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This package provides symbolic operations for tensors written in Julia. The main motivation behind the development of this package is to provide useful tensor operations (e.g., contraction; tensor product, ; inv; etc.) for arbitrary order and size of tensors. The symmetry of the tensor is also supported for fast computations. The way to give size of the tensor is similar to StaticArrays.jl, except that symmetry can be specified by Symmetry. For example, symmetric fourth-order tensor can be represented as Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}, @Symmetry{3,3}}}. All of these tensors can also be used in provided automatic differentiation functions.


pkg> add Tensorial

Cheat Sheet


# identity tensors
one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})            == Matrix(I,3,3) # second-order identity tensor
one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}}) == Matrix(I,3,3) # symmetric second-order identity tensor
I  = one(Tensor{NTuple{4,3}})               # fourth-order identity tensor
Is = one(Tensor{NTuple{2, @Symmetry{3,3}}}) # symmetric fourth-order identity tensor

# zero tensors
zero(Tensor{Tuple{2,3}}) == zeros(2, 3)
zero(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}}) == zeros(3, 3)

# random tensors

# from arrays
Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 2; 3 4]
Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 3; 3 4] # lower triangular part is used

# from functions
Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}((i,j) -> i == j ? 1 : 0) == one(Tensor{Tuple{2,2}})
Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}((i,j) -> i == j ? 1 : 0) == one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}})

# macros (same interface as StaticArrays.jl)
@Vec [1,2,3]
@Vec rand(4)
@Mat [1 2
      3 4]
@Mat rand(4,4)
@Tensor rand(2,2,2)

Tensor Operations

# 2nd-order vs. 2nd-order
x = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,2}})
y = rand(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}})
x  y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2,@Symmetry{2,2}}} # tensor product
x  y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}                # single contraction (x_ij * y_jk)
x  y isa Real                              # double contraction (x_ij * y_ij)

# 3rd-order vs. 1st-order
A = rand(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2},2}})
v = rand(Vec{2})
A  v isa Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2},2,2}} # A_ijk * v_l
A  v isa Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}     # A_ijk * v_k
A  v # error

# 4th-order vs. 2nd-order
II = one(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{2}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}, @Symmetry{2,2}}})
A = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,2}})
S = rand(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}})
II  A == (A + A') / 2 == symmetric(A) # symmetrizing A, resulting in Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}
II  S == S

# contraction
x = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,2,2}})
y = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,@Symmetry{2,2}}})
contraction(x, y, Val(1)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2, @Symmetry{2,2}}}     # single contraction (== ⋅)
contraction(x, y, Val(2)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}                     # double contraction (== ⊡)
contraction(x, y, Val(3)) isa Real                                   # triple contraction (x_ijk * y_ijk)
contraction(x, y, Val(0)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2,2,2, @Symmetry{2,2}}} # tensor product (== ⊗)

# norm/tr/mean/vol/dev
x = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
v = rand(Vec{3})
mean(x) == tr(x) / 3 # useful for computing mean stress
vol(x) + dev(x) == x # decomposition into volumetric part and deviatoric part

# det/inv for 2nd-order tensor
A = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
S = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}})
det(A); det(S)
inv(A)  A  one(A)
inv(S)  S  one(S)

# inv for 4th-order tensor
AA = rand(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3,3,3}})
SS = rand(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}, @Symmetry{3,3}}})
inv(AA)  AA  one(AA)
inv(SS)  SS  one(SS)

Automatic differentiation

# Real -> Real
gradient(x -> 2x^2 + x + 3, 3) == (x = 3; 4x + 1)
gradient(x -> 2.0, 3) == 0.0

# Real -> Tensor
gradient(x -> Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}((i,j) -> i*x^2), 3) == (x = 3; Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}((i,j) -> 2i*x))
gradient(x -> one(Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}), 3) == zero(Tensor{Tuple{2,2}})

# Tensor -> Real
gradient(tr, rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})) == one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})

# Tensor -> Tensor
A = rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
D  = gradient(dev, A)            # deviatoric projection tensor
Ds = gradient(dev, symmetric(A)) # symmetric deviatoric projection tensor
A  D   dev(A)
A  Ds  symmetric(dev(A))
gradient(identity, A)  == one(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # 4th-order identity tensor
gradient(symmetric, A) == one(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # symmetric 4th-order identity tensor


const SecondOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{2, dim}, T, 2, L}
const FourthOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{4, dim}, T, 4, L}
const SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{dim, dim}}, T, 2, L}
const SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{2, @Symmetry{dim, dim}}, T, 4, L}
const Mat{m, n, T, L} = Tensor{Tuple{m, n}, T, 2, L}
const Vec{dim, T} = Tensor{Tuple{dim}, T, 1, dim}

Other tensor packages
