Design patterns implemented in Java
Netty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework
Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions and Answers
A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.
🚀 A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2 🚀
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
RxJava 2 Android Examples - How to use RxJava 2 in Android
TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.
Give a custom shape to any android view, Material Design 2 ready
Here I list down all of the high-quality blogs that I publish on my website.
⚡ [Android Library] Play with sensor events & detect gestures in a breeze.
With Diagonal Layout explore new styles and approaches on material design
Asciidoc Editor and Toolchain written with JavaFX 21 (Build PDF, Epub, Mobi and HTML books, documents and slides)
📱 [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
Android TensorFlow MachineLearning Example (Building TensorFlow for Android)
An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android
With Oblique explore new styles of displaying images
Android TensorFlow MachineLearning MNIST Example (Building Model with TensorFlow for Android)
📫 RubberStamp is an Android library that makes it easy for you to add a watermark to your images.