Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
OctoPrint 3D Printer Monitor using Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266
Air quality logging for the ESP8266 running esp-open-rtos
Adafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino
this is a project which shows how to transfer ov2640 jpeg stream through tcp/ip protocol.
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…
Advanced firmware to add native Apple HomeKit and custom configurations, compatible with any SoC based on ESP32, ESP32-S, ESP32-C and ESP8266 series. (Shelly, Sonoff, Electrodragon, Tuya...)
nRF51822 and nRF52832 based baords, e.g. BLE Nano, RBL_nRF51822, Nano 2 and Blend 2
Module to emulate Elgato Eve history
Demo of Apple HomeKit accessory server library
ESP8266 HomeKit Accessory Implementation based on FreeRTOS.
Firmware to control your Sonoff natively and directly through HomeKit.
HomeKit server Native on ESP8266_RTOS with an API approach
A collection of extension HAP Service and Characteristic types known to be used by HomeKit apps and accessories, for use with the HAP-NodeJS library.
Node.js implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP)
✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 5.0
A library that displays spherical or cylindrical panoramas with touch or motion based controls.
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift.
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
⚡️ Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift