All models were implemented tested with TensorFlow 1.14.0 and python3 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 machines. All following steps assume that they are executed under these conditions.
First we have to download all datasets by running
This script creates a folder data
, where all downloaded datasets are stored.
There is exactly one python module per dataset:
- Hand gesture segmentation:
- Room occupancy detection:
- Human activity recognition:
- Traffic volume prediction:
- Ozone level forecasting:
Each script accepts the following four agruments:
--model: lstm | ctrnn | ltc | ltc_rk | ltc_ex
--epochs: number of training epochs (default 200)
--size: number of hidden RNN units (default 32)
--log: interval of how often to evaluate validation metric (default 1)
Each script trains the specified model for the given number of epochs and evalutates the
validation performance after every log
At the end of training, the best performing checkpoint is restored and the model is evaluated on the test set.
All results are stored in the results
folder by appending the result to CSV-file.
For example, we can train and evaluate the CT-RNN by executing
python3 --model ctrnn
After the script is finished there should be a file results/har/ctrnn_32.csv
created, containing the following columns:
best epoch
: Epoch number that achieved the best validation metrictrain loss
: Training loss achieved at the best epochtrain accuracy
: Training metric achieved at the best epochvalid loss
: Validation loss achieved at the best epochvalid accuracy
: Best validation metric achieved during trainingtest loss
: Loss on the test settest accuracy
: Metric on the test set
Note that metric is accuracy on the first three datasets and mean squared error/F1-score on the other two datasets respectively.
The frequentcy extrapolation figures can be sampled through the jupyter notebook extrapolation_figures.ipynb
Alternatively, one can use the file
python3 --fig ring --model ltc --k 16 --epochs 50000
The script
accepts the following four agruments:
--fig: ball | cross | boxes | ring
--model: lstm | ctrnn | ltc | ltc_rk | ltc_ex
--epochs: number of training epochs (default 1000)
--size: number of hidden RNN units (default 16)
Note that, because of the vanishing gradient, the CT-RNN and LTC models may require a large number of training epochs, e.g. 50,000.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Minibatch size | 16 | Number of training samples over which the gradient descent update is computed |
Learning rate | 0.001/0.01 | Factor multiplied with the gradient before each update. 0.01 for LTC, 0.001 for all other models. |
RNN hidden units | 32 | Number of hidden units of each RNN model |
Momentum method | Adam | See (Kingma and Ba, 2014) |
beta_1 | 0.9 | Parameter of the Adam method |
beta_2 | 0.999 | Parameter of the Adam method |
epsilon | 1e-07 | Epsilon-hat parameter of the Adam method |
Number of epochs | 200 | Maximum number of training epochs |
BPTT length | 32 | Backpropagation through time length in time-steps |
ODE solver unfolds | 3 | Number of ODE solver steps per input/output time-step |
Validation set ratio | 10% | Ratio of training samples separated into the validation set |
Validation evaluation interval | 1 | Interval of training epochs when the metrics on the validation are evaluated |