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Module Federation Angular v.14 & React v.18

This project shows an example of using Webpack 5 Module Federation for Angular 14.2.0 app with injected remote React 18.2.0 module. NGXS state management is used in Angular app, state is shared between Angular app and React module. Angular app was developed based on the example angular11-microfrontends-ngxs.

Running the demo

Note the use of yarn, this is required to override the webpack version for the angular cli.

For react-user-list:

  • Install packages: yarn install
  • Start: yarn start(the app uses port 3002)

For angular-profile:

Ports could be changed in webpack.config.js files located in react-user-list and angular-profile folders.

App Screenshot

Running Cypress E2E Tests

To run tests in interactive mode, run npm run cypress:debug from the root directory of the project. It will open Cypress Test Runner and allow to run tests in interactive mode. More info about "How to run tests"

To build app and run test in headless mode, run yarn e2e:ci. It will build app and run tests for this workspace in headless mode. If tets failed cypress will create cypress directory in sample root folder with screenshots and videos.

"Best Practices, Rules amd more interesting information here

Project Structure

  • angular-profile app maintains the application state
  • angular-profile app includes a form for adding a new user
  • react-user-list app contains a table for user list visualizing with Remove button
  • react-user-list app calls a function to remove user from the app state after clicking Remove button
  • when user is removed from the store, both angular-profile app and react-user-list app see the changes.

Tech details

react-user-list uses ModuleFederationPlugin to expose ListUserReactComponent. The plugin is configured in webpack.config.js (see below).

plugins: [
    new ModuleFederationPlugin({
        name: 'list_user',
        filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
        exposes: {
            './ListUserReactComponent': './src/ListUserReactComponent',
        shared: {
            react: {
                singleton: true,
                requiredVersion: deps.react,
            'react-dom': {
                singleton: true,
                requiredVersion: deps['react-dom'],

angular-profile contains the shell application which is used to load remote Microfrontends using loadRemoteModule function. Appropriate code from app.module.ts is listed below.

function initializeApp(): () => void {
  return () => {
      remoteEntry: 'http://localhost:3002/remoteEntry.js',
      remoteName: 'list_user',
      exposedModule: './ListUserReactComponent',

ModuleFederationPlugin required in the shell app as well. This configuration listed below.

 plugins: [
    new container.ModuleFederationPlugin({
      name: 'profile',
      filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
      remotes: {
        list_user: `list_user@http://localhost:3002/remoteEntry.js`,
      shared: {
        react: {
          singleton: true,
          requiredVersion: deps.react,
        'react-dom/client': {
          singleton: true,
          requiredVersion: deps['react-dom'],

React component is injected into list-user.component.ts. Here is a component loaded dynamically.

  import('list_user/ListUserReactComponent').then(val => {
          .select<IUser[]>(state => state.users.users)
          .subscribe(users => {
              React.createElement(val.ListUserReactComponent, {
                onClick: this.handleClicked,

Please, pay attention that a file like decl.d.ts is required into Angular app.

declare module 'list_user/\*';

Reference Points

These references might be usefull in addition to this project in case you are going to implement Angular&React app with Module federation:
