Nice to meet you!
I'm a passionate developer who loves building things, solving problems, and learning new technologies.
I am currently employed as a Software Engineer at an IT consultancy, where I work with a mix of modern and legacy technologies to deliver reliable solutions tailored to client needs.
I visit my GitHub from time to time to share projects, experiment with new ideas, and explore interesting tech.
Welcome to my GitHub profile! ๐
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
A robust payment processing system built with modern technologies.
Built with
A Blazor-based simulation of flocking behavior (Boids algorithm).
Built with
A simulation app that spawns todos and progresses them through a workflow cycle.
Built with
An interactive implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
I occasionally decompile Rust applications for self-learning and exploration.
I am primarily Microsoft tech stack-based and have recently started learning Rust for fun and exploration.
Thanks for visiting! Have a great day! ๐