Practice some
programming basics
such asalgorithms
andhigher-order readers
Programming basis
>>> Some practices of self-learningalgorithms
>>> Some practices of self-learningdata-structure
>>> Some practices of self-learningdesign-patterns
>>> C++classic algorithm
implementation principle.
High-level reader
Swift books learning.CS193p
>>> Stanford UniversityiOS public class
study notes.
Self practice
>>> LeetCode'sbrushing questions
for future algorithmic interviews.CocoaTouch
>>> Based on UIControl to implementation UIButton, theMeituan interview
>>> TheiOS implementation
of the only blackout problem in the whole network.
Apply the algorithm to the actual, now showing a visual version
of the light-off problem.
- Swift 数据结构与算法初探 / 2018 / 01
- Swift 排序算法的简单取舍 / 2018 / 02
- Swift 第二梯队iOS面试败北感悟 / 2018 / 04
- Swift 进阶 : 看得见的算法 / 2018 / 05
back-end``three-end interaction
to implementation adegraded architecture
- First, you need a node server environment
- Then, run the following command to launch server
$ cd server/RouterPattern
$ npm start
$ cd server/RouterPattern/public/javascripts
$ node image.js
$ cd web/RouterPattern
$ npm run dev
>>> PracticeSwift
as a mobile-end development languageweb
>>> PracticeVue
as a front-end development frameworkserver
>>> PracticeKoa
as a back-end development framework
Completed a degradable architecture
, just call the back-end interface
, the client automatically downgrades from native
to webpage
- Hybird 搭建零耦合架构从MVC开始 / 2017 / 04
- Hybird 搭建后端Koa.js并过度到MVVM / 2017 / 04
- Hybird 搭建前端Vue.js并升级至MVP / 2017 / 04
- Hybird 搭建路由Router实现组件化 / 2017 / 04
- Hybird 搭建客户端实时降级架构 / 2017 / 04
Practice the
logic betweenmobile-end
>>> use UIWebView to implementHTML
to callnative
album function