Robot Soccer Simulator 2D in JS
- Fork this repo
- Build your team
- Send pull request
###Fork this repo### Just press the 'Fork' button.
###Build your team### Before build your team, the develop tools should be installed first.
Firstly, install node.js
from binary or
from source
Then, install coffee-script and coffeescript-concat
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g coffeescript-concat
Let`s fork a team.
*unix user could use
to fork a team:
./ <team name> <team color>
example: ./ Apollo '#FF4500'
or fork by hand:
cp teams/ teams/.coffee
Then, open the coffee file, change the class name and @teamname to <team name> and pick a color as @fill_color of your team.
Append one line 'root.client1.<team name> = <team name>' to src/
Append one line 'root.client2.<team name> = <team name>' to src/
Lastly, let`s make
Open the index.html, your will find your team in the control panel.
This client commands cheatsheet will be helpfull when you start to develop your team.
Send pull request when you are ready to go.
If the code is merged, your team becomes the memeber of league consequentially.
- Log player