Cordova plugin to connect to the Wii Fit Balance Board. You can use the Balance Board to get weight measurements with your app or as a controller for games. This plugin is only compatible with Android <= 4.1.x, because newer Android versions no longer support l2cap bluetooth connections (see
This is just a small wrapper around the bluetooth communication code of the fitscale app by paulburton so all credit should go to him for doing the hard work.
cordova plugin add
You have to press the red button under the battery cover of your Balance Board than you can connect with it.
// call before you can interact with the Balance Board
// rescanns for bluetooth devices until Balance Board is found or balanceBoard.disconnect is called
// call to close connection with Balance Board
balanceBoard.on('discovered', function () {
console.log('balance board has been discovered');
balanceBoard.on('connecting', function () {
console.log('started connecting with balance board');
balanceBoard.on('connected', function () {
console.log('connected to balance board');
balanceBoard.on('disconnected', function () {
// known issue: this event is only triggered if the Balance Board is disconnected properly
// not if the power is turned of
console.log('balance board disconnected');
balance.board.on('data', function (data) {
// weight applied at each point in kg
// hint: you have to zeroize the data yourself
var tl = data.topLeft;
var tr = data.topRight;
var bl = data.bottomLeft;
var br = data.bottomRight;
// to calculate the total weight just add everything up;
var weight = tl + tr + bl + br;
console.log("measured weight: %i kg", weight);