A tool to convert 3D models into Minecraft formats such as .schematic, .litematic, .schem and .nbt
Minecraft Bedrock Edition server software written in Go
General purpose library for Minecraft Bedrock Edition software written in Go
Custom server software for Minecraft: Bedrock, built from scratch in PHP, C and C++
A small and simple rust program that I decided to make for learning (this is extended from the coins example in the rust book)
Windows 10 Multi-Version launcher.
A simple but useful brainfuck IDE with a easy to use terminal runner.
A golang brainfuck interpreter with support for a custom dialect with asynchronistic features
the pmmp virion for interacting with the sun proxy api
A DiscordGo Command Lib with customizability allowing for custom handlers listeners and command maps.
a discord webhook library for php and pmmp *VERY OBJECTIVE*. Available as a plugin and as a Virion for pmmp
A Discordgo helper allowing for the use of AwaitMessages(channelId)
a Go Module for grabbing information on the 2020 election planning on adding more elections soon
A Pocketmine-MP Plugin That Spawns A Zombie On Death