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ForwardList Library in C

Author: amin tahmasebi Release Date: 2023 License: ISC License

The ForwardList library is a part of a project to reimplement C++ standard library features in C. It provides a generic container that encapsulates dynamic size ForwardList, offering similar functionality to std::forward_list in C++.


To compile the ForwardList library along with your main program, use the following GCC command: if you need other lib just you can add name of libs .c

gcc -std=c11 -O3 -march=native -flto -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -s -o main ./main.c forward_list/forward_list.c

Ensure you have the GCC compiler installed on your system and that all source files are in the correct directory structure as shown in the project.


To use the ForwardList library in your project, include the forward_list.h header file in your source code.

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"

Functions Explanations

ForwardList *forward_list_create(size_t itemSize)

  • Purpose: Creates a new singly linked list (ForwardList) that stores elements of a specified size.
  • Parameters:
    • itemSize: Size of each element in bytes. Must be greater than 0.
  • Return: Pointer to the newly created list, or NULL if memory allocation fails.

void *forward_list_front(const ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Retrieves the value of the first element in the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: Pointer to the value of the first element, or NULL if the list is empty or NULL.

void forward_list_push_front(ForwardList *list, void *value)

  • Purpose: Adds a new element to the front of the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • value: Pointer to the value to insert at the front of the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_pop_front(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Removes the first element from the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_clear(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Removes all elements from the ForwardList, resetting it to an empty state.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_deallocate(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Frees all memory associated with the ForwardList, including nodes and the list itself.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_assign(ForwardList *list, void *values, size_t numValues)

  • Purpose: Replaces the contents of the ForwardList with values from an array.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • values: Pointer to the array of values to insert.
    • numValues: Number of values to insert.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_emplace_front(ForwardList *list, void *value)

  • Purpose: Inserts a new element at the front of the ForwardList without copying the value.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • value: Pointer to the value to emplace.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_emplace_after(ForwardList *list, ForwardListNode *pos, void *value)

  • Purpose: Inserts a new element directly after the specified node (pos) in the ForwardList without copying the value.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • pos: Pointer to the node after which the new value will be inserted.
    • value: Pointer to the value to emplace.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_insert_after(ForwardList *list, ForwardListNode *pos, void *value, size_t numValues)

  • Purpose: Inserts multiple elements into the ForwardList after the specified node (pos).
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • pos: Pointer to the node after which the elements will be inserted.
    • value: Pointer to the array of values.
    • numValues: Number of elements to insert.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_erase_after(ForwardList *list, ForwardListNode *pos)

  • Purpose: Removes the node immediately after the specified node (pos) in the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • pos: Pointer to the node before the node to be erased.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_swap(ForwardList *list1, ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Swaps the contents of two ForwardLists.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_resize(ForwardList *list, size_t newSize)

  • Purpose: Resizes the ForwardList to contain newSize elements.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • newSize: New desired size of the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_splice_after(ForwardList *list, ForwardListNode *pos, ForwardList *other)

  • Purpose: Moves all elements from the other list into the current list after the node pos.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the destination list.
    • pos: Pointer to the node in list after which the elements from other will be inserted.
    • other: Pointer to the source list whose elements will be moved.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_remove(ForwardList *list, void *value)

  • Purpose: Removes all elements in the ForwardList that match the specified value.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • value: Pointer to the value to remove.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_remove_if(ForwardList *list, bool (*condition)(void*))

  • Purpose: Removes all elements from the ForwardList that satisfy the condition specified by the condition function.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
    • condition: Function pointer to the condition function to test each element.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_unique(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Removes consecutive duplicate elements from the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_merge(ForwardList *list1, ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Merges two sorted ForwardLists (list1 and list2) into one sorted list stored in list1.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list, which becomes empty after the merge.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_sort(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Sorts the elements of the ForwardList in ascending order using merge sort.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

void forward_list_reverse(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Reverses the order of the elements in the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: None.

size_t forward_list_length(const ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Returns the number of elements in the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: Number of elements in the list.

size_t forward_list_max_size(const ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Returns the theoretical maximum number of elements the ForwardList can hold.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: The maximum number of elements the list can hold, or (size_t)-1 in case of error.

ForwardListNode *forward_list_before_begin(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Returns a pointer to the node before the first node of the ForwardList, which is always NULL for singly linked lists.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: Always NULL.

ForwardListNode *forward_list_begin(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Returns a pointer to the first node (head) of the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: Pointer to the first node, or NULL if the list is empty.

ForwardListNode *forward_list_end(ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Returns NULL, representing the end of the ForwardList.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: NULL.

bool forward_list_is_less(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Compares two ForwardLists lexicographically to check if list1 is less than list2.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if list1 is lexicographically less than list2, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_is_greater(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Compares two ForwardLists lexicographically to check if list1 is greater than list2.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if list1 is lexicographically greater than list2, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_is_equal(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Compares two ForwardLists for equality.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if both lists are equal, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_is_less_or_equal(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Checks if list1 is lexicographically less than or equal to list2.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if list1 is less than or equal to list2, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_is_greater_or_equal(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Checks if list1 is lexicographically greater than or equal to list2.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if list1 is greater than or equal to list2, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_is_not_equal(const ForwardList *list1, const ForwardList *list2)

  • Purpose: Checks if two ForwardLists are not equal.
  • Parameters:
    • list1: Pointer to the first list.
    • list2: Pointer to the second list.
  • Return: true if the lists are not equal, false otherwise.

bool forward_list_empty(const ForwardList *list)

  • Purpose: Checks if the ForwardList is empty.
  • Parameters:
    • list: Pointer to the list.
  • Return: true if the list is empty, false otherwise.

Example 1: Create a ForwardList and Push Front with forward_list_create and forward_list_push_front

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int value = 10;

    forward_list_push_front(list, &value);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != NULL; node = node->next) {
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));
    return 0;



Example 2: Pop Front Element with forward_list_pop_front

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int value = 10;

    forward_list_push_front(list, &value);

    return 0;

Example 3: Access Front Element with forward_list_front

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int value = 10;

    forward_list_push_front(list, &value);
    int *frontValue = (int*)forward_list_front(list);

    fmt_printf("Front value: %d\n", *frontValue);

    return 0;


Front value: 10

Example 4: Clear List with forward_list_clear

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != NULL; node = node->next) {
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));


    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != NULL; node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));
    return 0;


10 20 30 

Example 5: Check if List is Empty forward_list_empty

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));

    fmt_printf("Is list empty? %s\n", forward_list_empty(list) ? "Yes" : "No");

    return 0;


Is list empty? Yes

Example 6: Get List Length with forward_list_length

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);
    fmt_printf("List length: %zu\n", forward_list_length(list));

    return 0;


List length: 3

Example 7: Assign Values to List forward_list_assign

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != NULL; node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 20 30

Example 8: Get before_begin Iterator with forward_list_before_begin

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    ForwardListNode *node = forward_list_before_begin(list);

    fmt_printf("Node: %p\n", (void*)node);

    return 0;


Node: 0000000000000000

Example 9: Get begin and end Iterator with forward_list_begin and forward_list_end

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);
    for (ForwardListNode *node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d\n", *(int *)node->value);
    return 0;



Example 10: Get max_size with forward_list_max_size

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));

    fmt_printf("Max size: %zu\n", forward_list_max_size(list));

    return 0;


Max size: 18446744073709551615

Example 11: Emplace Front with forward_list_emplace_front

#include "fmt/fmt.h"
#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int value = 10;

    forward_list_emplace_front(list, &value);
    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;



Example 12: Emplace After with forward_list_emplace_after

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int value = 10;

    forward_list_emplace_front(list, &value);
    forward_list_emplace_after(list, forward_list_before_begin(list), &value);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 10

Example 13: Insert After with forward_list_insert_after

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20};

    forward_list_insert_after(list, forward_list_before_begin(list), values, 2);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) {
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;



Example 14: Erase After with forward_list_erase_after

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);
    forward_list_erase_after(list, forward_list_begin(list));

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 30

Example 15: Swap ForwardLists with forward_list_swap

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

void print_list(ForwardList *list) {
    ForwardListNode *current = forward_list_begin(list);
    while (current != NULL) {
        int *value = (int *)current->value;
        fmt_printf("%d ", *value);
        current = current->next;

int main() {
    ForwardList* list1 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    ForwardList* list2 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));

    int values1[] = {1, 2, 3};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        forward_list_push_front(list1, &values1[i]);
    int values2[] = {4, 5, 6};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        forward_list_push_front(list2, &values2[i]);

    forward_list_swap(list1, list2);

    fmt_printf("List1 after swap: ");

    fmt_printf("List2 after swap: ");


    return 0;


List1 after swap: 
6 5 4
List2 after swap: 
3 2 1

Example 16: Resize List with forward_list_resize

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    forward_list_resize(list, 3);

    fmt_printf("Size of the list after resizing: %zu\n", forward_list_length(list));
    return 0;


Size of the list after resizing: 3

Example 17: Splice After with forward_list_splice_after

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list1 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    ForwardList* list2 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list2, values, 3);
    forward_list_splice_after(list1, forward_list_before_begin(list1), list2);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list1); node != forward_list_end(list1); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 20 30

Example 18: Remove Element from ForwardList with forward_list_remove

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 20, 30};
    forward_list_assign(list, values, 3);

    int valueToRemove = 20;
    forward_list_remove(list, &valueToRemove);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 30

Example 19: Remove Elements if Condition is Met with forward_list_remove_if

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

bool is_even(void* value) {
    int val = *(int*)value;
    return val % 2 == 0;

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30};

    forward_list_assign(list, values, 5);
    forward_list_remove_if(list, is_even);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


15 25

Example 20: get unique elements from ForwardList with forward_list_unique

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList* list = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values[] = {10, 10, 20, 30, 30, 30};
    forward_list_assign(list, values, 6);

    for (ForwardListNode* node = forward_list_begin(list); node != forward_list_end(list); node = node->next) { 
        fmt_printf("%d ", *(int*)(node->value));

    return 0;


10 20 30

Example 21 : Relational operators in ForwardList

#include "forward_list/forward_list.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

int main() {
    ForwardList *list1 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    ForwardList *list2 = forward_list_create(sizeof(int));
    int values1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values1) / sizeof(values1[0]); i++) {
        forward_list_push_front(list1, &values1[i]);
    int values2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values2) / sizeof(values2[0]); i++) {
        forward_list_push_front(list2, &values2[i]);
    if (forward_list_is_less(list1, list2)) { 
        fmt_printf("List1 is less than List2\n");
    else if (forward_list_is_greater(list1, list2)) {
        fmt_printf("List1 is greater than List2\n");
    else if (forward_list_is_equal(list1, list2)) {
        fmt_printf("List1 is equal to List2\n");
    if (forward_list_is_not_equal(list1, list2)) { 
        fmt_printf("List1 is not equal to List2\n");

    return 0;


List1 is less than List2
List1 is not equal to List2


This project is open-source and available under [ISC License].