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What are these yaml files

The yaml files in this directory are resource files necessary to manually deploy an operator. They are generated from the generate-deploy make target.


If you have changed the CRD definitions or any other config resources, you need to regenerate these yamls by run the following command from the project root.

make generate-deploy

How to use the yamls in this dir to deploy an operator

To deploy an operator watching single namespace (operator's namespace)

Assuming the target namespace is current namespace (if not use kubectl's -n option to specify the target namespace)

  1. Deploy all the crds
kubectl create -f ./crds
  1. Deploy operator

You need to deploy all the yamls from this dir except cluster_role.yaml and cluster_role_binding.yaml:

kubectl create -f ./deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/election_role.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/election_role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/operator_config.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/operator.yaml

To deploy an operator watching all namespace

The steps are similar to those for single namespace operators except that you replace the role.yaml and role_binding.yaml with cluster_role.yaml and cluster_role_binding.yaml respectively.

Note Before deploy, you should edit operator.yaml and change the WATCH_NAMESPACE env var value to be empty string and also change the subjects namespace to match your target namespace in cluster_role_binding.yaml as illustrated in following

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: activemq-artemis-manager-rolebinding
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: activemq-artemis-activemq-artemis-operator
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: activemq-artemis-controller-manager
  namespace: <<This must match your operator's target namespace>>

After making the above changes deploy the operator as follows (Assuming the target namespace is current namespace. You can use kubectl's -n option to specify otherwise)

kubectl create -f ./deploy/crds
kubectl create -f ./deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/cluster_role.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/cluster_role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/election_role.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/election_role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/operator_config.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/operator.yaml