time ranges as they are analyzed by calling
. The template argument T
-must match that of the analyzer
(usually float
-gaborator::coefs::coefs(gaborator::analyzer &a)
-Construct an empty set of coefficients for use with the spectrum
-analyzer a
. This represents a signal that is zero
-at all points in time.
-template<class T> class gaborator::analyzer
-The analyzer
object performs spectrum analysis and/or resynthesis
-according to the given parameters. The template argument T
-the floating-point type to use for the calculations. This is typically float
-alternatively, double
can be used for increased accuracy at the
-expense of speed and memory consumption.
-gaborator::analyzer::analyzer(const gaborator::parameters ¶ms)
- params
- The spectrum analysis parameters.
-Analysis and synthesis
-gaborator::analyzer::analyze(const T *signal,
- int64_t t0,
- int64_t t1,
- gaborator::coefs<T> &coefs) const
-Spectrum analyze the samples at *signal
and add the
-resulting coefficients to coefs
- signal
- The signal samples to analyze, beginning with the sample from time t0
- and numbering t1 - t0
in all.
- t0
- The point in time when the sample at signal[0]
was taken,
- in samples. By convention, this is 0 for the first sample in
- the audio track, but this reference point is arbitrary, and
- negative times are valid. Accuracy begins to successively decrease
- outside the range of about ±108 samples, so using
- large time values should be avoided when they are not necessary because
- of the length of the track.
- t1
- The point in time of the sample one past the
- end of the array of samples at signal
- in samples.
- coefs
The coefficient object that the results of the
- spectrum analysis are added to.
-If the coefs
object already contains some
-coefficients, the new coefficients are summed to those already
-present. Because the analysis is a linear operation, this allows a
-signal to be analyzed in parts, by making multiple calls
-to analyze()
with non-overlapping ranges that together
-cover the entire signal. For efficiency, the ranges should preferably
-be large and aligned on multiples of a large powers of two, as in
-analyze(first_131072_samples, 0, 131072, coefs)
-analyze(next_131072_samples, 131072, 262144, coefs)
-gaborator::analyzer::synthesize(const gaborator::coefs<T> &coefs,
- uint64_t t0,
- uint64_t t1,
- T *signal) const
-Synthesize signal samples from the coefficients coef
and store
-them at *signal
- coefs
The coefficients to synthesize the signal from.
- t0
- The point in time of the first sample to synthesize,
- in samples, using the same time scale as in analyze()
- t0
- The point in time of the sample one past the last one to synthesize.
- signal
- The synthesized signal samples will be written here,
- beginning with the sample from time t0
- and numbering t1 - t0
in all.
-The time range t0
-may extend outside the range analyzed using analyze()
-in which case the signal is assumed to be zero in the un-analyzed range.
-Frequency Band Numbering
-The frequency bands of the analysis filter bank are numbered by
-nonnegative integers that increase towards lower (sic) frequencies.
-There is a number of bandpass bands corresponding to the
-logarithmically spaced bandpass analysis filters, from near 0.5
-(half the sample rate) to
-near fmin , and a single lowpass band containing the
-residual signal from frequencies below fmin .
-The numbering can be examined using the following methods:
-int gaborator::analyzer::bandpass_bands_begin() const
-Return the smallest valid bandpass band number, corresponding to the highest-frequency
-bandpass filter.
-int gaborator::analyzer::bandpass_bands_end() const
-Return the bandpass band number one past the highest valid bandpass band number,
-corresponding to one past the lowest-frequency bandpass filter.
-int gaborator::analyzer::band_lowpass() const
-Return the band number of the lowpass band.
-int gaborator::analyzer::band_ff(int band) const
-Return the center frequency of band number band , in units of the
-sampling frequency.
-double gaborator::analyzer::analysis_support() const
-Returns the one-sided worst-case support of any of the analysis filters.
-When calling analyze()
with a sample at time t ,
-only spectrogram coefficients within the time range t ± support
-will be significantly changed. Coefficients outside the range may change,
-but the changes will sufficiently small that they may be ignored without
-significantly reducing accuracy.
-double gaborator::analyzer::synthesis_support() const
-Returns the one-side worst-cased support of any of the
-reconstruction filters. When calling synthesize()
-synthesize a sample at time t , the sample will only be
-significantly affected by spectrogram coefficients in the time
-range t ± support . Coefficients outside the range may
-be used in the synthesis, but substituting zeroes for the actual
-coefficient values will not significantly reduce accuracy.
-Iterating Over the Coefficients
-template <class T, class F>
-void gaborator::apply(const gaborator::analyzer<T> &a,
- const gaborator::coefs<T> &c,
- F f)
-Apply the function f
to each coefficient in the coefficient set c
- a
- The spectrum analyzer that produced the coefficients c
- c
- A set of spectrogram coefficients
- f
- A function to apply to each coefficient in c
- with the call signature
- void f(std::complex<float> &coef, int band, int64_t t)
- coef
- A reference to a single complex coefficient. This may be read and
- optionally modified in-place.
- band
- The band number of the frequency band the coefficient coef
pertains to.
- This may be either a bandpass band or the lowpass band.
- t
- The point in time the coefficient coef
pertains to, in samples
-template <class T, class F>
-void gaborator::apply(const gaborator::analyzer<T> &a,
- const gaborator::coefs<T> &c,
- F f,
- int64_t t0,
- int64_t t1)
-As above, but only apply the function f
to the coefficients
-for points in time t that satisfy t0 <= t < t1 .
-Forgetting Coefficients
-void gaborator::forget_before(const gaborator::analyzer<T> &a,
- gaborator::coefs<T> &c,
- int64_t limit)
-Allow the coefficients for points in time before limit
-(a time in units of samples) to be forgotten.
-Streaming applications can use this to free memory used by coefficients
-that are no longer needed. Coefficients that have been forgotten will
-read as zero. This does not guarantee that all coefficients before
are forgotten, only that ones for
or later are not, and that the amount of memory
-consumed by any remaining coefficients before limit
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/gaborator.h b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/gaborator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fcd0be..0000000
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/gaborator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2083 +0,0 @@
-// Constant Q spectrum analysis and resynthesis
-// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
-// the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
-// the top level of the distribution for license information.
-#include "gaborator/fft.h"
-#include "gaborator/gaussian.h"
-#include "gaborator/pod_vector.h"
-#include "gaborator/pool.h"
-#include "gaborator/ref.h"
-#include "gaborator/vector_math.h"
-namespace gaborator {
-using std::complex;
-// An integer identifying an audio sample
-typedef int64_t sample_index_t;
-// An integer identifying a coefficient
-typedef int64_t coef_index_t;
-// An integer identifying a slice
-typedef int64_t slice_index_t;
-// See https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto
-static const double tau = 2.0 * M_PI;
-// Round up to next higher or equal power of 2
-inline int
-next_power_of_two(int x) {
- --x;
- x |= x >> 1;
- x |= x >> 2;
- x |= x >> 4;
- x |= x >> 8;
- x |= x >> 16;
- return x + 1;
-// Determine if x is a power of two.
-// Note that this considers 0 to be a power of two.
-static inline bool
-is_power_of_two(unsigned int x) {
- return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
-// Given a power of two v, determine log2(v)
-// https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#DetermineIfPowerOf2
-static inline unsigned int whichp2(unsigned int v) {
- assert(is_power_of_two(v));
- unsigned int r = (v & 0xAAAAAAAA) != 0;
- r |= ((v & 0xCCCCCCCC) != 0) << 1;
- r |= ((v & 0xF0F0F0F0) != 0) << 2;
- r |= ((v & 0xFF00FF00) != 0) << 3;
- r |= ((v & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) << 4;
- return r;
-// Floor division: return the integer part of a / b
-// rounded down (not towards zero). For positive b only.
-inline int64_t floor_div(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
- assert(b > 0);
- if (a >= 0)
- return a / b;
- else
- return (a - b + 1) / b;
-// Floating point modulus, the remainder r of a / b
-// satisfying 0 <= r < b even for negative a.
-// For positive b only.
-static inline double
-sane_fmod(double a, double b) {
- assert(b > 0);
- double m = fmod(a, b);
- if (m < 0)
- m += b;
- return m;
-// Do an arithmetic left shift of a 64-bit signed integer. This is
-// what a << b ought to do, but according to the C++11 draft (n3337),
-// section 5.8, that invokes undefined behavior when a is negative.
-// GCC is actually smart enough to optimize this into a single shlq
-// instruction.
-// No corresponding kludge is needed for right shifts, because a right
-// shift of a negative signed integer is implementation-defined, not
-// undefined, and we trust implementations to define it sanely.
-static inline int64_t
-shift_left(int64_t a, unsigned int b) {
- if (a < 0)
- return -(((uint64_t) -a) << b);
- else
- return (((uint64_t) a) << b);
-// Convert between complex types
-complex c2c(complex c) { return complex(c.real(), c.imag()); }
-// Convert a sequence of complex values to real
-O complex2real(I b, I e, O o) {
- while (b != e) {
- *o++ = (*b++).real();
- }
- return o;
-// Test a sequence for being all zero
-bool is_zero(I b, I e) {
- while (b != e) {
- if (*b)
- return false;
- ++b;
- }
- return true;
-// A vector-like object that allows arbitrary integer indices
-// (positive or negative, but excluding the largest possible integer)
-// and automatically resizes the storage. Uses storage proportional
-// to the difference between the smallest and largest index value (for
-// example, if indices range from -102 to -100 (inclusive), memory use
-// is on the order of 3 elements).
-// T is the element type
-// I is the integer index type
-struct range_vector {
- range_vector():
- lower(std::numeric_limits::max()),
- upper(std::numeric_limits::min())
- { }
- T *unchecked_get(I i) {
- return &v[i & ((I)v.size() - 1)];
- }
- const T *unchecked_get(I i) const {
- return &v[i & ((I)v.size() - 1)];
- }
- // Note: Pointer returned becomes invalid when range_vector
- // is changed
- T *
- get(I i, bool create) {
- if (! has_index(i)) {
- if (create)
- extend(i);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- return unchecked_get(i);
- }
- // Get a pointer to an existing element, or null if out of range
- const T *
- get(I i) const {
- if (! has_index(i))
- return 0;
- return unchecked_get(i);
- }
- // Note: Reference returned becomes invalid when range_vector
- // is changed
- T &
- get_or_create(I i) {
- return *get(i, true);
- }
- // Get a reference to the element at index i, which must be valid
- T &
- get_existing(I i) {
- assert(has_index(i));
- return *unchecked_get(i);
- }
- // Const version of the above
- const T &
- get_existing(I i) const {
- assert(has_index(i));
- return *unchecked_get(i);
- }
- void extend(I i) {
- I new_lower = lower;
- I new_upper = upper;
- if (i < lower)
- new_lower = i;
- if (i + 1 > upper)
- new_upper = i + 1;
- I old_size = v.size();
- I new_need = new_upper - new_lower;
- if (new_need > old_size) {
- if (old_size == 0) {
- v.resize(1);
- } else {
- I new_size = old_size;
- while (new_size < new_need)
- new_size *= 2;
- v.resize(new_size);
- if (old_size) {
- for (I j = lower; j < upper; j++) {
- I jo = j & (old_size - 1);
- I jn = j & (new_size - 1);
- if (jo != jn)
- std::swap(v[jo], v[jn]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lower = new_lower;
- upper = new_upper;
- }
- // Erase the elements whose index is less than "limit"
- void erase_before(I limit) {
- I i = lower;
- for (;i < upper && i < limit; i++)
- *unchecked_get(i) = T();
- lower = i;
- }
- I begin_index() const { return lower; }
- I end_index() const { return upper; }
- bool empty() const { return lower >= upper; }
- bool has_index(ssize_t i) const { return i >= lower && i < upper; }
- std::vector v;
- I lower, upper;
-// Calculate the size of the alias-free part (the "filet")
-// of a signal slice of size "fftsize"
-static inline unsigned int filet_part(unsigned int fftsize) {
- return fftsize >> 1;
-// Calculate the size of the padding (the "fat") at each
-// end of a signal slice of size "fftsize"
-static inline unsigned fat_part(unsigned int fftsize) {
- return fftsize >> 2;
-// Frequency band parameters shared between octaves
-struct band_params: public refcounted {
- typedef complex C;
- bool dc; // True iff this is the DC band
- unsigned int sftsize; // Size of "short FFT" spanning the band
- unsigned int sftsize_log2; // log2(sftsize)
- fft *sft; // Fourier transform for windows, of size sftsize
- std::vector kernel; // Frequency-domain filter kernel
- std::vector dual_kernel; // Dual of the above
- pod_vector shift_kernel; // Complex exponential for fractional frequency compensation
- pod_vector shift_kernel_conj; // Conjugate of the above
- int fq_offset_int; // Frequency offset in bins (big-fft bin of left window edge)
- double ff; // Center (bp) or corner (lp) frequency in units of the sampling frequency
- double center; // Center frequency in units of FFT bins
- int icenter; // Center frequency rounded to nearest integer FFT bin
- double ffsd; // Standard deviation of the bandpass Gaussian, as fractional frequency
- float anl_support;
- float syn_support;
-// Downsampling parameters. These have some similarity to band
-// parameters, but only some. For example, these may use a real
-// rather than complex FFT for the "short FFT".
-struct downsampling_params {
- typedef complex C;
- unsigned int sftsize;
- std::vector kernel; // Frequency-domain filter kernel
- std::vector dual_kernel;
- rfft *rsft;
- fft *sft;
- double time_support; // Filter time domain support, each side
-// Forward declarations
-template struct analyzer;
-template struct zone;
-template > struct coefs;
-template struct sliced_coefs;
-template > struct rw_row_view;
-// Abstract class for tracking changes to a coefficient set.
-// This may be used for updating a resolution pyramid of
-// magnitude data.
-struct shadow {
- virtual ~shadow() { }
- virtual void update(const coefs > &msc, sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1) = 0;
- // Deprecated
- virtual void update(int oct, int ze, const sliced_coefs > &sc, slice_index_t sli0, slice_index_t sli1) = 0;
-// Coefficient metadata. This contains information describing a
-// "coefs" structure that is common to many instances and should not
-// be duplicated in each one. In practice, there will be two
-// coefs_meta structures per zone per analyzer, one for unpadded coefs
-// and one for padded coefs.
-struct coefs_meta {
- typedef std::vector shape_vector;
- void init(const shape_vector &shape) {
- band_offsets.resize(shape.size());
- unsigned int offset = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shape.size(); i++) {
- band_offsets[i] = offset;
- offset += shape[i];
- }
- total_size = offset;
- }
- // Offset of the beginning of each band in the data array
- std::vector band_offsets;
- // Total size of data array (in elements, not bytes)
- unsigned int total_size;
-// Coefficients of a single octave for a single input signal slice.
-// These are used both as part of the final sliced coefficients
-// and for temporary padded coefficients during analysis/synthesis.
-// C is the coefficient type, typically complex but can also
-// be e.g. unsigned int to store cluster numbers, or float to store
-// magnitudes.
-struct oct_coefs: public refcounted {
- oct_coefs(const coefs_meta &meta_, bool clear_ = true):
- meta(meta_),
- data(meta.total_size),
- bands(*this)
- {
- if (clear_)
- clear();
- }
- uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
- return meta.total_size * sizeof(C) + sizeof(*this);
- }
- void clear() {
- memset(data.data(), 0, data.size() * sizeof(C));
- }
- // Deep copy
- oct_coefs &operator=(const oct_coefs &rhs) {
- assert(data.size() == rhs.data.size());
- memcpy(data.data(), rhs.data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(C));
- return *this;
- }
- const coefs_meta &meta;
- // The data for all the bands are allocated together
- // as a single vector to reduce the number of allocations
- pod_vector data;
- // Vector-like collection of pointers into "data", one for each band
- struct band_array {
- band_array(oct_coefs &outer_): outer(outer_) { }
- C *operator[](size_t i) const {
- return outer.data.data() + outer.meta.band_offsets[i];
- }
- size_t size() const { return outer.meta.band_offsets.size(); }
- oct_coefs &outer;
- } bands;
- oct_coefs(const oct_coefs &);
-// Add the oct_coefs "b" to the oct_coefs "a"
-void add(zone &z, oct_coefs &a, const oct_coefs &b) {
- unsigned int n_bands = a.bands.size();
- assert(n_bands == b.bands.size());
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < n_bands; obno++) {
- unsigned int len = filet_part(z.bandparams[obno]->sftsize);
- complex *band_a = a.bands[obno];
- complex *band_b = b.bands[obno];
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
- band_a[j] += band_b[j];
- }
- }
-// Temporary coefficients used during analysis/synthesis.
-// These include padding (aka fat).
-struct padded_coefs: public oct_coefs {
- padded_coefs(const coefs_meta &meta_, bool clear_ = true):
- oct_coefs(meta_, clear_) { }
-// Sliced coefficients. These cover an arbitrary time range, but only
-// a single octave. Template argument is as for struct oct_coefs.
-struct sliced_coefs {
- typedef range_vector[ >, slice_index_t> slices_t;
- slices_t slices;
- uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
- unsigned int n = 0;
- size_t size_each = 0;
- for (slice_index_t sl = slices.begin_index(); sl < slices.end_index(); sl++) {
- const ref] > &t = slices.get_existing(sl);
- if (t) {
- if (! size_each)
- size_each = t->estimate_memory_usage();
- n++;
- }
- }
- return n * size_each;
- }
-// Multirate sliced coefficients. These cover an arbitrary time
-// range and the full frequency space (all octaves).
-// Template arguments are as for struct coef.
-// Note default for template argument C defined in forward declaration.
-struct coefs {
- coefs(const analyzer &anl_, shadow *shadow_ = 0):
- octaves(anl_.n_octaves), shadow0(shadow_)
- { }
- uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
- uint64_t s = 0;
- for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < octaves.size(); oct++)
- s += octaves[oct].estimate_memory_usage();
- return s;
- }
- std::vector > octaves;
- shadow *shadow0;
-// Perform an fftshift of the range between iterators a and b.
-// Not optimized - not for use in inner loops.
-void fftshift(I b, I e) {
- int len = e - b;
- assert(len % 2 == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
- std::swap(*(b + i), *(b + len / 2 + i));
-// Given an unsigned index i into an FFT of a power-of-two size
-// "size", return the corresponding signed index, ranging from -size/2
-// to size/2-1. This is equivalent to sign extension of an integer of
-// log2(size) bits; see Hacker's Delight, page 18. This can be used
-// to convert an FFT index into a frequency (positive or negative;
-// note that Nyquist is considered negatitive = -fs/2).
-static inline int signed_index(unsigned int i, unsigned int size) {
- unsigned int t = size >> 1;
- return (i ^ t) - t;
-// Construct a frequency-domain lowpass filter whose response is the
-// convolution of a rectangle and a gaussian. The cutoff freqency is
-// ff_cutoff (a fractional frequency), and the standard deviation of
-// the gaussian is ff_sd. The returned filter covers the full
-// frequency range from 0 to fs (with negative frequencies at the end,
-// the usual convention for FFT spectra).
-// When center=true, construct a time-domain window instead,
-// passing the center of the time-domain signal.
-// The result is stored between iterators b and e, which must have a
-// real value_type.
-inline void gaussian_windowed_lowpass(double ff_cutoff, double ff_sd,
- I b, I e, bool center = false)
- size_t len = e - b;
- double inv_len = 1.0 / len;
- for (I it = b; it != e; ++it) {
- size_t i = it - b;
- double thisff;
- if (center)
- // Symmetric around center
- thisff = std::abs(i - (len * 0.5)) * inv_len;
- else
- // Symmetric around zero
- thisff = (i > len / 2 ? len - i : i) * inv_len;
- double x = thisff - ff_cutoff;
- double v = gaussian_edge(ff_sd, -x);
- *it = v;
- }
-// A set of octaves having identical parameters form a "zone",
-// and their shared parameters are stored in a "struct zone".
-struct zone: public refcounted {
- zone(): n_bands(0) { }
- ~zone() { }
- unsigned int n_bands; // Total number of bands, including DC band if lowest octave
- // Band parameters by increasing frequency; DC band is index 0 if present
- std::vector[ > > bandparams;
- // Pseudo-bands mimicing the response of bands in the
- // neighboring octaves, used for calculating the duals only
- std::vector][ > > mock_bandparams;
- pod_vector] power;
- pod_vector power_nodc;
- coefs_meta cmeta[2]; // Unpadded and padded
-struct octave {
- zone *z;
- unsigned int n_bands_above; // Total number of bands in higher octaves
-// Helper function for pushing parameters onto the vectors in struct zone
-void push(std::vector[ > > &v, band_params] *p) {
- v.push_back(ref >(p));
-// A set of spectum analysis parameters
-struct parameters {
- parameters(unsigned int bands_per_octave_, double ff_min_,
- double ff_ref_ = 1.0,
- double overlap_ = 0.7,
- double max_error_ = 1e-5):
- bands_per_octave(bands_per_octave_),
- ff_min(ff_min_),
- ff_ref(ff_ref_),
- overlap(overlap_),
- max_error(max_error_)
- { }
- // Provide an operator< so that we can create a set or map of parameters
- bool operator<(const parameters &b) const {
-#define GABORATOR_COMPARE_LESS(member) do { \
- if (member < b.member) \
- return true; \
- if (member > b.member) \
- return false; \
- } while(0)
- GABORATOR_COMPARE_LESS(bands_per_octave);
- // Equal
- return false;
- }
- bool operator==(const parameters &b) const {
- return !((*this < b) || (b < *this));
- }
- template friend class analyzer;
- unsigned int bands_per_octave;
- double ff_min;
- double ff_ref;
- double overlap;
- double max_error;
-// Index of first slice affected by sample at t0
-// fft number i covers the sample range
-// t = (i * filetsize .. i * filetsize + (fftsize - 1))
-// t >= i * filetsize and t < i * filetsize + fftsize
-// A sample at t affects ffts i where
-// i <= t / filetsize and
-// i > (t - fftsize) / filetsize
-// the filet of fft number i covers the sample range
-// (fat + (i * filetsize) .. fat + (i * filetsize) + (filetsize - 1))
-static inline slice_index_t affected_slice_0(sample_index_t t0, unsigned int fftsize) {
- return floor_div(t0 - fftsize, filet_part(fftsize)) + 1;
-// Index of first slice not affected by samples before t1
-static inline slice_index_t affected_slice_1(sample_index_t t1, unsigned int fftsize) {
- return floor_div(t1 - 1, filet_part(fftsize)) + 1;
-// Multiply a vector by a scalar, in-place.
-// Used only at the setup stage, so performance is not critical.
-void scale_vector(V &v, S s) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
- v[i] *= s;
-// Fill the buffer at dst, of length dstlen, with data from src where
-// available, otherwise with zeroes. The data in src covers dst indices
-// from i0 (inclusive) to i1 (exclusive).
-void copy_overlapping_zerofill(T *dst, unsigned int dstlen, const T *src,
- int64_t src_i0, int64_t src_i1)
- int64_t overlap_begin = std::max((int64_t) 0, src_i0);
- int64_t overlap_end = std::min((int64_t)dstlen, src_i1);
- if (overlap_end <= overlap_begin) {
- // No overlap
- std::fill(dst, dst + dstlen, 0);
- } else {
- // Overlap
- if (overlap_begin != 0)
- std::fill(dst, dst + overlap_begin, 0);
- std::copy(src + overlap_begin - src_i0, src + overlap_end - src_i0, dst + overlap_begin);
- if (overlap_end != dstlen)
- std::fill(dst + overlap_end, dst + dstlen, 0);
- }
-// Given a set of FFT coefficients "coefs" of a real
-// sequence, where only positive-frequency coefficients
-// (including DC and Nyquist) are valid, return the
-// coefficient for an arbitrary frequency index "i"
-// which may correspond to a negative frequency, or
-// even an alias outside the range (0..fftsize-1).
-complex get_real_spectrum_coef(complex *coefs, int i, unsigned int fftsize) {
- i &= fftsize - 1;
- // Note that this is >, not >=, becase fs/2 is considered nonnegative
- bool neg_fq = (i > (int)(fftsize >> 1));
- if (neg_fq) {
- i = fftsize - i;
- }
- complex c = coefs[i];
- if (neg_fq) {
- c = conj(c);
- }
- return c;
-struct analyzer: public refcounted {
- typedef complex C;
- analyzer(const parameters ¶ms_):
- params(params_)
- {
- // Sanity check
- assert(params.ff_min < 0.5);
- // The frequency increases by this factor from one band
- // to the next
- band_spacing_log2 = 1.0 / params.bands_per_octave;
- band_spacing = exp2(band_spacing_log2);
- // The tuning adjustment, as a log2ff. This is a number between
- // 0 and band_spacing_log2, corresponding to a frequency at
- // or slightly above the sampling frequency where a band
- // center would fall if they actually went that high.
- // Tuning is done by increasing the center frequencies of
- // all bands by this amount relative to the untuned case
- // where one band would fall on fs exactly.
- tuning_log2ff = sane_fmod(log2(params.ff_ref), band_spacing_log2);
- // Calculate the frequency of band0, the "fs/8 band", the
- // lowest band in each octave except possibly the lowest octave.
- // Its frequency will fs/8, or a fraction of the band spacing higher
- // due to tuning. The magic -3 derives from fs/8 as log2(1/8).
- band0_log2ff = -3 + tuning_log2ff;
- // Calculate the total number of bands needed so that
- // the lowest band has a frequency <= params.ff_min.
- // end_log2ff = the log2ff of the band after the last (just past fs/2)
- double end_log2ff = tuning_log2ff - 1;
- n_bandpass_bands_total =
- (unsigned int)ceil((end_log2ff - log2(params.ff_min)) / band_spacing_log2);
- // Calculate the kernel support needed for band0,
- // and size the FFT accordingly. This duplicates some
- // code at the beginning of make_band().
- double band0_ff = exp2(band0_log2ff);
- double band0_time_sd = time_sd(band0_ff);
- double band0_time_support = gaussian_support(band0_time_sd, params.max_error);
- double band0_time_synthesis_support = band0_time_support * synthesis_support_multiplier();
- fftsize_log2 = 3;
- fftsize = 1 << fftsize_log2;
- while (band0_time_synthesis_support > fat_part(fftsize)) {
- fftsize_log2++;
- fftsize <<= 1;
- }
- init_with_fftsize();
- }
- void init_with_fftsize() {
- // Clear everything, including things that may have been set
- // on a previous try.
- sftsize_max = 0;
- octaves.clear();
- zones.clear();
- inv_fftsize_double = 1.0 / fftsize;
- inv_fftsize_t = (T) inv_fftsize_double;
- rft = pool, int>::shared.get(fftsize);
- ft = pool, int>::shared.get(fftsize);
- // Band number starting at 0 close to fs/2 and increasing
- // with decreasing frequency
- int tbno = 0;
- // Band number of the fs/8 band in the current octave
- int base = 0;
- int zno = 0;
- // Loop over the octaves, from high to low frequencies,
- // creating new zones where needed
- for (;;) {
- int max_bands_this_octave = (zno == 0) ?
- params.bands_per_octave * 2 : params.bands_per_octave;
- base += max_bands_this_octave;
- int bands_remaining = n_bandpass_bands_total - tbno;
- int bands_this_octave = std::min(max_bands_this_octave, bands_remaining);
- int bands_below = bands_remaining - bands_this_octave;
- bool dc_zone = (bands_below == 0);
- bool dc_adjacent_zone = (bands_below < (int)params.bands_per_octave);
- if (zno < 2 || dc_zone || dc_adjacent_zone) {
- make_zone(zno, base - (tbno + bands_this_octave), base - tbno, dc_zone, bands_below);
- zno++;
- }
- octaves.push_back(octave());
- octaves.back().z = zones[zno - 1].get();
- octaves.back().n_bands_above = tbno;
- tbno += bands_this_octave;
- if (dc_zone)
- break;
- }
- n_octaves = octaves.size();
- // Verify the total number of bands
- n_bands_total = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_octaves; i++) {
- n_bands_total += octaves[i].z->n_bands;
- }
- assert(n_bandpass_bands_total + 1 == n_bands_total);
- // Set up the downsampling parameters in dsparams.
- // Downsampling is always by a factor of two.
- // dsparams.sftsize is the size of the FFT used to go back to
- // the time domain after discarding the top half of the
- // spectrum.
- dsparams.sftsize = fftsize >> 1;
- dsparams.kernel.resize(dsparams.sftsize);
- dsparams.dual_kernel.resize(dsparams.sftsize);
- // In terms of the post-downsampling sampling frequency,
- // the downsampling lowpass filter transition band
- // starts at the top edge of the highest band,
- // and ranges to fs/2. We use the worst-case center
- // frequency for the highest band, fs/4, and add
- // the support.
- double f0 = 0.25 + ff_sd(0.25);
- double f1 = 0.5;
- // The cutoff frequency is in the center of the transition band
- double ff = (f0 + f1) * 0.5;
- double support = (f1 - f0) * 0.5;
- double ff_sd = gaussian_support_inv(support, params.max_error);
- // Fudge: make the lowpass a bit steeper (and correspondingly
- // wider in the time dimension). This seems to improve the S/N
- // a bit.
- ff_sd *= 0.7813026596806952;
- // Calculate and save the time-domain support of the
- // downsampling lowpass filter for use in analyze_sliced().
- double time_sd = sd_f2t(ff_sd);
- dsparams.time_support = gaussian_support(time_sd, params.max_error);
- // Use the convolution of a rectagle and a gaussian.
- // A piecewise function composed from two half-gaussians
- // joined by a horizontal y=1 segment is not quite smooth
- // enough.
- gaussian_windowed_lowpass(ff, ff_sd, dsparams.kernel.begin(), dsparams.kernel.end());
- // Put the passband in the middle
- fftshift(dsparams.kernel.begin(), dsparams.kernel.end());
- // The dual_kernel field of the downsampling pseudo-band holds
- // the upsampling filter, identical to the downsampling filter
- // except for amplitude scaling.
- std::copy(dsparams.kernel.begin(), dsparams.kernel.end(),
- dsparams.dual_kernel.begin());
- // Prescale the downsampling filter
- scale_vector(dsparams.kernel, inv_fftsize_double);
- // Prescale the upsampling filter
- scale_vector(dsparams.dual_kernel, 1.0 / dsparams.sftsize);
- dsparams.rsft = pool, int>::shared.get(dsparams.sftsize);
- dsparams.sft = pool, int>::shared.get(dsparams.sftsize);
- top_band_log2ff = band0_log2ff + band_spacing_log2 * (2 * params.bands_per_octave - 1);
- ffref_gbno = (int)rint((top_band_log2ff - log2(params.ff_ref)) / band_spacing_log2);
- }
- void make_zone(unsigned int zno, int bb, int be, bool dc_zone, int bands_below) {
- assert(zones.size() == zno);
- zone *z = new zone();
- zones.push_back(ref >(z));
- // The maximum number of mock bands to insert between the DC
- // band and the real bands.
- int n_mock_bands = 6;
- if (dc_zone) {
- // This zone goes all the way to DC
- band_params *dc_band = make_band(bb - 1, true);
- push(z->bandparams, dc_band);
- } else {
- // There are other zones below this; add mock bands
- // to simulate them for purposes of calculating the dual
- if (n_mock_bands > bands_below)
- n_mock_bands = bands_below;
- // Mock DC band
- push(z->mock_bandparams,
- make_band(bb - 1 - n_mock_bands, true));
- // Mock bandpass bands
- for (int i = bb - 1; i > bb - 1 - n_mock_bands; i--)
- push(z->mock_bandparams, make_band(i, false));
- }
- // The actual bandpass bands of this zone
- for (int i = bb; i < be; i++)
- push(z->bandparams, make_band(i, false));
- // If there are other zones above this, add mock bands
- // to simulate them for purposes of calculating the dual
- for (int i = be; i < (int)params.bands_per_octave * 2; i++)
- push(z->mock_bandparams, make_band(i, false));
- z->n_bands = z->bandparams.size();
- // Accumulate window power for calculating dual
- z->power.resize(fftsize);
- std::fill(z->power.data(), z->power.data() + fftsize, 0);
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->bandparams.size(); obno++)
- accumulate_power(z->bandparams[obno].get(), z->power.data());
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->mock_bandparams.size(); obno++)
- accumulate_power(z->mock_bandparams[obno].get(), z->power.data());
- // Calculate complex exponentials for non-integer center frequency adjustment
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->bandparams.size(); obno++) {
- band_params *bp = z->bandparams[obno].get();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bp->sftsize; i++) {
- unsigned int ii = i;
- double arg = tau * ((double)ii / bp->sftsize) * -(bp->center - bp->icenter);
- C t(cos(arg), sin(arg));
- bp->shift_kernel[i] = t;
- bp->shift_kernel_conj[i] = conj(t);
- }
- }
- // Calculate duals
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->bandparams.size(); obno++) {
- band_params *bp = z->bandparams[obno].get();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bp->sftsize; i++) {
- // ii = large-FFT bin number
- int ii = i + bp->fq_offset_int;
- bp->dual_kernel[i] = bp->kernel[i] / z->power[ii & (fftsize - 1)];
- }
- }
- // Initialize coefficient metadata for unpadded and padded coefficients
- for (int padded = 0; padded < 2; padded++) {
- typename coefs_meta::shape_vector shape(z->bandparams.size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z->bandparams.size(); i++) {
- unsigned int len = z->bandparams[i]->sftsize;
- if (! padded)
- len >>= 1;
- shape[i] = len;
- }
- z->cmeta[padded].init(shape);
- }
- // Free the mock band parameters
- z->mock_bandparams.clear();
- z->power.clear();
- }
- // Add the power of the kernel in "*bp" to "power"
- void
- accumulate_power(band_params *bp, T *power) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bp->sftsize; i++) {
- // ii = large-FFT bin number
- unsigned int ii = (i + bp->fq_offset_int) & (fftsize - 1);
- assert(ii >= 0 && ii < fftsize);
- T y = bp->kernel[i];
- T p = y * y;
- power[ii] += p;
- if (! bp->dc) {
- unsigned int ni = fftsize - ii;
- ni &= fftsize - 1; // XXX is this correct?
- assert(ni < fftsize);
- power[ni] += p;
- }
- }
- }
- // Given a fractional frequency, return the standard deviation
- // of the frequency-domain window as a fractional frequency
- double ff_sd(double ff) const { return params.overlap * (band_spacing - 1) * ff; }
- // Given a fractional frequency, return the standard deviation
- // of the time-domain window in samples.
- //
- // ff_sd = 1.0 / (tau * t_sd)
- // per http://users.ece.gatech.edu/mrichard/Gaussian%20FT%20and%20random%20process.pdf
- // and python test program gaussian-overlap.py
- // => (tau * t_sd) * ff_sd = 1.0
- // => t_sd = 1.0 / (tau * f_sd)
- double time_sd(double ff) const { return 1.0 / (tau * ff_sd(ff)); }
- // Defining Q as the frequency divided by the half-power bandwidth,
- // we get
- //
- // norm_gaussian(sd, hbw) = sqrt(2)
- //
- // (%i1) e1: exp(-(hbw * hbw) / (2 * sd * sd)) = 1 / sqrt(2);
- // (%i2) solve(e1, hbw);
- // (%o2) [hbw = - sqrt(log(2)) sd, hbw = sqrt(log(2)) sd]
- //
- // Q = ff / (2 * sqrt(log(2)) * ff_sd(ff))
- // = 1.0 / ((2 * sqrt(log(2)) * (params.overlap * band_spacing - 1)))
- double q() const {
- return 1.0 / ((2 * sqrt(log(2)) * params.overlap * (band_spacing - 1)));
- }
- // Find the worst-case time support of the analysis filters, i.e.,
- // the largest distance in time between a signal sample and a
- // coefficient affected by that sample.
- double analysis_support() const {
- int gbno = n_bands_total - 2; // Last before DC
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno;
- bool valid = bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, false);
- assert(valid);
- double ff = band_ff(oct, obno);
- double timesd = time_sd(ff);
- double time_support = gaussian_support(timesd, params.max_error);
- return time_support;
- }
- // Ditto for the resynthesis filters.
- double synthesis_support() const {
- return analysis_support() * synthesis_support_multiplier();
- }
- // Empirical formula for synthesis support multiplier
- double synthesis_support_multiplier() const {
- return 1.8 / params.overlap;
- }
- // Return the fractional frequency of relative band number
- // "rbno" (relative to the sampling frequency of its octave).
- double rbno_ff(double rbno) const {
- double log2ff = band0_log2ff + rbno * band_spacing_log2;
- return exp2(log2ff);
- }
- // Return the fractional frequency of band number "obno"
- // in octave "oct", scaling according to the octave
- double band_ff(int oct, int obno) const {
- int gbno = bno_merge(oct, obno);
- return exp2(tuning_log2ff - 1 - (gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2);
- }
- // Return the coefficient index (the time in terms of coefficient
- // subsamples) of the first cofficient of slice "sli" of band
- // "obno" in octave "oct"
- coef_index_t coef_time(slice_index_t sli, int oct, int obno) const {
- int sftsize = octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize;
- return fat_part(sftsize) + sli * filet_part(sftsize);
- }
- // Return the sample index (the time in terms of samples) time of
- // coefficient "i" in slice "sli" of band "obno" in octave "oct"
- sample_index_t sample_time(slice_index_t sli, int i, int oct, int obno) const {
- coef_index_t sst = coef_time(sli, oct, obno) + i;
- return shift_left(sst, band_scale_exp(oct, obno));
- }
- // Calculate band parameters for a single band.
- //
- // rbno is a "relative band number" indicating a frequency
- // within its octave: it is 0 for the fs/8 band and increases
- // with frequency. It is not always the same as the index
- // into its octaves' bandparams[] or the coefficient bands
- // (those would be called obno, not rbno).
- //
- // If dc is true, this is the DC band, and rbno indicates
- // the cutoff frequency; it is one less than the rbno of
- // the lowest-frequency bandpass band.
- band_params *
- make_band(double rbno, bool dc) {
- if (dc)
- // Make the actual DC band cutoff frequency a bit higher,
- // by an empirically chosen fraction of a band, to reduce
- // power fluctuations.
- rbno += 0.8750526596806952;
- // For bandpass bands, the center frequency, or
- // for the DC band, the lowpass cutoff frequency,
- // as a fractional frequency.
- double ff = rbno_ff(rbno);
- // Standard deviation of the bandpass Gaussian,
- // as a fractional frequency
- double ffsd = ff_sd(ff);
- // The support of the Gaussian, i.e., the smallest standard
- // deviation at which it can be truncated on each side
- // without the error exceeding our part of the error budget,
- // which is some fraction of params.max. Note
- // that this is one-sided; the full width of the support
- // is 2 * ff_support.
- double ff_support = gaussian_support(ffsd, params.max_error * 0.5);
- // Additional support for the flat portion of the DC band lowpass
- double dc_support = dc ? ff : 0;
- // The support as the number of FFT frequency bands needed,
- // allowing for both sides of the Gaussian.
- int fq_2support = int(ceil((ff_support + dc_support) * 2 * fftsize));
- band_params *bp = new band_params;
- bp->dc = dc;
- bp->sftsize = next_power_of_two(fq_2support);
- bp->sftsize_log2 = whichp2(bp->sftsize);
- sftsize_max = std::max(sftsize_max, bp->sftsize);
- bp->sft = pool, int>::shared.get(bp->sftsize);
- bp->kernel.resize(bp->sftsize);
- bp->dual_kernel.resize(bp->sftsize);
- bp->shift_kernel.resize(bp->sftsize);
- bp->shift_kernel_conj.resize(bp->sftsize);
- if (dc)
- bp->center = 0;
- else
- bp->center = ff * fftsize;
- bp->icenter = (int)rint(bp->center);
- bp->ff = ff;
- bp->fq_offset_int = bp->icenter - (bp->sftsize >> 1);
- bp->ffsd = ffsd;
- // Calculate frequency-domain window kernel
- if (dc) {
- // The cutoff frequency is a fraction of the
- // fftsize, but gaussian_windowed_lowpass()
- // designs the filter in terms of the the
- // sftsize, so we need to scale the frequencies
- // accordingly.
- double scale = fftsize / bp->sftsize;
- gaussian_windowed_lowpass(
- ff * scale,
- ffsd * scale,
- bp->kernel.begin(), bp->kernel.end());
- fftshift(bp->kernel.begin(), bp->kernel.end());
- } else {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bp->sftsize; i++) {
- // ii = large-FFT band number
- unsigned int ii = i + bp->fq_offset_int;
- // this_ff = fractional frequency of this kernel sample
- double this_ff = ii * inv_fftsize_double;
- T y = norm_gaussian(ffsd, this_ff - ff);
- bp->kernel[i] = y;
- }
- }
- return bp;
- }
- // Index of first slice affected by sample at t0
- slice_index_t affected_slice_b(sample_index_t t0) const {
- return affected_slice_0(t0, fftsize);
- }
- // Index of first slice not affected by sample at t1
- slice_index_t affected_slice_e(sample_index_t t1) const {
- return affected_slice_1(t1, fftsize);
- }
- // Sample index of the first sample in the filet of slice si
- sample_index_t slice_filet_begin(slice_index_t si) const {
- // XXX optimize using shift
- return si * (sample_index_t)filet_part(fftsize) + fat_part(fftsize);
- }
- // Analyze a single slice of signal.
- // The signal in "real_signal", which is fftsize samples long.
- // The sample time of the first sample is "t0".
- // Returns a set of spectrogram coefficients through "c1",
- // and the decimated-by-2 signal through *downsampled_dst.
- // Uses temporary buffers passed through buf0...buf3.
- void
- analyze_one_slice(int oct, T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0,
- oct_coefs &c1,
- T *downsampled_dst,
- pod_vector &buf0, // fftsize
- pod_vector &buf1, // fftsize
- pod_vector &buf2, // largest sftsize
- pod_vector &buf3 // largest sftsize
- ) const
- {
- zone &z = *octaves[oct].z;
- assert(c1.bands.size() == z.n_bands);
- pod_vector &spectrum(buf1);
- rft->transform(real_signal, spectrum.data());
- // Real to complex
- pod_vector &signal(buf0);
- std::copy(real_signal, real_signal + fftsize, signal.begin());
- ft->transform(signal.data(), spectrum.data());
- pod_vector &tmp(buf2);
- T scale_factor = inv_fftsize_t;
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z.bandparams.size(); obno++) {
- band_params *bp = z.bandparams[obno].get();
- C *sdata = tmp.data();
- // Multiply a slice of the spectrum by the frequency-
- // domain window and store in sdata. The band center
- // frequency is at the center of the spectrum slice and
- // the center of the window, but in sdata, it needs to be
- // at the beginning to be ready for the inverse FFT.
- // Therefore, we need to perform an ifftshift. Also,
- // we need to take care not to overrun the beginning or
- // end of the spectrum - for the dc band, we always
- // need to wrap around to negative frequencies, and
- // potentially it could happen with other bands, too
- // if they are really wide. To avoid the overhead of
- // checking in the inner loop, use a separate slow path
- // for the rare cases where wrapping happens.
- size_t half_size = bp->sftsize >> 1;
- int start_index = bp->fq_offset_int;
- int end_index = bp->fq_offset_int + bp->sftsize;
- if (start_index >= 0 && end_index < (int)((fftsize >> 1) + 1)) {
- // Fast path: the slice lies entirely within the
- // positive-frequency half of the spectrum (including
- // DC and Nyquist). We still need to handle the
- // positive and negative frequency halves of the slice
- // (as opposed to the whole spectrum) separately.
- // Positive frequencies
- elementwise_product(sdata, spectrum.data() + start_index + half_size,
- bp->kernel.data() + half_size, half_size);
- // Negative frequencies
- elementwise_product(sdata + half_size, spectrum.data() + start_index,
- bp->kernel.data(), half_size);
- } else {
- // Slow path
- // Positive frequencies
- for (size_t i = 0; i < half_size; i++)
- sdata[i] = get_real_spectrum_coef(spectrum.data(),
- start_index + half_size + i, fftsize) * bp->kernel[half_size + i];
- // Negative frequencies
- for (size_t i = 0; i < half_size; i++)
- sdata[half_size + i] = get_real_spectrum_coef(spectrum.data(),
- start_index + i, fftsize) * bp->kernel[i];
- }
- // Switch to time domain
- C *band = buf3.data();
- bp->sft->itransform(sdata, band);
- // Extract filet, adjust for non-integer center frequency,
- // correct phase, scale amplitude, and write to the output
- // coefficients.
- double ff = bp->center * inv_fftsize_double;
- double arg = -tau * t0 * ff;
- C phase_times_scale = C(cos(arg), sin(arg)) * scale_factor;
- elementwise_product_times_scalar(c1.bands[obno], band + fat_part(bp->sftsize),
- bp->shift_kernel.data() + fat_part(bp->sftsize),
- phase_times_scale, filet_part(bp->sftsize));
- }
- // Downsample
- if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
- pod_vector &sdata(buf2);
- // This is using a larger buffer than we actually need
- pod_vector &ddata(buf0);
- assert(ddata.size() >= dsparams.sftsize);
- // Extract the low-frequency part of "spectrum" into "sdata"
- // and multiply it by the lowpass filter frequency response.
- // This means both positive and negative low frequencies.
- size_t half_size = dsparams.sftsize >> 1;
- assert(fftsize - half_size == 3 * half_size);
- // Positive frequencies
- elementwise_product(sdata.data(), spectrum.data(),
- dsparams.kernel.data() + half_size, half_size);
- // Nyquist
- sdata[half_size] = 0;
- // Use the same buffer as the complex FFT, but as floats
- T *real_ddata = reinterpret_cast(ddata.data());
- dsparams.rsft->itransform(sdata.data(), real_ddata);
- // Beginning and end of filet part
- T *b = real_ddata + fat_part(dsparams.sftsize);
- T *e = b + filet_part(dsparams.sftsize);
- std::copy(b, e, downsampled_dst);
- // Positive frequencies
- elementwise_product(sdata.data(), spectrum.data(),
- dsparams.kernel.data() + half_size, half_size);
- // Negative requencies
- elementwise_product(sdata.data() + half_size, spectrum.data() + fftsize - half_size,
- dsparams.kernel.data(), half_size);
- dsparams.sft->itransform(sdata.data(), ddata.data());
- // Beginning and end of filet part
- C *b = ddata.data() + fat_part(dsparams.sftsize);
- C *e = b + filet_part(dsparams.sftsize);
- complex2real(b, e, downsampled_dst);
- }
- }
- void
- synthesize_one_slice(int oct, const padded_coefs &c,
- const pod_vector &downsampled,
- sample_index_t t0,
- T *signal_out,
- pod_vector &buf0, // fftsize
- pod_vector &buf2 // largest sftsize
- ) const
- {
- zone &z = *octaves[oct].z;
- pod_vector &signal(buf0);
- std::fill(signal.begin(), signal.end(), 0);
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z.bandparams.size(); obno++) {
- band_params *bp = z.bandparams[obno].get();
- C *indata = c.bands[obno];
- pod_vector &sdata(buf2);
- T scale_factor = (T)1 / bp->sftsize;
- // Apply phase correction, adjust for non-integer center frequency,
- // and apply scale factor. Note that phase must be calculated in double
- // precision.
- double ff = bp->center * inv_fftsize_double;
- double arg = tau * t0 * ff;
- C phase_times_scale = C(cos(arg), sin(arg)) * scale_factor;
- elementwise_product_times_scalar(sdata.data(), indata, bp->shift_kernel_conj.data(),
- phase_times_scale, bp->sftsize);
- // Switch to frequency domain
- bp->sft->transform(sdata.data());
- // Multiply signal spectrum by frequency-domain dual window,
- // accumulating result in signal.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bp->sftsize; i++) {
- int iii = (bp->fq_offset_int + i) & (fftsize - 1);
- // Note the ifftshift of the input index, as f=0 appears in the middle
- // of the window
- C v = sdata[i ^ (bp->sftsize >> 1)] * bp->dual_kernel[i];
- // Frequency symmetry
- signal[iii] += v;
- if (! bp->dc)
- signal[(fftsize - iii) & (fftsize - 1)] += conj(v);
- }
- }
- if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
- // Upsample the downsampled data from the lower octaves
- pod_vector &sdata(buf2);
- assert(downsampled.size() == dsparams.sftsize);
- assert(sdata.size() >= dsparams.sftsize);
- dsparams.rsft->transform(downsampled.data(), sdata.begin());
- // Real to complex
- std::copy(downsampled.begin(), downsampled.end(), sdata.begin());
- dsparams.sft->transform(sdata.data());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dsparams.sftsize; i++) {
- sdata[i] *= dsparams.dual_kernel[i ^ (dsparams.sftsize >> 1)];
- }
- // This implicitly zero pads the spectrum, by
- // not adding anything to the middle part
- // The splitting of the nyquist band is per
- // http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/14919/upsample-data-using-ffts-how-is-this-exactly-done
- // but should not really matter because
- // there should be no energy there to speak of
- // thanks to the windowing above.
- assert(dsparams.sftsize == fftsize / 2);
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < dsparams.sftsize / 2; i++)
- signal[i] += sdata[i];
- //C nyquist = sdata[i] * (T)0.5;
- C nyquist = sdata[i] * (T)0.5;
- signal[i] += nyquist;
- signal[i + fftsize / 2] += nyquist;
- i++;
- for (;i < dsparams.sftsize; i++)
- signal[i + fftsize / 2] += sdata[i];
- }
- // Switch to time domain
- rft->itransform(signal.data(), signal_out);
- ft->itransform(signal.data());
- // Copy real part to output
- complex2real(signal.begin(), signal.end(), signal_out);
- }
- // Analyze a signal segment consisting of any number of samples.
- // oct is the octave; this is 0 except in recursive calls
- // real_signal points to the first sample
- // t0 is the sample time of the first sample
- // t1 is the sample time of the sample after the last sample
- // coefficients are added to msc
- void
- analyze_sliced(int oct, const T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1, coefs &msc) const {
- sliced_coefs &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
- // Length of alias-free section; also the overlap period
- unsigned int filetsize = filet_part(fftsize);
- unsigned int fatsize = fat_part(fftsize);
- // Find the range of slices affected by the sample range
- slice_index_t si0 = affected_slice_b(t0);
- slice_index_t si1 = affected_slice_e(t1);
- // Length of each downsampled slice (including padding)
- unsigned int dslen = fftsize >> 1;
- // Ditto without padding
- unsigned int dsfiletlen = filet_part(dslen);
- // Total length of downsampled data
- unsigned int dstotlen = (si1 - si0) * dsfiletlen;
- // The range of sample times covered by the "downsampled" array
- sample_index_t tmp = (int64_t)si0 * (int)filetsize + (int)fatsize;
- assert((tmp & 1) == 0);
- sample_index_t dst0 = tmp >> 1;
- sample_index_t dst1 = dst0 + (int)dstotlen;
- // Not all of the "downsampled" array actually contains
- // nonzero data. Calculate adjusted bounds to use in the
- // recursive analysis so that we don't needlessly analyze
- // zeroes.
- int ds_support = dsparams.time_support;
- sample_index_t dst0a = std::max(dst0, (t0 >> 1) - ds_support);
- sample_index_t dst1a = std::min(dst1, (t1 >> 1) + 1 + ds_support);
- pod_vector downsampled(dstotlen);
- pod_vector slice(fftsize);
- // Allocate buffers for analyze_one_slice(), to be shared between
- // successive calls to avoid repeated allocation
- pod_vector buf0(fftsize);
- pod_vector buf1(fftsize);
- pod_vector buf2(sftsize_max);
- pod_vector buf3(sftsize_max);
- zone &z = *octaves[oct].z;
- // Temporary coefficients used in slow path below; allocated only
- // if needed, and only once per call
- ref > temp_coefs;
- // For each slice
- for (slice_index_t si = si0; si < si1; si++) {
- sample_index_t slice_t0 = si * (sample_index_t)filetsize;
- sample_index_t slice_t1 = slice_t0 + (sample_index_t)fftsize;
- // Intersection of signal and slice
- sample_index_t ss_t0 = std::max(t0, slice_t0);
- sample_index_t ss_t1 = std::min(t1, slice_t1);
- // If the intersection is empty, the affected_*
- // calculations above must be wrong
- assert(ss_t1 >= ss_t0);
- // If this part of the signal is all zero, we don't need
- // the coefficients, and we know the downsampling will
- // produce zero, too.
- if (is_zero(real_signal + (ss_t0 - t0),
- real_signal + (ss_t1 - t0)))
- {
- // Gather zeroes in lieu of downsampled data
- if (oct + 1 < (int)n_octaves) {
- unsigned int dsi0 = (si - si0) * dslen / 2;
- unsigned int dsi1 = dsi0 + dslen / 2;
- std::fill(downsampled.data() + dsi0, downsampled.data() + dsi1, 0);
- }
- } else {
- // For each sample in the slice
- // XXX optimize away copy when no zero fill is needed?
- copy_overlapping_zerofill(slice.data(), fftsize, real_signal, t0 - slice_t0, t1 - slice_t0);
- T *downsampled_dst = downsampled.data() + (si - si0) * filet_part(dslen);
- bool created;
- oct_coefs &ssc(get_or_create_coefs_uninit(sc, si, oct, created));
- if (created) {
- // Fast path: just store new coefficients directly
- analyze_one_slice(oct, slice.data(), slice_t0, ssc,
- downsampled_dst, buf0, buf1, buf2, buf3);
- } else {
- // Slow path: add to existing coefficients
- if (! temp_coefs)
- temp_coefs.reset(new oct_coefs(coef_meta(oct), false));
- analyze_one_slice(oct, slice.data(), slice_t0, *temp_coefs.get(),
- downsampled_dst, buf0, buf1, buf2, buf3);
- add(z, ssc, *temp_coefs.get());
- }
- }
- }
- if (msc.shadow0) {
- // Note the "0" argument to band_scale_exp; we assume
- // band 0 in the octave has the lowest exponent and
- // therefore corresponds to the deepest level of resolution
- // pyramid needed. If there are bands with a higher exponent
- // in the octave, their resolution pyramid will go deeper
- // than strictly necessary, but that's harmless.
- msc.shadow0->update(oct, band_scale_exp(oct, 0), sc, si0, si1);
- }
- // Recurse
- if (oct + 1 < (int)n_octaves)
- analyze_sliced(oct + 1, downsampled.data() + (dst0a - dst0), dst0a, dst1a, msc);
- }
- // Resynthesize audio from the coefficients in "msc". The audio will
- // cover samples from t0 (inclusive) to t1 (exclusive), and is stored
- // starting at *real_signal, which must have room for (t1 - t0)
- // samples. The octave "oct" is 0 except in recursive calls.
- void
- synthesize_sliced(int oct, const coefs &msc, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1, T *real_signal) const {
- const sliced_coefs &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
- int filetsize = filet_part(fftsize);
- int fatsize = fat_part(fftsize);
- slice_index_t si0 = affected_slice_b(t0);
- slice_index_t si1 = affected_slice_e(t1);
- // sub_signal holds the reconstructed subsampled signal from the lower octaves,
- // for the entire time interval covered by the slices
- int sub_signal_len = ((si1 - si0) * filetsize + 2 * fatsize) / 2;
- pod_vector sub_signal(sub_signal_len);
- memset(sub_signal.data(), 0, sub_signal_len * sizeof(T));
- if (oct + 1 < (int)n_octaves) {
- ssize_t sub_t0 = si0 * (filetsize / 2);
- ssize_t sub_t1 = sub_t0 + sub_signal_len;
- // Recurse
- assert(sub_t1 - sub_t0 == (ssize_t)sub_signal.size());
- synthesize_sliced(oct + 1, msc, sub_t0, sub_t1, sub_signal.data());
- }
- // Allocate buffers for synthesize_one_slice(), to be shared
- // between successive calls to avoid repeated allocation
- pod_vector buf0(fftsize);
- //pod_vector buf1(fftsize);
- pod_vector buf2(sftsize_max);
- pod_vector downsampled(dsparams.sftsize);
- // For each slice
- for (slice_index_t si = si0; si < si1; si++) {
- sample_index_t slice_t0 = si * filetsize;
- if (! sc.slices.has_index(si)) {
- // Zero fill. Some code duplication with the copying
- // at the end of the function.
- sample_index_t b = std::max(slice_t0 + fatsize, t0);
- sample_index_t e = std::min(slice_t0 + fftsize - fatsize, t1);
- for (sample_index_t i = b; i < e; i++)
- real_signal[i - t0] = 0;
- continue;
- }
- padded_coefs c(coef_meta(oct, true), false);
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < c.bands.size(); obno++) {
- unsigned int padded_len = octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize;
- unsigned int len = filet_part(padded_len);
- for (int neighbor = -1; neighbor <= 1; neighbor++) {
- slice_index_t ni = si + neighbor;
- // Location in destination where sample 0 of source is copied,
- // or would be if it was inside the buffer range
- int copy_dest_offset = (len >> 1) + len * neighbor;
- int copy_source_offset = 0;
- int copy_len = len;
- if (copy_dest_offset < 0) {
- int adj = -copy_dest_offset;
- copy_dest_offset += adj;
- copy_source_offset += adj;
- copy_len -= adj;
- } else if (copy_dest_offset + copy_len >= (int)padded_len) {
- int adj = copy_dest_offset + copy_len - padded_len;
- copy_len -= adj;
- }
- C *destp = &c.bands[obno][copy_dest_offset];
- if (ni < sc.slices.begin_index() || ni >= sc.slices.end_index()) {
- // Zero pad
- for (int j = 0; j < copy_len; j++)
- destp[j] = 0;
- } else {
- const ref > &t = sc.slices.get_existing(ni);
- if (t) {
- const C *srcp = &t->bands[obno][copy_source_offset];
- for (int j = 0; j < copy_len; j++)
- destp[j] = srcp[j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Copy downsampled signal to "downsampled" for upsampling
- if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
- int bi = (si - si0) * filet_part(dsparams.sftsize);
- int ei = bi + dsparams.sftsize;
- assert(bi >= 0);
- assert(ei <= (int)sub_signal.size());
- std::copy(sub_signal.begin() + bi,
- sub_signal.begin() + ei,
- downsampled.begin());
- }
- T signal_slice[fftsize];
- synthesize_one_slice(oct, c, downsampled, slice_t0, signal_slice, buf0, buf2);
- // Copy overlapping part
- sample_index_t b = std::max(slice_t0 + fatsize, t0);
- sample_index_t e = std::min(slice_t0 + fftsize - fatsize, t1);
- for (sample_index_t i = b; i < e; i++)
- real_signal[i - t0] = signal_slice[i - slice_t0];
- }
- }
- // The main analysis entry point.
- // The resulting coefficients are added to any existing coefficients in "msc".
- void analyze(const T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
- coefs &msc, int n_threads = 1) const
- {
- analyze1(real_signal, t0, t1, msc, n_threads, 1);
- }
- void analyze1(const T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
- coefs &msc, int n_threads, int level) const
- {
- assert(msc.octaves.size() == n_octaves);
- (void)n_threads;
- analyze_sliced(0, real_signal, t0, t1, msc);
- }
- // The main synthesis entry point
- void
- synthesize(const coefs &msc, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
- T *real_signal, int n_threads = 1) const {
- (void)n_threads;
- synthesize_sliced(0, msc, t0, t1, real_signal);
- }
- // Get an existing coefficient slice, or create a new one.
- // Note that this hides the distinction between two types
- // of nonexistence: that of slices outside the range
- // of the range_vector, and that of missing slices within
- // the range (having a null ref). CT is the coefficient
- // type, which is typically C aka complex, but can
- // be different, for example float to represent magnitudes.
- template
- oct_coefs &get_or_create_coefs(sliced_coefs &sc,
- slice_index_t i, unsigned int oct) const
- {
- ref > &p(sc.slices.get_or_create(i));
- if (! p)
- p.reset(new oct_coefs(coef_meta(oct)));
- return *p;
- }
- // As above, but return uninitialized coefficients and set created
- // to true if the coefficients did not already exist. This is
- // just an optimization, turning a memset and add-to-memory
- // into a store.
- template
- oct_coefs &get_or_create_coefs_uninit(sliced_coefs &sc,
- slice_index_t i, unsigned int oct, bool &created) const
- {
- ref > &p(sc.slices.get_or_create(i));
- if (! p) {
- p.reset(new oct_coefs(coef_meta(oct), false));
- created = true;
- } else {
- created = false;
- }
- return *p;
- }
- // Get a pointer to an existing existing coefficient slice,
- // or null if one does not exist. Like get_or_create_coefs(),
- // this hides the distinction between the two types of nonexistence.
- template
- oct_coefs *get_existing_coefs(const sliced_coefs &sc,
- slice_index_t i) const
- {
- // XXX optimize to not lookup twice
- if (! sc.slices.has_index(i))
- return 0;
- const ref > &p(sc.slices.get_existing(i));
- return p.get();
- }
- // Split a "global band number" gbno into an octave and band
- // number within octave ("obno").
- //
- // Global band numbers start at 0 for the band at or close to
- // fs/2, and increase towards lower frequencies.
- //
- // Include the DC band if "dc" is true.
- // Returns true iff valid.
- bool bno_split(int gbno, int &oct, unsigned int &obno, bool dc) const {
- if (gbno < 0) {
- // Above top octave
- return false;
- } else if (gbno < 2 * (int)params.bands_per_octave) {
- // Within top octave
- oct = 0;
- obno = 2 * params.bands_per_octave - 1 - gbno;
- return true;
- } else if (gbno < (int)n_bands_total - 1) {
- // Within a middle octave, or within non-DC part of bottom octave
- int t = gbno - 2 * params.bands_per_octave;
- assert(t >= 0);
- oct = 1 + t / params.bands_per_octave;
- obno = params.bands_per_octave - 1 - (t % params.bands_per_octave);
- if (oct == (int)n_octaves - 1) {
- // This octave may be shorter and has DC band at the
- // beginning, count from the end instead
- obno -= params.bands_per_octave;
- obno += octaves[oct].z->n_bands;
- //obno++; // Skip the DC band
- }
- assert(obno >= 0 && obno < octaves[oct].z->n_bands);
- return true;
- } else if (gbno == (int)n_bands_total - 1 && dc) {
- // DC
- oct = n_octaves - 1;
- obno = 0;
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // The inverse of the above. Returns a gbno. The arguments must
- // be valid.
- int bno_merge(int oct, unsigned int obno) const {
- unsigned int n_bands = octaves[oct].z->n_bands;
- assert(obno < n_bands);
- int bno_from_end = n_bands - 1 - obno;
- return bno_from_end + octaves[oct].n_bands_above;
- }
- // Get the range of sample indices that a set of coefficients
- // pertain to.
- void get_coef_bounds(const coefs &msc, sample_index_t &si0, sample_index_t &si1) const {
- // Look at the lowest-frequency band, since it has the greatest support
- // XXX what about DC?
- int gbno = n_bands_total - 2;
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
- bool r = bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, false);
- assert(r);
- const typename sliced_coefs::slices_t &slices = msc.octaves[oct].slices;
- // signal samples per band sample
- int exp = band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
- // times number of samples in band
- exp += octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize_log2 - 1;
- si0 = shift_left((sample_index_t)slices.begin_index(), exp);
- si1 = shift_left((sample_index_t)slices.end_index(), exp);
- }
- // Return the time step (aka downsampling factor) of band "gbno".
- // If gbno is out of range, zero is returned.
- unsigned int band_step_log2(int gbno) const {
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno;
- bool valid = bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, true);
- if (! valid)
- return 0;
- return band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
- }
- int bandpass_bands_begin() const { return 0; }
- int bandpass_bands_end() const { return n_bands_total - 1; }
- int bands_begin() const { return 0; }
- int bands_end() const { return n_bands_total; }
- // Get the band number of the lowpass band
- int band_lowpass() const { return n_bands_total - 1; }
- // XXX simplify!
- double band_ff(int gbno) {
- if (gbno == band_lowpass())
- return 0;
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno;
- bool valid = bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, true);
- assert(valid);
- return band_ff(oct, obno);
- }
- // Convenience function to get the coefficient metadata for a given octave,
- // with or without padding
- coefs_meta &coef_meta(unsigned int oct, bool padded = false) const {
- return octaves[oct].z->cmeta[padded];
- }
- ~analyzer() {
- }
- // Get the base 2 logarithm of the downsampling factor of
- // band "obno" in octave "oct"
- int band_scale_exp(int oct, unsigned int obno) const {
- return fftsize_log2 - octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize_log2 + oct;
- }
- // Members initialized in the constructor, and listed in
- // order of initialization
- parameters params;
- double band_spacing_log2;
- double band_spacing;
- double tuning_log2ff;
- double band0_log2ff;
- unsigned int n_bandpass_bands_total;
- unsigned int fftsize_log2; // log2(fftsize)
- unsigned int fftsize; // The size of the main FFT, a power of two.
- // The following members may get assigned more than once, if we
- // need to try more than one FFT size.
- double inv_fftsize_double; // 1.0 / fftsize
- T inv_fftsize_t; // 1.0f / fftsize (if using floats)
- unsigned int sftsize_max; // The size of the largest band FFT, a power of two
- unsigned int n_octaves;
- std::vector[ > > zones;
- downsampling_params] dsparams;
- // Fourier transform object for transforming a full slice
- rfft *rft;
- fft *ft;
- std::vector > octaves; // Per-octave parameters
- unsigned int n_bands_total; // Total number of frequency bands, including DC
- double top_band_log2ff; // log2 of fractional frequency of the highest-frequency band
- int ffref_gbno; // Band number of the reference frequency
-// Iterate over the slices holding coefficients for a row (band)
-// in the spectrogram with indices ranging from i0 to i1, and call
-// the "process_existing_slice" method of the given "dest" object
-// for each full or partial slice of coefficients, and/or the
-// "process_missing_slice" method for each nonexistent slice.
-// Template parameters:
-// T is the spectrogram value type
-// D is the dest object type
-// C is the coefficient type
-template >
-struct row_foreach_slice {
- typedef C value_type;
- // With sc arg
- row_foreach_slice(const analyzer &anl_,
- const sliced_coefs &sc_,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
- anl(anl_), oct(oct_), obno(obno_), sc(sc_)
- {
- init();
- }
- // With msc arg
- row_foreach_slice(const analyzer &anl_,
- const coefs &msc,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
- anl(anl_), oct(oct_), obno(obno_), sc(msc.octaves[oct])
- {
- init();
- assert(oct < (int)msc.octaves.size());
- }
- void init() {
- // This works for power-of-two-sized filets only. To extend
- // it to other lengths, we will need a divmod function that
- // works correctly for negative arguments.
- unsigned int slice_len =
- filet_part(anl.octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize);
- sh = whichp2(slice_len);
- }
- void operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, D &dest) const {
- assert(i0 <= i1);
- // Band size (power of two)
- int bsize = 1 << sh;
- // Adjust for t=0 being outside the filet
- int fatsize = bsize >> 1;
- i0 -= fatsize;
- i1 -= fatsize;
- coef_index_t i = i0;
- while (i < i1) {
- // Slice index
- slice_index_t sli = i >> sh;
- // Band vector index
- int bvi = i & (bsize - 1);
- int len = bsize - bvi;
- coef_index_t remain = i1 - i;
- if (remain < len)
- len = remain;
- oct_coefs *c = anl.get_existing_coefs(sc, sli);
- if (c) {
- dest.process_existing_slice(c->bands[obno] + bvi, len);
- } else {
- dest.process_missing_slice(len);
- }
- i += len;
- }
- }
- const analyzer &anl;
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno;
- unsigned int sh;
- const sliced_coefs ≻
-// Helper class for row_source
-struct writer_dest {
- writer_dest(OI output_): output(output_) { }
- void process_existing_slice(C *bv, size_t len) {
- // Can't use std::copy here because it takes the output
- // iterator by value, and using the return value does not
- // work, either.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
- *output++ = bv[i];
- }
- void process_missing_slice(size_t len) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
- *output++ = 0;
- }
- OI output;
-// Retrieve a sequence of coefficients from a row (band) in the
-// spectrogram, with indices ranging from i0 to i1. The indices can
-// be negative, and can extend outside the available data, in which
-// case zero is returned. The coefficients are written through the
-// output iterator "output".
-// Template arguments:
-// T is the spectrogram value type
-// OI is the output iterator type
-// C is the coefficient value type
-template >
-struct row_source {
- // With sc arg
- row_source(const analyzer &anl_,
- const sliced_coefs &sc_,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
- slicer(anl_, sc_, oct_, obno_)
- { }
- // With msc arg
- row_source(const analyzer &anl_,
- const coefs &msc_,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
- slicer(anl_, msc_, oct_, obno_)
- { }
- OI operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, OI output) const {
- writer_dest dest(output);
- slicer(i0, i1, dest);
- return dest.output;
- }
- row_foreach_slice, C> slicer;
-// T -> f() -> OI::value_type
-struct transform_output_iterator: public std::iterator {
- typedef T value_type;
- transform_output_iterator(F f_, OI output_): f(f_), output(output_) { }
- transform_output_iterator& operator=(T v) {
- *output++ = f(v);
- return *this;
- }
- transform_output_iterator& operator*() { return *this; }
- transform_output_iterator& operator++() { return *this; }
- transform_output_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; }
- F f;
- OI output;
-// Apply the function f to each existing coefficient in the
-// coefficient set msc.
-void apply(const analyzer &anl, const coefs &msc, F f) {
- typedef complex C;
- unsigned int n_oct = msc.octaves.size();
- for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < n_oct; oct++) {
- const sliced_coefs &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
- slice_index_t bi = sc.slices.begin_index();
- slice_index_t ei = sc.slices.end_index();
- for (slice_index_t s = bi; s < ei; s++) {
- const ref > &t = sc.slices.get_existing(s);
- if (! t)
- continue;
- const oct_coefs &c = *t;
- unsigned int n_bands = c.bands.size();
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < n_bands; obno++) {
- C *band = c.bands[obno];
- unsigned int len = filet_part(anl.octaves[oct].z->bandparams[obno]->sftsize);
- int bno = anl.bno_merge(oct, obno);
- sample_index_t st = anl.sample_time(s, 0, oct, obno);
- int time_step = 1 << anl.band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- f(band[i], bno, st);
- st += time_step;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// Apply the function f to each existing coefficient in the
-// coefficient set msc within the time range st0 to st1.
-void apply(const analyzer &anl, const coefs &msc, F f,
- sample_index_t st0,
- sample_index_t st1)
- typedef complex C;
- unsigned int n_oct = msc.octaves.size();
- for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < n_oct; oct++) {
- const sliced_coefs &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
- unsigned int n_bands = anl.octaves[oct].z->n_bands;
- for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < n_bands; obno++) {
- int exp = anl.band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
- int time_step = 1 << exp;
- // Find the range of valid coefficient indices within the
- // given range of sample times.
- coef_index_t ci0 = (st0 + time_step - 1) >> exp;
- coef_index_t ci1 = (st1 + time_step - 1) >> exp;
- int bno = anl.bno_merge(oct, obno);
- // Helper class for row_foreach_slice()
- struct apply_dest {
- // st is the sample time of the first coefficient
- // sample in the range
- apply_dest(int bno_, sample_index_t st_, int step_, F f_):
- bno(bno_), st(st_), step(step_), f(f_)
- { }
- void process_existing_slice(C *bv, size_t len) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- f(bv[i], bno, st);
- st += step;
- }
- }
- void process_missing_slice(size_t len) {
- st += len * step;
- }
- int bno;
- sample_index_t st;
- int step;
- F f;
- } dest(bno, shift_left(ci0, exp), 1 << exp, f);
- row_foreach_slice(anl, sc, oct, obno)(ci0, ci1, dest);
- }
- }
-void forget_before(const analyzer &anl, coefs &msc,
- sample_index_t limit)
- typedef complex C;
- unsigned int n_oct = msc.octaves.size();
- for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < n_oct; oct++) {
- sliced_coefs &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
- // Convert limit from samples to slices, rounding down.
- // The "- 1" is because we only use the filet part.
- sample_index_t fat = fat_part(anl.fftsize) << oct;
- slice_index_t sli = (limit - fat) >> (oct + anl.fftsize_log2 - 1);
- sc.slices.erase_before(sli);
- }
-} // namespace
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/render.h b/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/render.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 184e70b..0000000
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/gaborator/render.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-// Rendering of spectrogram images
-// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
-// the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
-// the top level of the distribution for license information.
-#include "gaborator/gaborator.h"
-#include "gaborator/resample2.h"
-namespace gaborator {
-// Convert a floating-point linear brightness value in the range 0..1
-// into an 8-bit pixel value, with clamping and (rough) gamma
-// correction. This nominally uses the sRGB gamma curve, but the
-// current implementation cheats and uses a gamma of 2 because it can
-// be calculated quickly using a square root.
-unsigned int float2pixel_8bit(T val) {
- // Clamp before gamma correction so we don't take the square root
- // of a negative number; those can arise from bicubic
- // interpolation. While we're at it, let's also skip the gamma
- // correction for small numbers that will round to zero anyway,
- // and especially denormals which could rigger GCC bug target/83240.
- static const T almost_zero = 1.0 / 65536;
- if (val < almost_zero)
- val = 0;
- if (val > 1)
- val = 1;
- return (unsigned int)(sqrtf(val) * 255.0f);
-// Magnitude
-struct complex_abs_fob {
- T operator()(const complex &c) {
- return complex_abs(c);
- }
-// A source object for resample2() that provides the absolute
-// values of a row of spectrogram coordinates.
-struct abs_row_source {
- typedef complex C;
- typedef transform_output_iterator abs_writer_t;
- abs_row_source(const analyzer &frs_,
- const sliced_coefs &sc_,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_,
- NORMF normf_):
- rs(frs_, sc_, oct_, obno_),
- normf(normf_)
- { }
- OI operator()(sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1, OI output) const {
- abs_writer_t abswriter(normf, output);
- abs_writer_t abswriter_end = rs(i0, i1, abswriter);
- return abswriter_end.output;
- }
- row_source rs;
- NORMF normf;
-// Helper class for abs_row_source specialization below
-struct abs_writer_dest {
- abs_writer_dest(OI output_): output(output_) { }
- void process_existing_slice(C *bv, size_t len) {
- complex_magnitude(bv, output, len);
- output += len;
- }
- void process_missing_slice(size_t len) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
- *output++ = 0;
- }
- OI output;
-// Partial specialization of class abs_row_source for NORMF = complex_abs_fob,
-// for vectorization.
-struct abs_row_source > {
- typedef complex C;
- // Note unused last arg
- abs_row_source(const analyzer &frs_,
- const sliced_coefs &sc_,
- int oct_, unsigned int obno_,
- complex_abs_fob):
- slicer(frs_, sc_, oct_, obno_)
- { }
- OI operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, OI output) const {
- abs_writer_dest dest(output);
- slicer(i0, i1, dest);
- return dest.output;
- }
- row_foreach_slice, C> slicer;
-// Render a single line (single frequency band), with scaling by
-// powers of two in the horizontal (time) dimension, and filtering to
-// avoid aliasing when minifying.
-OI render_p2scale_line(const analyzer &frs,
- const coefs &msc,
- int gbno,
- int64_t xorigin,
- sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1, int e,
- bool interpolate,
- OI output,
- NORMF normf)
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
- bool clip = ! frs.bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, false);
- if (clip) {
- for (sample_index_t i = i0; i < i1; i++)
- *output++ = (T)0;
- return output;
- }
- abs_row_source
- abs_rowsource(frs, msc.octaves[oct], oct, obno, normf);
- // Scale by the downsampling factor of the band
- int scale_exp = frs.band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
- output = resample2(abs_rowsource, xorigin,
- i0, i1, e - scale_exp,
- interpolate, output);
- return output;
-// Render a two-dimensional image with scaling by powers of two in the
-// horizontal direction only. In the vertical direction, there is
-// always a one-to-one correspondence between bands and pixels.
-// yi0 and yi1 already have the yorigin applied, so there is no
-// yorigin argument.
-OI render_p2scale_noyscale(const analyzer &frs,
- const coefs &msc,
- int64_t xorigin,
- int64_t xi0, int64_t xi1, int xe,
- int64_t yi0, int64_t yi1,
- bool interpolate,
- OI output,
- NORMF normf)
- assert(xi1 >= xi0);
- int w = xi1 - xi0;
- int gbno0 = yi0;
- int gbno1 = yi1;
- for (int gbno = gbno0; gbno < gbno1; gbno++) {
- int oct;
- unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
- bool clip = ! frs.bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, false);
- if (clip) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
- *output++ = (T)0;
- } else {
- output = render_p2scale_line(frs, msc, gbno, xorigin,
- xi0, xi1, xe,
- interpolate, output, normf);
- }
- }
- return output;
-// Source data from a column of a row-major two-dimensional array.
-// data points to the beginning of a row-major array with an x
-// range of x0..x1 and an y range from y0..y1, and operator()
-// returns data from column x (where x is within the range x0..x1).
-struct transverse_source {
- transverse_source(float *data_,
- int64_t x0_, int64_t x1_, int64_t y0_, int64_t y1_,
- int64_t x_):
- data(data_),
- x0(x0_), x1(x1_), y0(y0_), y1(y1_),
- x(x_),
- stride(x1 - x0)
- { }
- OI operator()(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, OI out) const {
- assert(x >= x0);
- assert(x <= x1);
- assert(i1 >= i0);
- assert(i0 >= y0);
- assert(i1 <= y1);
- float *p = data + (x - x0) + (i0 - y0) * stride;
- while (i0 != i1) {
- *out++ = *p;
- p += stride;
- ++i0;
- }
- return out;
- }
- float *data;
- int64_t x0, x1, y0, y1, x;
- size_t stride;
-struct stride_iterator: public std::iterator {
- stride_iterator(I it_, size_t stride_): it(it_), stride(stride_) { }
- T& operator*() { return *it; }
- stride_iterator& operator++() {
- it += stride;
- return *this;
- }
- stride_iterator operator++(int) {
- stride_iterator old = *this;
- it += stride;
- return old;
- }
- I it;
- size_t stride;
-// Render a two-dimensional image with scaling by powers of two in
-// both the horizontal (time) and vertical (frequency) directions.
-// The output may be written through "output" out of order, so
-// "output" must be a random access iterator.
-// Note the default template argument for NORMF. This is needed
-// because the compiler won't deduce the type of NORMF from the
-// default function argument "NORMF normf = complex_abs_fob()"
-// when the normf argument is omitted; it is considered a "non-deduced
-// context", being "a template parameter used in the parameter type of
-// a function parameter that has a default argument that is being used
-// in the call for which argument deduction is being done".
-// Unfortuantely, this work-around of providing a default template
-// argument requires C++11.
-template >
-void render_p2scale(const analyzer &frs,
- const coefs &msc,
- int64_t xorigin, int64_t yorigin,
- int64_t xi0, int64_t xi1, int xe,
- int64_t yi0, int64_t yi1, int ye,
- OI output,
- bool interpolate = true,
- NORMF normf = complex_abs_fob())
- // Construct a temporary float image of the right width,
- // but still needing scaling of the height. Include
- // extra scanlines at the top and bottom for interpolation.
- // Find the image bounds in the spectrogram coordinate system,
- // including the interpolation margin. The Y bounds are in
- // bands and are used both to determine what to render into the
- // temporary image and for short-circuiting; the X bounds are in
- // samples, and are only used for short-circuiting.
- int64_t ysi0, ysi1;
- resample2_support(yorigin, yi0, yi1, ye, ysi0, ysi1);
- int64_t xsi0, xsi1;
- resample2_support(xorigin, xi0, xi1, xe, xsi0, xsi1);
- // Short-circuiting: if the image to be rendered falls entirely
- // outside the data, just set it to zero instead of resampling down
- // (potentially) high-resolution zeros to the display resolution.
- // This makes a difference when zooming out by a large factor, for
- // example such that the entire spectrogram falls within a single
- // tile; that tile will necessarily be expensive to calculate, but
- // the other tiles need not be, and mustn't be if we are going to
- // keep the total amount of work bounded by O(L) with respect
- // to the signal length L regardless of zoom.
- int64_t cxi0, cxi1;
- frs.get_coef_bounds(msc, cxi0, cxi1);
- if (ysi1 < 0 || // Entirely above
- ysi0 >= frs.n_bands_total - 1 || // Entirely below
- xsi1 < cxi0 || // Entirely to the left
- xsi0 >= cxi1) // Entirely to the right
- {
- size_t n = (yi1 - yi0) * (xi1 - xi0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
- output[i] = (T)0;
- return;
- }
- // Allocate buffer for temporary image resampled in the X
- // direction but not yet in the Y direction
- size_t n_pixels = (ysi1 - ysi0) * (xi1 - xi0);
- pod_vector render_data(n_pixels);
- // Render data resampled in the X direction
- float *p = render_data.data();
- render_p2scale_noyscale(frs, msc, xorigin, xi0, xi1, xe,
- ysi0, ysi1, interpolate, p, normf);
- // Resample in the Y direction
- for (int64_t xi = xi0; xi < xi1; xi++) {
- transverse_source src(render_data.data(),
- xi0, xi1, ysi0, ysi1,
- xi);
- stride_iterator dest(output + (xi - xi0), (xi1 - xi0));
- resample2(src, yorigin, yi0, yi1, ye, interpolate, dest);
- }
-} // namespace
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/CHANGES b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3294dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Miscellaneous bug fixes.
+Support lower numbers of bands per octave, down to 4.
+Further improve the performance of analyzing short signal blocks.
+The "Frequency-Domain Filtering" and "Streaming" examples now use
+a white noise and impulse signal, respectively.
+Add "API Introduction" documentation section that was missing
+from version 1.5, causing broken links.
+Improve analysis and resynthesis performance when using PFFFT or vDSP
+by automatically enabling the use of real rather than complex FFTs
+where applicable.
+Add navigation links to the HTML documentation.
+Add a code example demonstrating synthesis of musical notes.
+Add a function process() for iterating over coefficients sets with
+greater flexibility than apply(). Also add a function fill() for
+algorithmically creating new coefficients.
+Make the C++ declarations in the API reference documents more closely
+resemble actual C++ code.
+Add a method gaborator::analyzer::band_ref() returning the band number
+corresponding to the reference frequency.
+Support building the library as C++17, while retaining compatibility
+with C++11.
+Further improve the performance of analyzing short signal blocks, and
+of signal blocks not aligned to large powers of two.
+Add a code example mesasuring the resynthesis signal-to-noise
+ratio (SNR).
+Eliminate some compiler warnings.
+Declare gaborator::analyzer::band_ff() const, making the code match
+the documentation.
+Fix incorrect return type of gaborator::analyzer::band_ff() in the
+Improve performance of analyzing short signal blocks.
+Remove special-case optimization of analyzing signal slices of all
+zeros, as it caused incorrect results.
+Support up to 384 bands per octave.
+Add overview documentation.
+Add real-time FAQ.
+Actually include version.h in the release.
+Fix off-by-one error in defintion of analyzer constructor ff_min
+Fix incorrect return value of band_ff() for DC band.
+Add streaming example code.
+Add analyzer::analysis_support() and analyzer::synthesis_support().
+Document analyzer::band_ff().
+Improve signal to noise ratio at low numbers of bands per octave.
+Note the need for -mfpu=neon on ARM in render.html.
+Added CHANGES file.
+Added reference documentation.
+New include file gaborator/version.h.
+Initial release
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/LICENSE b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/LICENSE
similarity index 87%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/LICENSE
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/LICENSE
index aa53284..abcfc9f 100644
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/LICENSE
+++ b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/LICENSE
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-The Gaborator library is Copyright (C) 1992-2018 Andreas Gustafsson.
+The Gaborator library is Copyright (C) 1992-2019 Andreas Gustafsson.
License to distribute and modify the code is hereby granted under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (henceforth,
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/README b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/README
similarity index 100%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/README
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/README
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/agpl-3.0.txt b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/agpl-3.0.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/agpl-3.0.txt
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/agpl-3.0.txt
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/doc.css b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/doc.css
similarity index 69%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/doc.css
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/doc.css
index e6edd08..86aab82 100644
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/doc.css
+++ b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/doc.css
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ img {
background: #000;
h2 {
+ margin-top: 2em;
+h3 {
margin-top: 1.5em;
/* http://code.stephenmorley.org/html-and-css/fixing-browsers-broken-monospace-font-handling/ */
@@ -31,3 +34,20 @@ pre, code, kbd, samp, tt {
+pre.forward_decl {
+/* Needed for syntax checking, but avoid clutter for human readers */
+ display: none;
+div.class_def {
+ margin-left: 2em;
+div.nav {
+ margin-top: 30px;
+ font-style: oblique;
+div.nav span.prev {
+ float: left;
+div.nav span.next {
+ float: right;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/filter-response.png b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/filter-response.png
similarity index 100%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/filter-response.png
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/filter-response.png
diff --git a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/filter.html b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/filter.html
similarity index 81%
rename from gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/filter.html
rename to gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/filter.html
index 7170b02..25aa939 100644
--- a/gaborator/gaborator-1.2/doc/filter.html
+++ b/gaborator/gaborator-1.7/doc/filter.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ Reading the Audio
memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo));
SNDFILE *sf_in = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
if (! sf_in) {
- std::cerr << "could not open input audio file\n";
+ std::cerr << "could not open input audio file: "
+ << sf_strerror(sf_in) << "\n";
double fs = sfinfo.samplerate;
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ Precalculating Gains
for (int band = analyzer.bandpass_bands_begin(); band < analyzer.bandpass_bands_end(); band++) {
- float f_hz = analyzer.band_ff(band) * fs;
+ double f_hz = analyzer.band_ff(band) * fs;
band_gains[band] = 1.0 / sqrt(f_hz / 20.0);
@@ -147,17 +148,28 @@ Spectrum Analysis
The filtering is done using the function
, which applies a user-defined function to
-each spectrogram coefficient. Here, that user-defined function is a
, which applies a user-defined function
+to each spectrogram coefficient. Here, that user-defined function is a
lambda expression that multiplies the coefficient by the appropriate
precalculated frequency-dependent gain, modifying the coefficient in
place. The unused int64_t
argument is the time in units
-of samples; this could be use to implement a time-varying filter if desired.
+of samples; this could be use to implement a time-varying filter if
+The second and third argument to process()
specify a
+range of frequency bands to process; here we pass INT_MIN,
to process all of them. Similarly, the fourth and
+fifth argument specify a time range to process, and we pass
to process all the coefficients
+in coefs
regardless of time.
- apply(analyzer, coefs,
- [&](std::complex<float> &coef, int band, int64_t) {
+ process([&](int band, int64_t, std::complex<float> &coef) {
coef *= band_gains[band];
- });
+ },
+ coefs);
@@ -189,10 +201,12 @@ Writing the Audio
to make sure that any samples too loud for the file format
will saturate; by default, libsndfile makes them
wrap around, which sounds really bad.
SNDFILE *sf_out = sf_open(argv[2], SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
if (! sf_out) {
- std::cerr << "could not open output audio file\n";
+ std::cerr << "could not open output audio file: "
+ << sf_strerror(sf_out) << "\n";
sf_command(sf_out, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);
@@ -203,6 +217,7 @@ Writing the Audio
@@ -215,30 +230,29 @@
-Like Example 1 , this example
Like Example 1 , this example
can be built using a one-line build command:
c++ -std=c++11 -I.. -O3 -ffast-math `pkg-config --cflags sndfile` filter.cc `pkg-config --libs sndfile` -o filter
Or using the vDSP FFT on macOS:
c++ -std=c++11 -I.. -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_VDSP `pkg-config --cflags sndfile` filter.cc `pkg-config --libs sndfile` -framework Accelerate -o filter
-Or using PFFFT (see Example 1 for how to download and build PFFFT):
+Or using PFFFT (see Example 1 for how to download and build PFFFT):
c++ -std=c++11 -I.. -Ipffft -O3 -ffast-math -DGABORATOR_USE_PFFFT `pkg-config --cflags sndfile` filter.cc pffft/pffft.o pffft/fftpack.o `pkg-config --libs sndfile` -o filter
-To filter the file guitar.wav
that was downloaded in
-Example 1, simply run
+Running the following shell commands will download an example
+audio file containing five seconds of white noise and filter it,
+producing pink noise.
-./filter guitar.wav guitar_filtered.wav
+wget http://download.gaborator.com/audio/white_noise.wav
+./filter white_noise.wav pink_noise.wav
-The resulting lowpass filtered audio in guitar_filtered.wav
-sound muffled compared to the original, but less so than it would with a
-6 dB/octave filter.
Frequency response
The following plot shows the actual measured frequency response of the
@@ -246,5 +260,7 @@
Frequency response