Want to translate Purity III into your language? Please feel welcome to submit your translation here on Github by following those steps down below.
- Install language package
- Create content language for the language
- Download and install translation package
- Set new installed language as default language for back-end
Want to go in-depth? Please refer to: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/new-features#translation-package
- Fork purity iii project: https://github.com/t3framework/purity_iii
- Clone the purity iii project
- Create your translation folder and language files
- Add your translation to the files
- Commit your work to Github
- Create a pull-request to Purity III team
Hooray! You’re done. Thank you for your contribution. We’ll take it from here! If there are any questions regard to this, feel free to raise up your voice here @ Purity III Discussion Forum.