Lead Unity developer
- www.linkedin.com/in/kotikovd/
- https://t.me/cat_and_code
ShadersCollection Public
Little shaders collection for solve typical tasks and implement common mechanics in any project. Suitable for prototyping, game-jam participation and learning.
UnityIngameDebugConsole Public
Forked from yasirkula/UnityIngameDebugConsoleA uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity
AliceParrot Public
Навык "Попугай" для Алисы от Яндекса. Пример кода и инструкции чтобы начать делать свои навыки на C#
unity-toolbar-extender Public
Forked from marijnz/unity-toolbar-extenderExtend the Unity Toolbar with your own Editor UI code.
C# MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2023 -
ObjectPlacer Public
This is a tool for Unity3D editor helps fast to place some objects while you prototyping.