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base repository: KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools
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base: 91c50e3fc9931a32f116ff5526a01eacbd2bde40
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head repository: KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools
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compare: fc0dc3a9c734f798f85a8433cbd99306dbe82825
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  • 1 commit
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 29, 2020

  1. Fix ADCE pass bug for mulitple entries (#3470)

    When there are multiple entries and the shader has a variable with
    WorkGroup storage class, those multiple entry functions store values to
    the variable. Since ADCE pass uses def-use chains to propagate the work
    list, some of instructions in the work list are not actually a part of
    the currently processed function. As a result, it adds instructions in
    other functions and put them in |live_insts_|. However, it does not
    have the control flow information for those instructions in other
    functions i.e., |block2headerBranch_| and |header2nextHeaderBranch_|.
    When it processes those instructions (they are added when it processes a
    different function), it skips handling them because they are already in
    |live_insts_| and does not check |block2headerBranch_| and
    |header2nextHeaderBranch_|, which results in skipping some branches.
    Even though those branches are live branches, it considers they are dead
    jaebaek authored Jun 29, 2020
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